Format strings

Data Generator uses C/C++-like format strings. A format string consists of its format specification and the rest of characters that are put into the result unchanged.
A format specification always starts from the % sign. If it is necessary to use this character as a character instead of a formatting element, it should be doubled.

The most useful format types are:

  • %d - a signed decimal integer. You can use width for this field, for example, %5d. If you specify the width as %05d, the program will add non-significant zeros to reach the specified width.
  • %x - a hexadecimal integer. Uses lowercase letters for hexadecimal integers. %X uses uppercase letters.
  • %f - a value in the form dddd.dddd, where dddd is one or more decimal digits. It is possible to specify sizes in the form %5.2f (2 corresponds to the number of decimal digits here, while 5 is the total).
  • %s - a string. '-' (minus) means alignment to the right if it is specified together with the width.