Value Frequency Report

DTM Database Content Analyzer 1.03.01
DatabaseSQL Server Native Client 11.0: .///AdventureWorks [AdventureWorks]
Analyzed tables70
Total data size, bytes 67 598 332
Report created07-Sep-2015 15:52

Table of Content


Table: dbo.AWBuildVersion, 1 data rows

Table contains unique values only.

Table: dbo.DatabaseLog, 389 data rows

ColumnValues, 20 of 320Count
PostTime, datetime2006-04-26 11:48:51.330 4 or 1.02% rows
 2006-04-26 11:48:51.317 3 or 0.77% rows
 2006-04-26 11:48:51.380 3 or 0.77% rows
 2006-04-26 11:48:52.207 3 or 0.77% rows
 2006-04-26 11:48:52.440 3 or 0.77% rows
 2006-04-26 11:48:52.753 3 or 0.77% rows
 2006-04-26 11:50:45.453 3 or 0.77% rows
 2006-04-26 11:48:51.160 2 or 0.51% rows
 2006-04-26 11:48:51.393 2 or 0.51% rows
 2006-04-26 11:48:51.613 2 or 0.51% rows
 2006-04-26 11:48:52.113 2 or 0.51% rows
 2006-04-26 11:48:52.130 2 or 0.51% rows
 2006-04-26 11:48:52.270 2 or 0.51% rows
 2006-04-26 11:50:08.097 2 or 0.51% rows
 2006-04-26 11:48:52.190 2 or 0.51% rows
 2006-04-26 11:48:52.223 2 or 0.51% rows
 2006-04-26 11:48:52.237 2 or 0.51% rows
 2006-04-26 11:50:37.907 2 or 0.51% rows
 2006-04-26 11:48:52.363 2 or 0.51% rows
 2006-04-26 11:48:52.380 2 or 0.51% rows
DatabaseUser, sysname(128)dbo389 or 100.00% rows
Event, sysname(128)ALTER_TABLE114 or 29.30% rows
 CREATE_INDEX 91 or 23.39% rows
 CREATE_TABLE 69 or 17.73% rows
 CREATE_STATISTICS 39 or 10.02% rows
 CREATE_VIEW 17 or 4.37% rows
 CREATE_FUNCTION 11 or 2.82% rows
 CREATE_TRIGGER 11 or 2.82% rows
 CREATE_PROCEDURE 9 or 2.31% rows
 CREATE_XML_INDEX 8 or 2.05% rows
 CREATE_TYPE 6 or 1.54% rows
 CREATE_SCHEMA 5 or 1.28% rows
Schema, sysname(128)Sales129 or 33.16% rows
 Production114 or 29.30% rows
 HumanResources 44 or 11.31% rows
 Purchasing 38 or 9.76% rows
 Person 36 or 9.25% rows
 dbo 28 or 7.19% rows
ColumnValues, 20 of 269Count
Object, sysname(128)NULL 5 or 1.28% rows
 Individual 4 or 1.02% rows
 AdditionalContactInfoSchemaCollection 3 or 0.77% rows
 Address 3 or 0.77% rows
 Customer 3 or 0.77% rows
 CustomerAddress 3 or 0.77% rows
 BillOfMaterials 3 or 0.77% rows
 ContactCreditCard 3 or 0.77% rows
 CountryRegionCurrency 3 or 0.77% rows
 CurrencyRate 3 or 0.77% rows
 Employee 3 or 0.77% rows
 EmployeeAddress 3 or 0.77% rows
 EmployeeDepartmentHistory 3 or 0.77% rows
 EmployeePayHistory 3 or 0.77% rows
 JobCandidate 3 or 0.77% rows
 Product 3 or 0.77% rows
 ProductCostHistory 3 or 0.77% rows
 ProductDocument 3 or 0.77% rows
 ProductInventory 3 or 0.77% rows
 ProductListPriceHistory 3 or 0.77% rows
ColumnValues, 20 of 351Count
TSQL, nvarchar(max)--ENCRYPTED-- 39 or 10.02% rows
 CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ErrorLog]( [ErrorLogID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL, [ErrorTime] [datetime] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ErrorLog_ErrorTime] DEFAULT (GETDATE()), [UserName] [sysname] NOT NULL, [ErrorNumber] [int] NOT NULL, [ErrorSeverity] [int] NULL, [ErrorState] [int] NULL, [ErrorProcedure] [nvarchar](126) NULL, [ErrorLine] [int] NULL, [ErrorMessage] [nvarchar](4000) NOT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]; 1 or 0.25% rows
 ALTER TABLE [dbo].[ErrorLog] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_ErrorLog_ErrorLogID] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [ErrorLogID] ) ON [PRIMARY]; 1 or 0.25% rows
 CREATE TYPE [AccountNumber] FROM nvarchar(15) NULL; 1 or 0.25% rows
 CREATE TYPE [Flag] FROM bit NOT NULL; 1 or 0.25% rows
 CREATE TYPE [NameStyle] FROM bit NOT NULL; 1 or 0.25% rows
 CREATE XML SCHEMA COLLECTION [HumanResources].[HRResumeSchemaCollection] AS ' Home|Work|Permanent High School|Associate|Bachelor|Master|Doctorate In case the institution does not follow a GPA system ISO 3166 Country Code Voice|Fax|Pager '; 1 or 0.25% rows
  -- uspPrintError prints error information about the error that caused -- execution to jump to the CATCH block of a TRY...CATCH construct. -- Should be executed from within the scope of a CATCH block otherwise -- it will return without printing any error information. CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[uspPrintError] AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; -- Print error information. PRINT 'Error ' + CONVERT(varchar(50), ERROR_NUMBER()) + ', Severity ' + CONVERT(varchar(5), ERROR_SEVERITY()) + ', State ' + CONVERT(varchar(5), ERROR_STATE()) + ', Procedure ' + ISNULL(ERROR_PROCEDURE(), '-') + ', Line ' + CONVERT(varchar(5), ERROR_LINE()); PRINT ERROR_MESSAGE(); END; 1 or 0.25% rows
 CREATE TYPE [Name] FROM nvarchar(50) NULL; 1 or 0.25% rows
 CREATE TYPE [OrderNumber] FROM nvarchar(25) NULL; 1 or 0.25% rows
 CREATE TYPE [Phone] FROM nvarchar(25) NULL; 1 or 0.25% rows
  -- uspLogError logs error information in the ErrorLog table about the -- error that caused execution to jump to the CATCH block of a -- TRY...CATCH construct. This should be executed from within the scope -- of a CATCH block otherwise it will return without inserting error -- information. CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[uspLogError] @ErrorLogID [int] = 0 OUTPUT -- contains the ErrorLogID of the row inserted AS -- by uspLogError in the ErrorLog table BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; -- Output parameter value of 0 indicates that error -- information was not logged SET @ErrorLogID = 0; BEGIN TRY -- Return if there is no error information to log IF ERROR_NUMBER() IS NULL RETURN; -- Return if inside an uncommittable transaction. -- Data insertion/modification is not allowed when -- a transaction is in an uncommittable state. IF XACT_STATE() = -1 BEGIN PRINT 'Cannot log error since the current transaction is in an uncommittable state. ' + 'Rollback the transaction before executing uspLogError in order to successfully log error information.'; RETURN; END INSERT [dbo].[ErrorLog] ( [UserName], [ErrorNumber], [ErrorSeverity], [ErrorState], [ErrorProcedure], [ErrorLine], [ErrorMessage] ) VALUES ( CONVERT(sysname, CURRENT_USER), ERROR_NUMBER(), ERROR_SEVERITY(), ERROR_STATE(), ERROR_PROCEDURE(), ERROR_LINE(), ERROR_MESSAGE() ); -- Pass back the ErrorLogID of the row inserted SET @ErrorLogID = @@IDENTITY; END TRY BEGIN CATCH PRINT 'An error occurred in stored procedure uspLogError: '; EXECUTE [dbo].[uspPrintError]; RETURN -1; END CATCH END; 1 or 0.25% rows
  CREATE SCHEMA [HumanResources] AUTHORIZATION [dbo]; 1 or 0.25% rows
  CREATE SCHEMA [Person] AUTHORIZATION [dbo]; 1 or 0.25% rows
  CREATE SCHEMA [Production] AUTHORIZATION [dbo]; 1 or 0.25% rows
  CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[ufnLeadingZeros]( @Value int ) RETURNS varchar(8) WITH SCHEMABINDING AS BEGIN DECLARE @ReturnValue varchar(8); SET @ReturnValue = CONVERT(varchar(8), @Value); SET @ReturnValue = REPLICATE('0', 8 - DATALENGTH(@ReturnValue)) + @ReturnValue; RETURN (@ReturnValue); END; 1 or 0.25% rows
  CREATE SCHEMA [Purchasing] AUTHORIZATION [dbo]; 1 or 0.25% rows
  CREATE SCHEMA [Sales] AUTHORIZATION [dbo]; 1 or 0.25% rows
 ALTER TABLE [Production].[Culture] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_Culture_CultureID] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [CultureID] ) ON [PRIMARY]; 1 or 0.25% rows
 ALTER TABLE [Production].[Location] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_Location_LocationID] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [LocationID] ) ON [PRIMARY]; 1 or 0.25% rows

Table: HumanResources.Department, 16 data rows

GroupName, NameExecutive General and Administration 5 or 31.25% rows
 Research and Development 3 or 18.75% rows
 Sales and Marketing 2 or 12.50% rows
 Inventory Management 2 or 12.50% rows
 Manufacturing 2 or 12.50% rows
 Quality Assurance 2 or 12.50% rows
ModifiedDate, datetime1998-06-01 00:00:00.000 16 or 100.00% rows

Table: HumanResources.Employee, 290 data rows

ColumnValues, 20 of 48Count
ManagerID, int [3;288]21 22 or 7.58% rows
 184 13 or 4.48% rows
 16 12 or 4.13% rows
 210 12 or 4.13% rows
 38 12 or 4.13% rows
 274 11 or 3.79% rows
 108 10 or 3.44% rows
 268 10 or 3.44% rows
 6 8 or 2.75% rows
 74 8 or 2.75% rows
 18 8 or 2.75% rows
 51 8 or 2.75% rows
 3 7 or 2.41% rows
 185 7 or 2.41% rows
 143 7 or 2.41% rows
 139 7 or 2.41% rows
 42 7 or 2.41% rows
 109 6 or 2.06% rows
 173 6 or 2.06% rows
 87 6 or 2.06% rows
Distribution Chart for 'ManagerID', step is 5.9375

ColumnValues, 20 of 67Count
Title, nvarchar(50)Production Technician - WC60 26 or 8.96% rows
 Production Technician - WC40 26 or 8.96% rows
 Production Technician - WC50 26 or 8.96% rows
 Production Technician - WC30 25 or 8.62% rows
 Production Technician - WC20 22 or 7.58% rows
 Production Technician - WC10 17 or 5.86% rows
 Production Technician - WC45 15 or 5.17% rows
 Sales Representative 14 or 4.82% rows
 Buyer 9 or 3.10% rows
 Marketing Specialist 5 or 1.72% rows
 Application Specialist 4 or 1.37% rows
 Quality Assurance Technician 4 or 1.37% rows
 Scheduling Assistant 4 or 1.37% rows
 Janitor 4 or 1.37% rows
 Marketing Assistant 3 or 1.03% rows
 Production Supervisor - WC60 3 or 1.03% rows
 Design Engineer 3 or 1.03% rows
 Production Supervisor - WC50 3 or 1.03% rows
 Production Supervisor - WC10 3 or 1.03% rows
 Stocker 3 or 1.03% rows
ColumnValues, 20 of 279Count
BirthDate, datetime1952-10-14 00:00:00.000 2 or 0.68% rows
 1966-03-14 00:00:00.000 2 or 0.68% rows
 1966-04-07 00:00:00.000 2 or 0.68% rows
 1977-03-13 00:00:00.000 2 or 0.68% rows
 1966-02-06 00:00:00.000 2 or 0.68% rows
 1976-10-20 00:00:00.000 2 or 0.68% rows
 1976-10-11 00:00:00.000 2 or 0.68% rows
 1961-01-03 00:00:00.000 2 or 0.68% rows
 1976-11-01 00:00:00.000 2 or 0.68% rows
 1968-02-18 00:00:00.000 2 or 0.68% rows
 1968-03-01 00:00:00.000 2 or 0.68% rows
 1972-05-15 00:00:00.000 1 or 0.34% rows
 1977-06-03 00:00:00.000 1 or 0.34% rows
 1964-12-13 00:00:00.000 1 or 0.34% rows
 1965-01-23 00:00:00.000 1 or 0.34% rows
 1949-08-29 00:00:00.000 1 or 0.34% rows
 1965-04-19 00:00:00.000 1 or 0.34% rows
 1946-02-16 00:00:00.000 1 or 0.34% rows
 1946-07-06 00:00:00.000 1 or 0.34% rows
 1942-10-29 00:00:00.000 1 or 0.34% rows
MaritalStatus, nchar(1)M146 or 50.34% rows
 S144 or 49.65% rows
Gender, nchar(1)M206 or 71.03% rows
 F 84 or 28.96% rows
ColumnValues, 20 of 164Count
HireDate, datetime2001-07-01 00:00:00.000 9 or 3.10% rows
 1999-01-08 00:00:00.000 5 or 1.72% rows
 1999-03-12 00:00:00.000 5 or 1.72% rows
 1999-03-30 00:00:00.000 5 or 1.72% rows
 1999-01-13 00:00:00.000 4 or 1.37% rows
 1999-02-05 00:00:00.000 4 or 1.37% rows
 1999-02-13 00:00:00.000 4 or 1.37% rows
 1999-02-23 00:00:00.000 4 or 1.37% rows
 1999-01-03 00:00:00.000 3 or 1.03% rows
 1999-01-05 00:00:00.000 3 or 1.03% rows
 1999-01-10 00:00:00.000 3 or 1.03% rows
 1999-01-15 00:00:00.000 3 or 1.03% rows
 1999-01-16 00:00:00.000 3 or 1.03% rows
 1999-01-18 00:00:00.000 3 or 1.03% rows
 1999-01-26 00:00:00.000 3 or 1.03% rows
 1999-01-28 00:00:00.000 3 or 1.03% rows
 1999-02-03 00:00:00.000 3 or 1.03% rows
 1999-02-12 00:00:00.000 3 or 1.03% rows
 1999-02-15 00:00:00.000 3 or 1.03% rows
 1999-02-18 00:00:00.000 3 or 1.03% rows
SalariedFlag, Flag0238 or 82.06% rows
 1 52 or 17.93% rows
ColumnValues, 20 of 100Count
VacationHours, smallint [0;99]48 4 or 1.37% rows
 21 3 or 1.03% rows
 42 3 or 1.03% rows
 2 3 or 1.03% rows
 9 3 or 1.03% rows
 40 3 or 1.03% rows
 82 3 or 1.03% rows
 83 3 or 1.03% rows
 5 3 or 1.03% rows
 88 3 or 1.03% rows
 6 3 or 1.03% rows
 1 3 or 1.03% rows
 84 3 or 1.03% rows
 79 3 or 1.03% rows
 85 3 or 1.03% rows
 80 3 or 1.03% rows
 86 3 or 1.03% rows
 81 3 or 1.03% rows
 87 3 or 1.03% rows
 41 3 or 1.03% rows
Distribution Chart for 'VacationHours', step is 1.98

ColumnValues, 20 of 51Count
SickLeaveHours, smallint [20;80]64 7 or 2.41% rows
 30 6 or 2.06% rows
 41 6 or 2.06% rows
 21 6 or 2.06% rows
 24 6 or 2.06% rows
 40 6 or 2.06% rows
 61 6 or 2.06% rows
 22 6 or 2.06% rows
 23 6 or 2.06% rows
 20 6 or 2.06% rows
 62 6 or 2.06% rows
 59 6 or 2.06% rows
 60 6 or 2.06% rows
 63 6 or 2.06% rows
 53 6 or 2.06% rows
 54 6 or 2.06% rows
 55 6 or 2.06% rows
 47 6 or 2.06% rows
 46 6 or 2.06% rows
 37 6 or 2.06% rows
Distribution Chart for 'SickLeaveHours', step is 1.2

CurrentFlag, Flag1290 or 100.00% rows
ModifiedDate, datetime2004-07-31 00:00:00.000287 or 98.96% rows
 2005-01-26 09:17:08.637 3 or 1.03% rows

Table: HumanResources.EmployeeAddress, 290 data rows

ModifiedDate, datetime2004-10-13 11:15:06.967290 or 100.00% rows

Table: HumanResources.EmployeeDepartmentHistory, 296 data rows

ColumnValues, 20 of 290Count
EmployeeID, int [1;290]274 3 or 1.01% rows
 4 2 or 0.67% rows
 6 2 or 0.67% rows
 96 2 or 0.67% rows
 140 2 or 0.67% rows
 1 1 or 0.33% rows
 2 1 or 0.33% rows
 3 1 or 0.33% rows
 5 1 or 0.33% rows
 7 1 or 0.33% rows
 8 1 or 0.33% rows
 9 1 or 0.33% rows
 10 1 or 0.33% rows
 11 1 or 0.33% rows
 12 1 or 0.33% rows
 13 1 or 0.33% rows
 14 1 or 0.33% rows
 15 1 or 0.33% rows
 16 1 or 0.33% rows
 17 1 or 0.33% rows
Distribution Chart for 'EmployeeID', step is 5.78

DepartmentID, smallint [1;16]7180 or 60.81% rows
 3 18 or 6.08% rows
 5 13 or 4.39% rows
 10 11 or 3.71% rows
 4 10 or 3.37% rows
 11 10 or 3.37% rows
 1 7 or 2.36% rows
 13 7 or 2.36% rows
 14 7 or 2.36% rows
 8 6 or 2.02% rows
 9 6 or 2.02% rows
 15 6 or 2.02% rows
 12 5 or 1.68% rows
 2 4 or 1.35% rows
 6 4 or 1.35% rows
 16 2 or 0.67% rows
Distribution Chart for 'DepartmentID', step is 0.9375

ShiftID, tinyint [1;3]1182 or 61.48% rows
 2 62 or 20.94% rows
 3 52 or 17.56% rows
Distribution Chart for 'ShiftID', step is 0.666667

ColumnValues, 20 of 170Count
StartDate, datetime2001-07-01 00:00:00.000 9 or 3.04% rows
 1999-01-08 00:00:00.000 5 or 1.68% rows
 1999-03-12 00:00:00.000 5 or 1.68% rows
 1999-03-30 00:00:00.000 5 or 1.68% rows
 1999-01-13 00:00:00.000 4 or 1.35% rows
 1999-02-05 00:00:00.000 4 or 1.35% rows
 1999-02-13 00:00:00.000 4 or 1.35% rows
 1999-02-23 00:00:00.000 4 or 1.35% rows
 1999-01-03 00:00:00.000 3 or 1.01% rows
 1999-01-05 00:00:00.000 3 or 1.01% rows
 1999-01-10 00:00:00.000 3 or 1.01% rows
 1999-01-15 00:00:00.000 3 or 1.01% rows
 1999-01-16 00:00:00.000 3 or 1.01% rows
 1999-01-18 00:00:00.000 3 or 1.01% rows
 1999-01-26 00:00:00.000 3 or 1.01% rows
 1999-01-28 00:00:00.000 3 or 1.01% rows
 1999-02-03 00:00:00.000 3 or 1.01% rows
 1999-02-12 00:00:00.000 3 or 1.01% rows
 1999-02-15 00:00:00.000 3 or 1.01% rows
 1999-02-18 00:00:00.000 3 or 1.01% rows
EndDate, datetimeNULL290 or 97.97% rows
 2000-06-30 00:00:00.000 1 or 0.33% rows
 1999-08-15 00:00:00.000 1 or 0.33% rows
 2001-10-01 00:00:00.000 1 or 0.33% rows
 2003-12-15 00:00:00.000 1 or 0.33% rows
 2001-08-30 00:00:00.000 1 or 0.33% rows
 2002-08-15 00:00:00.000 1 or 0.33% rows
ColumnValues, 20 of 172Count
ModifiedDate, datetime2001-06-30 00:00:00.000 9 or 3.04% rows
 1999-01-07 00:00:00.000 5 or 1.68% rows
 1999-03-11 00:00:00.000 5 or 1.68% rows
 1999-03-29 00:00:00.000 5 or 1.68% rows
 1999-01-12 00:00:00.000 4 or 1.35% rows
 1999-02-04 00:00:00.000 4 or 1.35% rows
 1999-02-12 00:00:00.000 4 or 1.35% rows
 1999-02-22 00:00:00.000 4 or 1.35% rows
 1999-01-02 00:00:00.000 3 or 1.01% rows
 1999-01-04 00:00:00.000 3 or 1.01% rows
 1999-01-09 00:00:00.000 3 or 1.01% rows
 1999-01-14 00:00:00.000 3 or 1.01% rows
 1999-01-15 00:00:00.000 3 or 1.01% rows
 1999-01-17 00:00:00.000 3 or 1.01% rows
 1999-01-25 00:00:00.000 3 or 1.01% rows
 1999-01-27 00:00:00.000 3 or 1.01% rows
 1999-02-02 00:00:00.000 3 or 1.01% rows
 1999-02-11 00:00:00.000 3 or 1.01% rows
 1999-02-14 00:00:00.000 3 or 1.01% rows
 1999-02-17 00:00:00.000 3 or 1.01% rows

Table: HumanResources.EmployeePayHistory, 316 data rows

ColumnValues, 20 of 290Count
EmployeeID, int [1;290]4 3 or 0.94% rows
 6 3 or 0.94% rows
 24 3 or 0.94% rows
 62 3 or 0.94% rows
 96 3 or 0.94% rows
 113 3 or 0.94% rows
 134 3 or 0.94% rows
 140 3 or 0.94% rows
 146 3 or 0.94% rows
 171 3 or 0.94% rows
 183 3 or 0.94% rows
 204 3 or 0.94% rows
 274 3 or 0.94% rows
 1 1 or 0.31% rows
 2 1 or 0.31% rows
 3 1 or 0.31% rows
 5 1 or 0.31% rows
 7 1 or 0.31% rows
 8 1 or 0.31% rows
 9 1 or 0.31% rows
Distribution Chart for 'EmployeeID', step is 5.78

ColumnValues, 20 of 177Count
RateChangeDate, datetime2001-07-01 00:00:00.000 9 or 2.84% rows
 2002-01-01 00:00:00.000 8 or 2.53% rows
 2003-08-15 00:00:00.000 8 or 2.53% rows
 1999-01-08 00:00:00.000 5 or 1.58% rows
 1999-03-12 00:00:00.000 5 or 1.58% rows
 1999-03-30 00:00:00.000 5 or 1.58% rows
 1999-01-13 00:00:00.000 4 or 1.26% rows
 1999-02-05 00:00:00.000 4 or 1.26% rows
 1999-02-13 00:00:00.000 4 or 1.26% rows
 1999-02-23 00:00:00.000 4 or 1.26% rows
 1999-01-03 00:00:00.000 3 or 0.94% rows
 1999-01-05 00:00:00.000 3 or 0.94% rows
 1999-01-10 00:00:00.000 3 or 0.94% rows
 1999-01-15 00:00:00.000 3 or 0.94% rows
 1999-01-16 00:00:00.000 3 or 0.94% rows
 1999-01-18 00:00:00.000 3 or 0.94% rows
 1999-01-26 00:00:00.000 3 or 0.94% rows
 1999-01-28 00:00:00.000 3 or 0.94% rows
 1999-02-03 00:00:00.000 3 or 0.94% rows
 1999-02-12 00:00:00.000 3 or 0.94% rows
ColumnValues, 20 of 66Count
Rate, money [6.5;125.5]9.5000 27 or 8.54% rows
 12.4500 26 or 8.22% rows
 15.0000 26 or 8.22% rows
 11.0000 26 or 8.22% rows
 25.0000 23 or 7.27% rows
 14.0000 22 or 6.96% rows
 13.4500 17 or 5.37% rows
 10.0000 15 or 4.74% rows
 23.0769 14 or 4.43% rows
 18.2692 11 or 3.48% rows
 6.5000 7 or 2.21% rows
 7.2500 7 or 2.21% rows
 14.4231 5 or 1.58% rows
 19.0000 5 or 1.58% rows
 13.4615 4 or 1.26% rows
 27.4038 4 or 1.26% rows
 10.5769 4 or 1.26% rows
 16.0000 4 or 1.26% rows
 9.2500 4 or 1.26% rows
 32.6923 3 or 0.94% rows
Distribution Chart for 'Rate', step is 2.38

PayFrequency, tinyint [1;2]1180 or 56.96% rows
 2136 or 43.03% rows
Distribution Chart for 'PayFrequency', step is 0.5

ColumnValues, 20 of 26Count
ModifiedDate, datetime2004-07-31 00:00:00.000277 or 87.65% rows
 2001-12-18 00:00:00.000 8 or 2.53% rows
 2003-08-01 00:00:00.000 8 or 2.53% rows
 1997-12-22 00:00:00.000 1 or 0.31% rows
 2000-06-16 00:00:00.000 1 or 0.31% rows
 2002-01-01 00:00:00.000 1 or 0.31% rows
 1998-01-06 00:00:00.000 1 or 0.31% rows
 1999-08-02 00:00:00.000 1 or 0.31% rows
 2002-05-18 00:00:00.000 1 or 0.31% rows
 1998-12-20 00:00:00.000 1 or 0.31% rows
 1999-01-08 00:00:00.000 1 or 0.31% rows
 1998-01-25 00:00:00.000 1 or 0.31% rows
 2001-09-17 00:00:00.000 1 or 0.31% rows
 2002-01-18 00:00:00.000 1 or 0.31% rows
 1999-02-03 00:00:00.000 1 or 0.31% rows
 1999-02-14 00:00:00.000 1 or 0.31% rows
 1999-02-18 00:00:00.000 1 or 0.31% rows
 2001-12-01 00:00:00.000 1 or 0.31% rows
 2002-02-15 00:00:00.000 1 or 0.31% rows
 1999-02-20 00:00:00.000 1 or 0.31% rows

Table: HumanResources.JobCandidate, 13 data rows

EmployeeID, int [41;268]NULL 11 or 84.61% rows
 268 1 or 7.69% rows
 41 1 or 7.69% rows
Distribution Chart for 'EmployeeID', step is 75.6667

ModifiedDate, datetime1997-07-24 00:00:00.000 11 or 84.61% rows
 2004-01-23 18:32:21.313 1 or 7.69% rows
 2004-01-23 18:32:21.267 1 or 7.69% rows

Table: HumanResources.Shift, 3 data rows

ModifiedDate, datetime1998-06-01 00:00:00.000 3 or 100.00% rows

Table: Person.Address, 19614 data rows

ColumnValues, 20 of 13572Count
AddressLine1, nvarchar(60)Attache de Presse 17 or 0.08% rows
 Midi-Couleurs 15 or 0.07% rows
 88, avenue de l? Union Centrale 13 or 0.06% rows
 6, route de Marseille 12 or 0.06% rows
 Helsenbergbogen 6 10 or 0.05% rows
 Im Himmelsweg 89 10 or 0.05% rows
 Postfach 22 99 99 9 or 0.04% rows
 11, quai de l? Iton 9 or 0.04% rows
 Werftstr 54 9 or 0.04% rows
 Postfach 55 00 00 8 or 0.04% rows
 2, route de Marseille 8 or 0.04% rows
 1, rue de la Centenaire 7 or 0.03% rows
 Heidestieg Stra?e 8664 7 or 0.03% rows
 44, rue du Depart 7 or 0.03% rows
 68, avenue de l? Union Centrale 7 or 0.03% rows
 11, avenue du President-Kennedy 7 or 0.03% rows
 11, rue du Puits Dixme 7 or 0.03% rows
 33, rue Georges-Clemenceau 6 or 0.03% rows
 Karl Liebknecht str 299 6 or 0.03% rows
 8, rue de l?Avenir 6 or 0.03% rows
ColumnValues, 20 of 196Count
AddressLine2, nvarchar(60)NULL 19 252 or 98.15% rows
 Verkaufsabteilung 35 or 0.17% rows
 Einkaufsabteilung 16 or 0.08% rows
 # 1 9 or 0.04% rows
 # 2 8 or 0.04% rows
 Kreditorenbuchhaltung 8 or 0.04% rows
 Unit A 7 or 0.03% rows
 #9 7 or 0.03% rows
 Leiter der Abteilung 6 or 0.03% rows
 #3 6 or 0.03% rows
 Unit C 6 or 0.03% rows
 Unit E 5 or 0.02% rows
 Unit B 5 or 0.02% rows
 # 4 4 or 0.02% rows
 # 103 4 or 0.02% rows
 #6 4 or 0.02% rows
 # 105 4 or 0.02% rows
 # 14 3 or 0.01% rows
 Unit H 3 or 0.01% rows
 Space 55 3 or 0.01% rows
ColumnValues, 20 of 575Count
City, nvarchar(30)London434 or 2.21% rows
 Paris398 or 2.02% rows
 Burien215 or 1.09% rows
 Concord214 or 1.09% rows
 Bellingham213 or 1.08% rows
 Beaverton213 or 1.08% rows
 Chula Vista207 or 1.05% rows
 Berkeley202 or 1.02% rows
 Burlingame201 or 1.02% rows
 Burbank196 or 0.99% rows
 Bellflower194 or 0.98% rows
 Berlin193 or 0.98% rows
 Beverly Hills188 or 0.95% rows
 Cliffside188 or 0.95% rows
 Bremerton184 or 0.93% rows
 Colma168 or 0.85% rows
 Seattle141 or 0.71% rows
 Coronado134 or 0.68% rows
 Redmond121 or 0.61% rows
 Everett121 or 0.61% rows
ColumnValues, 20 of 74Count
StateProvinceID, int [1;181]9 4 564 or 23.26% rows
 79 2 636 or 13.43% rows
 14 1 954 or 9.96% rows
 50 1 588 or 8.09% rows
 7 1 579 or 8.05% rows
 58 1 105 or 5.63% rows
 77901 or 4.59% rows
 64795 or 4.05% rows
 70453 or 2.30% rows
 53412 or 2.10% rows
 161398 or 2.02% rows
 19385 or 1.96% rows
 20308 or 1.57% rows
 179288 or 1.46% rows
 145286 or 1.45% rows
 66242 or 1.23% rows
 8231 or 1.17% rows
 178201 or 1.02% rows
 164168 or 0.85% rows
 177156 or 0.79% rows
Distribution Chart for 'StateProvinceID', step is 3.6

ColumnValues, 20 of 661Count
PostalCode, nvarchar(15)98168215 or 1.09% rows
 94519214 or 1.09% rows
 98225213 or 1.08% rows
 97005213 or 1.08% rows
 91910207 or 1.05% rows
 91950203 or 1.03% rows
 94704202 or 1.02% rows
 94010201 or 1.02% rows
 V9201 or 1.02% rows
 V7L 4J4196 or 0.99% rows
 91502194 or 0.98% rows
 90706194 or 0.98% rows
 90210188 or 0.95% rows
 V8Y 1L1188 or 0.95% rows
 98312184 or 0.93% rows
 94014168 or 0.85% rows
 2036164 or 0.83% rows
 98104141 or 0.71% rows
 92118134 or 0.68% rows
 98052121 or 0.61% rows
ColumnValues, 20 of 1285Count
ModifiedDate, datetime2004-01-22 10:09:29.423 1 851 or 9.43% rows
 2003-09-01 00:00:00.000119 or 0.60% rows
 2003-08-01 00:00:00.000107 or 0.54% rows
 2002-08-01 00:00:00.000 88 or 0.44% rows
 2001-08-01 00:00:00.000 87 or 0.44% rows
 2001-09-01 00:00:00.000 73 or 0.37% rows
 2002-09-01 00:00:00.000 71 or 0.36% rows
 2002-07-01 00:00:00.000 56 or 0.28% rows
 2004-06-14 00:00:00.000 51 or 0.26% rows
 2001-07-01 00:00:00.000 49 or 0.24% rows
 2003-12-26 00:00:00.000 49 or 0.24% rows
 2003-08-19 00:00:00.000 48 or 0.24% rows
 2004-06-28 00:00:00.000 48 or 0.24% rows
 2003-08-08 00:00:00.000 48 or 0.24% rows
 2003-10-08 00:00:00.000 47 or 0.23% rows
 2003-12-15 00:00:00.000 46 or 0.23% rows
 2003-10-06 00:00:00.000 46 or 0.23% rows
 2003-09-08 00:00:00.000 46 or 0.23% rows
 2003-07-01 00:00:00.000 45 or 0.22% rows
 2003-09-19 00:00:00.000 45 or 0.22% rows

Table: Person.AddressType, 6 data rows

ModifiedDate, datetime1998-06-01 00:00:00.000 6 or 100.00% rows

Table: Person.Contact, 19972 data rows

NameStyle, NameStyle0 19 972 or 100.00% rows
Title, nvarchar(8)NULL 18 963 or 94.94% rows
 Mr.577 or 2.88% rows
 Ms.415 or 2.07% rows
 Sr. 11 or 0.05% rows
 Sra. 3 or 0.01% rows
 Mrs. 2 or 0.01% rows
 Ms 1 or 0.00% rows
ColumnValues, 20 of 1010Count
FirstName, NameRichard103 or 0.51% rows
 Katherine 99 or 0.49% rows
 James 97 or 0.48% rows
 Marcus 97 or 0.48% rows
 Jennifer 96 or 0.48% rows
 Alexandra 93 or 0.46% rows
 Lucas 93 or 0.46% rows
 Dalton 93 or 0.46% rows
 Isabella 92 or 0.46% rows
 Seth 92 or 0.46% rows
 Morgan 92 or 0.46% rows
 Natalie 91 or 0.45% rows
 Robert 90 or 0.45% rows
 Sydney 90 or 0.45% rows
 Eduardo 90 or 0.45% rows
 Kaitlyn 90 or 0.45% rows
 Julia 89 or 0.44% rows
 Ian 89 or 0.44% rows
 Xavier 88 or 0.44% rows
 Chloe 88 or 0.44% rows
ColumnValues, 20 of 72Count
MiddleName, NameNULL 8 499 or 42.55% rows
 A 1 319 or 6.60% rows
 L 1 273 or 6.37% rows
 M 1 141 or 5.71% rows
 J 1 000 or 5.00% rows
 C937 or 4.69% rows
 E736 or 3.68% rows
 R699 or 3.49% rows
 D574 or 2.87% rows
 S492 or 2.46% rows
 K361 or 1.80% rows
 W333 or 1.66% rows
 B291 or 1.45% rows
 G272 or 1.36% rows
 T267 or 1.33% rows
 H264 or 1.32% rows
 P241 or 1.20% rows
 F226 or 1.13% rows
 J.132 or 0.66% rows
 V132 or 0.66% rows
ColumnValues, 20 of 1202Count
LastName, NameDiaz211 or 1.05% rows
 Hernandez188 or 0.94% rows
 Sanchez180 or 0.90% rows
 Martinez173 or 0.86% rows
 Torres172 or 0.86% rows
 Martin171 or 0.85% rows
 Perez170 or 0.85% rows
 Gonzalez169 or 0.84% rows
 Lopez168 or 0.84% rows
 Xu166 or 0.83% rows
 Rodriguez166 or 0.83% rows
 Garcia163 or 0.81% rows
 Shan133 or 0.66% rows
 Lal129 or 0.64% rows
 Jai127 or 0.63% rows
 Russell126 or 0.63% rows
 Coleman125 or 0.62% rows
 Kumar125 or 0.62% rows
 Alexander123 or 0.61% rows
 She123 or 0.61% rows
Suffix, nvarchar(10)NULL 19 919 or 99.73% rows
 Jr. 33 or 0.16% rows
 II 6 or 0.03% rows
 Sr. 6 or 0.03% rows
 IV 3 or 0.01% rows
 III 3 or 0.01% rows
 PhD 2 or 0.01% rows
EmailPromotion, int [0;2]0 11 158 or 55.86% rows
 1 5 044 or 25.25% rows
 2 3 770 or 18.87% rows
Distribution Chart for 'EmailPromotion', step is 0.666667

ColumnValues, 20 of 9938Count
Phone, Phone1 (11) 500 555-0118209 or 1.04% rows
 1 (11) 500 555-0113192 or 0.96% rows
 1 (11) 500 555-0116192 or 0.96% rows
 1 (11) 500 555-0115187 or 0.93% rows
 1 (11) 500 555-0114186 or 0.93% rows
 1 (11) 500 555-0112185 or 0.92% rows
 1 (11) 500 555-0117182 or 0.91% rows
 1 (11) 500 555-0119182 or 0.91% rows
 1 (11) 500 555-0111180 or 0.90% rows
 1 (11) 500 555-0110135 or 0.67% rows
 1 (11) 500 555-0182110 or 0.55% rows
 1 (11) 500 555-0177109 or 0.54% rows
 1 (11) 500 555-0191109 or 0.54% rows
 1 (11) 500 555-0180109 or 0.54% rows
 1 (11) 500 555-0174109 or 0.54% rows
 1 (11) 500 555-0161109 or 0.54% rows
 1 (11) 500 555-0169108 or 0.54% rows
 1 (11) 500 555-0189104 or 0.52% rows
 1 (11) 500 555-0145104 or 0.52% rows
 1 (11) 500 555-0188104 or 0.52% rows
AdditionalContactInfo, xmlNULL 19 962 or 99.94% rows
 425-555-1112Call only after 5:00 p.m.Note that the customer has a secondary home address.123 OakSeattleWA98001USAIf correspondence to the primary address fails, try this one.Customer provided additional email address.customer1@sample.comFor urgent issues, do not send e-mail. Instead use this emergency contact phone425-555-1111.This customer is interested in purchasing high-end bicycles for his family. The customer contacted Michael in sales. 1 or 0.00% rows
 These are additional phone and pager numbers for the customer.206-555-2222On weekends, contact the manager at this number.206-555-1234206-555-1244Do not page between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.Customer provided this additional home address.P.O Box 5EdmondsWA98431USAThis is an alternative address for billing only.Joe@sample.comDo not send e-mail for urgent issues. Use telephone instead.Sales contacted this customer to explain new pricing. 1 or 0.00% rows
 Customer provided this telephone number for weekend access.605-555-9877secondary phone number.310-555-5432Page only if other contact attempts fail.Additional home address.990 5th AvenueRedmondWA98052USAUse this address for billing only.Customer3@sample.comDo not send e-mails for urgent issues. Use telephone instead.Customer first contacted the sales department. This customer is interested in opening a new bicycle store.Linda in sales returned the call. Customer provided another telephone number for off-hour coverage.302-555-7733We are still negotiating possible long-term contract. 1 or 0.00% rows
 Additional phone numbers.750-555-8888If customer is not at work, call222-555-4444Customer uses these two additional email addresses.Customer4@sample.comCustomer4@contoso.comThis is secondary email address.Customer is expanding his sports and recreation business. Sales is negotiating large sales order with this customer. We called Joe at750-555-8888We are still working on competitive pricing. Looks promising, but we need additional marketing support to wrap this up. 1 or 0.00% rows
 Sales contacted this customer for the first time at432-4444We talked about the Road bike price drop and the new spring models. Customer provided us new mobile number432-555-7809 1 or 0.00% rows
 Additional email address.Customer6@sample.comCustomer called us. Interested in the new Touring models. 1 or 0.00% rows
 These are additional phone numbers the customer provided.206-555-2222Best time to call is Monday-Wednesday mornings.209-555-2122 1 or 0.00% rows
 The customer is interested in the Road-450 and Mountain-500 series bicycles. Customer called us. We need to follow up. Pager 206-555-1234 is the best way to reach. 1 or 0.00% rows
 Additional home and mobile phone numbers:253-555-4689253-555-4878 1 or 0.00% rows
 Marketing called this customer. Customer provided this phone number for follow-up questions.305-555-8888If no answer, try this pager number.308-555-3678 and this mobile number308-555-4888 1 or 0.00% rows
ColumnValues, 20 of 1290Count
ModifiedDate, datetime2003-09-01 00:00:00.000136 or 0.68% rows
 2003-08-01 00:00:00.000127 or 0.63% rows
 2002-08-01 00:00:00.000101 or 0.50% rows
 2001-08-01 00:00:00.000 92 or 0.46% rows
 2002-09-01 00:00:00.000 81 or 0.40% rows
 2001-09-01 00:00:00.000 75 or 0.37% rows
 2002-07-01 00:00:00.000 61 or 0.30% rows
 2004-06-14 00:00:00.000 56 or 0.28% rows
 2003-08-08 00:00:00.000 56 or 0.28% rows
 2003-08-19 00:00:00.000 54 or 0.27% rows
 2003-12-15 00:00:00.000 54 or 0.27% rows
 2004-06-28 00:00:00.000 53 or 0.26% rows
 2004-01-08 00:00:00.000 51 or 0.25% rows
 2003-12-26 00:00:00.000 51 or 0.25% rows
 2001-07-01 00:00:00.000 50 or 0.25% rows
 2003-10-08 00:00:00.000 50 or 0.25% rows
 2003-10-06 00:00:00.000 50 or 0.25% rows
 2003-12-07 00:00:00.000 50 or 0.25% rows
 2004-06-05 00:00:00.000 49 or 0.24% rows
 2003-12-29 00:00:00.000 49 or 0.24% rows

Table: Person.ContactType, 20 data rows

ModifiedDate, datetime1998-06-01 00:00:00.000 20 or 100.00% rows

Table: Person.CountryRegion, 238 data rows

ModifiedDate, datetime1998-06-01 00:00:00.000238 or 100.00% rows

Table: Person.StateProvince, 181 data rows

CountryRegionCode, nvarchar(3)FR 96 or 53.03% rows
 US 53 or 29.28% rows
 CA 13 or 7.18% rows
 DE 7 or 3.86% rows
 AU 5 or 2.76% rows
 AS 1 or 0.55% rows
 GB 1 or 0.55% rows
 FM 1 or 0.55% rows
 MH 1 or 0.55% rows
 MP 1 or 0.55% rows
 PW 1 or 0.55% rows
 VI 1 or 0.55% rows
IsOnlyStateProvinceFlag, Flag0173 or 95.58% rows
 1 8 or 4.41% rows
TerritoryID, int [1;10]7 96 or 53.03% rows
 3 14 or 7.73% rows
 2 14 or 7.73% rows
 6 13 or 7.18% rows
 5 12 or 6.62% rows
 1 10 or 5.52% rows
 9 9 or 4.97% rows
 8 7 or 3.86% rows
 4 5 or 2.76% rows
 10 1 or 0.55% rows
Distribution Chart for 'TerritoryID', step is 0.9

ModifiedDate, datetime1998-06-01 00:00:00.000 98 or 54.14% rows
 2004-03-11 10:17:21.587 83 or 45.85% rows

Table: Production.BillOfMaterials, 2679 data rows

ColumnValues, 20 of 239Count
ProductAssemblyID, int [3;999]NULL103 or 3.84% rows
 752 18 or 0.67% rows
 770 18 or 0.67% rows
 971 18 or 0.67% rows
 972 18 or 0.67% rows
 750 17 or 0.63% rows
 765 17 or 0.63% rows
 767 17 or 0.63% rows
 768 17 or 0.63% rows
 771 17 or 0.63% rows
 954 17 or 0.63% rows
 969 17 or 0.63% rows
 980 17 or 0.63% rows
 749 16 or 0.59% rows
 751 16 or 0.59% rows
 757 16 or 0.59% rows
 759 16 or 0.59% rows
 769 16 or 0.59% rows
 773 16 or 0.59% rows
 781 16 or 0.59% rows
Distribution Chart for 'ProductAssemblyID', step is 19.92

ColumnValues, 20 of 325Count
ComponentID, int [1;999]948108 or 4.03% rows
 945104 or 3.88% rows
 894103 or 3.84% rows
 907103 or 3.84% rows
 952102 or 3.80% rows
 327 95 or 3.54% rows
 324 93 or 3.47% rows
 533 90 or 3.35% rows
 326 80 or 2.98% rows
 325 79 or 2.94% rows
 532 79 or 2.94% rows
 399 78 or 2.91% rows
 534 78 or 2.91% rows
 806 59 or 2.20% rows
 950 57 or 2.12% rows
 994 48 or 1.79% rows
 802 32 or 1.19% rows
 996 32 or 1.19% rows
 804 28 or 1.04% rows
 492 27 or 1.00% rows
Distribution Chart for 'ComponentID', step is 19.96

StartDate, datetime2000-04-18 00:00:00.000301 or 11.23% rows
 2000-07-10 00:00:00.000293 or 10.93% rows
 2000-07-20 00:00:00.000271 or 10.11% rows
 2000-09-05 00:00:00.000270 or 10.07% rows
 2001-01-23 00:00:00.000266 or 9.92% rows
 2000-04-04 00:00:00.000257 or 9.59% rows
 2000-06-26 00:00:00.000244 or 9.10% rows
 2001-01-15 00:00:00.000224 or 8.36% rows
 2000-08-08 00:00:00.000188 or 7.01% rows
 2000-10-16 00:00:00.000169 or 6.30% rows
 2000-08-26 00:00:00.000 37 or 1.38% rows
 2000-09-09 00:00:00.000 35 or 1.30% rows
 2000-11-05 00:00:00.000 29 or 1.08% rows
 2000-06-18 00:00:00.000 25 or 0.93% rows
 2000-12-16 00:00:00.000 20 or 0.74% rows
 2000-10-08 00:00:00.000 19 or 0.70% rows
 2000-06-04 00:00:00.000 15 or 0.55% rows
 2000-09-19 00:00:00.000 15 or 0.55% rows
 2000-06-06 00:00:00.000 1 or 0.03% rows
EndDate, datetimeNULL 2 480 or 92.57% rows
 2000-08-25 00:00:00.000 37 or 1.38% rows
 2000-09-08 00:00:00.000 36 or 1.34% rows
 2000-11-04 00:00:00.000 30 or 1.11% rows
 2000-06-17 00:00:00.000 26 or 0.97% rows
 2000-12-15 00:00:00.000 20 or 0.74% rows
 2000-10-07 00:00:00.000 20 or 0.74% rows
 2000-06-03 00:00:00.000 15 or 0.55% rows
 2000-09-18 00:00:00.000 15 or 0.55% rows
UnitMeasureCode, nchar(3)EA 2 578 or 96.22% rows
 OZ 92 or 3.43% rows
 IN 9 or 0.33% rows
BOMLevel, smallint [1;4]1 1 548 or 57.78% rows
 2993 or 37.06% rows
 0103 or 3.84% rows
 3 31 or 1.15% rows
 4 4 or 0.14% rows
Distribution Chart for 'BOMLevel', step is 0.6

PerAssemblyQty, decimal [1;41]1.00 2 080 or 77.64% rows
 2.00343 or 12.80% rows
 4.00 88 or 3.28% rows
 8.00 81 or 3.02% rows
 36.00 28 or 1.04% rows
 3.00 27 or 1.00% rows
 9.00 14 or 0.52% rows
 40.00 8 or 0.29% rows
 10.00 4 or 0.14% rows
 37.00 3 or 0.11% rows
 5.00 2 or 0.07% rows
 41.00 1 or 0.03% rows
Distribution Chart for 'PerAssemblyQty', step is 3.33333

ColumnValues, 20 of 27Count
ModifiedDate, datetime2000-04-04 00:00:00.000275 or 10.26% rows
 2001-01-09 00:00:00.000266 or 9.92% rows
 2000-06-26 00:00:00.000257 or 9.59% rows
 2000-07-06 00:00:00.000256 or 9.55% rows
 2000-03-21 00:00:00.000242 or 9.03% rows
 2000-08-22 00:00:00.000240 or 8.95% rows
 2001-01-01 00:00:00.000224 or 8.36% rows
 2000-06-12 00:00:00.000207 or 7.72% rows
 2000-07-25 00:00:00.000168 or 6.27% rows
 2000-10-02 00:00:00.000149 or 5.56% rows
 2000-08-25 00:00:00.000 37 or 1.38% rows
 2000-08-12 00:00:00.000 37 or 1.38% rows
 2000-09-08 00:00:00.000 36 or 1.34% rows
 2000-08-26 00:00:00.000 35 or 1.30% rows
 2000-11-04 00:00:00.000 30 or 1.11% rows
 2000-10-22 00:00:00.000 29 or 1.08% rows
 2000-06-17 00:00:00.000 26 or 0.97% rows
 2000-06-04 00:00:00.000 25 or 0.93% rows
 2000-12-15 00:00:00.000 20 or 0.74% rows
 2000-12-02 00:00:00.000 20 or 0.74% rows

Table: Production.Culture, 8 data rows

ModifiedDate, datetime1998-06-01 00:00:00.000 8 or 100.00% rows

Table: Production.Document, 9 data rows

FileExtension, nvarchar(8).doc 9 or 100.00% rows
Revision, nchar(5)0 3 or 33.33% rows
 1 2 or 22.22% rows
 3 1 or 11.11% rows
 4 1 or 11.11% rows
 2 1 or 11.11% rows
 8 1 or 11.11% rows
Status, tinyint [1;3]2 6 or 66.66% rows
 1 2 or 22.22% rows
 3 1 or 11.11% rows
Distribution Chart for 'Status', step is 0.666667

DocumentSummary, nvarchar(max)NULL 4 or 44.44% rows
 Reflectors are vital safety components of your bicycle. Always ensure your front and back reflectors are clean and in good repair. Detailed instructions and illustrations are included should you need to replace the front reflector or front reflector bracket of your Adventure Works Cycles bicycle. 1 or 11.11% rows
 Detailed instructions for replacing pedals with Adventure Works Cycles replacement pedals. Instructions are applicable to all Adventure Works Cycles bicycle models and replacement pedals. Use only Adventure Works Cycles parts when replacing worn or broken components. 1 or 11.11% rows
 Guidelines and recommendations for lubricating the required components of your Adventure Works Cycles bicycle. Component lubrication is vital to ensuring a smooth and safe ride and should be part of your standard maintenance routine. Details instructions are provided for each bicycle component requiring regular lubrication including the frequency at which oil or grease should be applied. 1 or 11.11% rows
 It is important that you maintain your bicycle and keep it in good repair. Detailed repair and service guidelines are provided along with instructions for adjusting the tightness of the suspension fork. 1 or 11.11% rows
 Worn or damaged seats can be easily replaced following these simple instructions. Instructions are applicable to these Adventure Works Cycles models: Mountain 100 through Mountain 500. Use only Adventure Works Cycles parts when replacing worn or broken components. 1 or 11.11% rows
ModifiedDate, datetime2002-06-01 00:00:00.000 3 or 33.33% rows
 2003-07-01 00:00:00.000 3 or 33.33% rows
 2002-11-20 09:56:38.273 1 or 11.11% rows
 1998-05-02 00:00:00.000 1 or 11.11% rows
 2003-06-01 00:00:00.000 1 or 11.11% rows

Table: Production.Illustration, 5 data rows

Table contains unique values only.

Table: Production.Location, 14 data rows

CostRate, smallmoney [12.25;25].0000 7 or 50.00% rows
 12.2500 2 or 14.28% rows
 22.5000 1 or 7.14% rows
 25.0000 1 or 7.14% rows
 14.5000 1 or 7.14% rows
 15.7500 1 or 7.14% rows
 18.0000 1 or 7.14% rows
Distribution Chart for 'CostRate', step is 1.82143

Availability, decimal [80;120].00 7 or 50.00% rows
 120.00 4 or 28.57% rows
 96.00 1 or 7.14% rows
 108.00 1 or 7.14% rows
 80.00 1 or 7.14% rows
Distribution Chart for 'Availability', step is 8

ModifiedDate, datetime1998-06-01 00:00:00.000 14 or 100.00% rows

Table: Production.Product, 504 data rows

MakeFlag, Flag0265 or 52.57% rows
 1239 or 47.42% rows
FinishedGoodsFlag, Flag1295 or 58.53% rows
 0209 or 41.46% rows
Color, nvarchar(15)NULL248 or 49.20% rows
 Black 93 or 18.45% rows
 Silver 43 or 8.53% rows
 Red 38 or 7.53% rows
 Yellow 36 or 7.14% rows
 Blue 26 or 5.15% rows
 Multi 8 or 1.58% rows
 Silver/Black 7 or 1.38% rows
 White 4 or 0.79% rows
 Grey 1 or 0.19% rows
SafetyStockLevel, smallint [4;1000]500167 or 33.13% rows
 1000156 or 30.95% rows
 100 97 or 19.24% rows
 4 54 or 10.71% rows
 800 25 or 4.96% rows
 60 5 or 0.99% rows
Distribution Chart for 'SafetyStockLevel', step is 166

ReorderPoint, smallint [3;750]375167 or 33.13% rows
 750156 or 30.95% rows
 75 97 or 19.24% rows
 3 54 or 10.71% rows
 600 25 or 4.96% rows
 45 5 or 0.99% rows
Distribution Chart for 'ReorderPoint', step is 124.5

ColumnValues, 20 of 114Count
StandardCost, money [0;2171.29].0000200 or 39.68% rows
 486.7066 12 or 2.38% rows
 199.8519 10 or 1.98% rows
 461.4448 10 or 1.98% rows
 868.6342 9 or 1.78% rows
 601.7437 8 or 1.58% rows
 1481.9379 8 or 1.58% rows
 204.6251 6 or 1.19% rows
 187.1571 6 or 1.19% rows
 352.1394 5 or 0.99% rows
 2171.2942 5 or 0.99% rows
 884.7083 5 or 0.99% rows
 1554.9479 5 or 0.99% rows
 713.0798 5 or 0.99% rows
 360.9428 5 or 0.99% rows
 144.5938 5 or 0.99% rows
 136.7850 5 or 0.99% rows
 308.2179 5 or 0.99% rows
 294.5797 5 or 0.99% rows
 38.4923 4 or 0.79% rows
Distribution Chart for 'StandardCost', step is 43.4259

ColumnValues, 20 of 103Count
ListPrice, money [0;3578.27].0000200 or 39.68% rows
 337.2200 12 or 2.38% rows
 782.9900 12 or 2.38% rows
 1431.5000 11 or 2.18% rows
 594.8300 10 or 1.98% rows
 333.4200 10 or 1.98% rows
 742.3500 10 or 1.98% rows
 539.9900 9 or 1.78% rows
 2443.3500 8 or 1.58% rows
 1003.9100 8 or 1.58% rows
 2384.0700 8 or 1.58% rows
 1364.5000 5 or 0.99% rows
 1349.6000 5 or 0.99% rows
 3578.2700 5 or 0.99% rows
 1457.9900 5 or 0.99% rows
 1120.4900 5 or 0.99% rows
 53.9900 5 or 0.99% rows
 264.0500 5 or 0.99% rows
 249.7900 5 or 0.99% rows
 564.9900 5 or 0.99% rows
Distribution Chart for 'ListPrice', step is 71.5654

Size, nvarchar(5)NULL293 or 58.13% rows
 44 29 or 5.75% rows
 48 25 or 4.96% rows
 52 16 or 3.17% rows
 58 15 or 2.97% rows
 42 15 or 2.97% rows
 38 12 or 2.38% rows
 M 11 or 2.18% rows
 L 11 or 2.18% rows
 62 11 or 2.18% rows
 60 11 or 2.18% rows
 46 11 or 2.18% rows
 40 11 or 2.18% rows
 S 9 or 1.78% rows
 50 9 or 1.78% rows
 54 9 or 1.78% rows
 XL 3 or 0.59% rows
 56 2 or 0.39% rows
 70 1 or 0.19% rows
SizeUnitMeasureCode, nchar(3)NULL328 or 65.07% rows
 CM 176 or 34.92% rows
WeightUnitMeasureCode, nchar(3)NULL299 or 59.32% rows
 LB 176 or 34.92% rows
 G 29 or 5.75% rows
ColumnValues, 20 of 128Count
Weight, decimal [2.12;1050]NULL299 or 59.32% rows
 2.30 4 or 0.79% rows
 2.96 4 or 0.79% rows
 3.00 4 or 0.79% rows
 3.04 4 or 0.79% rows
 2.24 3 or 0.59% rows
 2.36 3 or 0.59% rows
 450.00 2 or 0.39% rows
 400.00 2 or 0.39% rows
 2.12 2 or 0.39% rows
 2.16 2 or 0.39% rows
 2.20 2 or 0.39% rows
 2.46 2 or 0.39% rows
 2.48 2 or 0.39% rows
 2.50 2 or 0.39% rows
 2.32 2 or 0.39% rows
 2.40 2 or 0.39% rows
 2.22 2 or 0.39% rows
 2.26 2 or 0.39% rows
 2.72 2 or 0.39% rows
Distribution Chart for 'Weight', step is 20.9576

DaysToManufacture, int [0;4]0246 or 48.80% rows
 1154 or 30.55% rows
 4 97 or 19.24% rows
 2 7 or 1.38% rows
Distribution Chart for 'DaysToManufacture', step is 1

ProductLine, nchar(2)NULL226 or 44.84% rows
 R 100 or 19.84% rows
 M 91 or 18.05% rows
 T 52 or 10.31% rows
 S 35 or 6.94% rows
Class, nchar(2)NULL257 or 50.99% rows
 L 97 or 19.24% rows
 H 82 or 16.26% rows
 M 68 or 13.49% rows
Style, nchar(2)NULL293 or 58.13% rows
 U 176 or 34.92% rows
 W 28 or 5.55% rows
 M 7 or 1.38% rows
ColumnValues, 20 of 38Count
ProductSubcategoryID, int [1;37]NULL209 or 41.46% rows
 2 43 or 8.53% rows
 14 33 or 6.54% rows
 1 32 or 6.34% rows
 12 28 or 5.55% rows
 3 22 or 4.36% rows
 16 18 or 3.57% rows
 17 14 or 2.77% rows
 37 11 or 2.18% rows
 15 9 or 1.78% rows
 21 8 or 1.58% rows
 4 8 or 1.58% rows
 22 7 or 1.38% rows
 13 7 or 1.38% rows
 20 6 or 1.19% rows
 23 4 or 0.79% rows
 31 3 or 0.59% rows
 10 3 or 0.59% rows
 11 3 or 0.59% rows
 33 3 or 0.59% rows
Distribution Chart for 'ProductSubcategoryID', step is 0.947368

ColumnValues, 20 of 120Count
ProductModelID, int [1;128]NULL209 or 41.46% rows
 9 12 or 2.38% rows
 30 12 or 2.38% rows
 6 11 or 2.18% rows
 5 10 or 1.98% rows
 10 10 or 1.98% rows
 8 10 or 1.98% rows
 36 10 or 1.98% rows
 23 10 or 1.98% rows
 19 8 or 1.58% rows
 26 8 or 1.58% rows
 7 8 or 1.58% rows
 34 8 or 1.58% rows
 20 6 or 1.19% rows
 16 5 or 0.99% rows
 25 5 or 0.99% rows
 28 5 or 0.99% rows
 29 5 or 0.99% rows
 15 5 or 0.99% rows
 17 5 or 0.99% rows
Distribution Chart for 'ProductModelID', step is 2.54

SellStartDate, datetime1998-06-01 00:00:00.000211 or 41.86% rows
 2003-07-01 00:00:00.000136 or 26.98% rows
 2002-07-01 00:00:00.000 85 or 16.86% rows
 2001-07-01 00:00:00.000 72 or 14.28% rows
SellEndDate, datetimeNULL406 or 80.55% rows
 2003-06-30 00:00:00.000 69 or 13.69% rows
 2002-06-30 00:00:00.000 29 or 5.75% rows
DiscontinuedDate, datetimeNULL504 or 100.00% rows
ModifiedDate, datetime2004-03-11 10:01:36.827503 or 99.80% rows
 2004-03-11 10:03:55.510 1 or 0.19% rows

Table: Production.ProductCategory, 4 data rows

ModifiedDate, datetime1998-06-01 00:00:00.000 4 or 100.00% rows

Table: Production.ProductCostHistory, 395 data rows

ColumnValues, 20 of 293Count
ProductID, int [707;999]707 3 or 0.75% rows
 708 3 or 0.75% rows
 711 3 or 0.75% rows
 712 3 or 0.75% rows
 713 3 or 0.75% rows
 714 3 or 0.75% rows
 715 3 or 0.75% rows
 716 3 or 0.75% rows
 717 3 or 0.75% rows
 718 3 or 0.75% rows
 719 3 or 0.75% rows
 720 3 or 0.75% rows
 721 3 or 0.75% rows
 722 3 or 0.75% rows
 723 3 or 0.75% rows
 724 3 or 0.75% rows
 736 3 or 0.75% rows
 737 3 or 0.75% rows
 738 3 or 0.75% rows
 739 3 or 0.75% rows
Distribution Chart for 'ProductID', step is 5.84

StartDate, datetime2003-07-01 00:00:00.000195 or 49.36% rows
 2002-07-01 00:00:00.000128 or 32.40% rows
 2001-07-01 00:00:00.000 72 or 18.22% rows
EndDate, datetimeNULL195 or 49.36% rows
 2003-06-30 00:00:00.000128 or 32.40% rows
 2002-06-30 00:00:00.000 72 or 18.22% rows
ColumnValues, 20 of 134Count
StandardCost, money [0.8565;2171.29]413.1463 12 or 3.03% rows
 486.7066 12 or 3.03% rows
 199.8519 10 or 2.53% rows
 461.4448 10 or 2.53% rows
 722.2568 9 or 2.27% rows
 868.6342 9 or 2.27% rows
 601.7437 8 or 2.02% rows
 1481.9379 8 or 2.02% rows
 176.1997 6 or 1.51% rows
 170.1428 6 or 1.51% rows
 204.6251 6 or 1.51% rows
 181.4857 6 or 1.51% rows
 187.1571 6 or 1.51% rows
 747.9682 5 or 1.26% rows
 352.1394 5 or 1.26% rows
 2171.2942 5 or 1.26% rows
 884.7083 5 or 1.26% rows
 1320.6838 5 or 1.26% rows
 1554.9479 5 or 1.26% rows
 605.6492 5 or 1.26% rows
Distribution Chart for 'StandardCost', step is 43.4088

ModifiedDate, datetime2003-06-17 00:00:00.000195 or 49.36% rows
 2003-06-30 00:00:00.000128 or 32.40% rows
 2002-06-30 00:00:00.000 72 or 18.22% rows

Table: Production.ProductDescription, 762 data rows

ColumnValues, 20 of 683Count
Description, nvarchar(400)????????????????? 7 or 0.91% rows
 ???????????????????? 5 or 0.65% rows
 ?????????????????? 5 or 0.65% rows
 ??????????? 4 or 0.52% rows
 ????????? 4 or 0.52% rows
 ?????? 4 or 0.52% rows
 ??????????????????? 4 or 0.52% rows
 ??????????????? 3 or 0.39% rows
 ???????????????????????????? 3 or 0.39% rows
 ??????????????????????????????????? 3 or 0.39% rows
 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????? 3 or 0.39% rows
 ?????????????????????? 3 or 0.39% rows
 ????????????? 3 or 0.39% rows
 ???????????? 3 or 0.39% rows
 ???????????????? 3 or 0.39% rows
 Wide-link design. 2 or 0.26% rows
 Replacement mountain wheel for entry-level rider. 2 or 0.26% rows
 Replacement mountain wheel for the casual to serious rider. 2 or 0.26% rows
 High-performance mountain replacement wheel. 2 or 0.26% rows
 ????? ???? ???????. 2 or 0.26% rows
ModifiedDate, datetime2003-06-01 00:00:00.000636 or 83.46% rows
 2004-03-11 10:32:17.973126 or 16.53% rows

Table: Production.ProductDocument, 32 data rows

ColumnValues, 20 of 31Count
ProductID, int [317;999]506 2 or 6.25% rows
 317 1 or 3.12% rows
 318 1 or 3.12% rows
 319 1 or 3.12% rows
 514 1 or 3.12% rows
 515 1 or 3.12% rows
 516 1 or 3.12% rows
 517 1 or 3.12% rows
 518 1 or 3.12% rows
 519 1 or 3.12% rows
 520 1 or 3.12% rows
 521 1 or 3.12% rows
 522 1 or 3.12% rows
 928 1 or 3.12% rows
 929 1 or 3.12% rows
 930 1 or 3.12% rows
 931 1 or 3.12% rows
 932 1 or 3.12% rows
 933 1 or 3.12% rows
 934 1 or 3.12% rows
Distribution Chart for 'ProductID', step is 22

DocumentID, int [1;8]1 10 or 31.25% rows
 8 9 or 28.12% rows
 4 7 or 21.87% rows
 5 4 or 12.50% rows
 2 1 or 3.12% rows
 3 1 or 3.12% rows
Distribution Chart for 'DocumentID', step is 1.16667

ModifiedDate, datetime2004-01-30 13:51:58.103 22 or 68.75% rows
 2004-01-30 13:51:58.120 10 or 31.25% rows

Table: Production.ProductInventory, 1069 data rows

ColumnValues, 20 of 432Count
ProductID, int [1;999]747 6 or 0.56% rows
 748 6 or 0.56% rows
 814 6 or 0.56% rows
 822 6 or 0.56% rows
 942 6 or 0.56% rows
 943 6 or 0.56% rows
 944 6 or 0.56% rows
 1 3 or 0.28% rows
 2 3 or 0.28% rows
 3 3 or 0.28% rows
 4 3 or 0.28% rows
 316 3 or 0.28% rows
 317 3 or 0.28% rows
 318 3 or 0.28% rows
 319 3 or 0.28% rows
 320 3 or 0.28% rows
 321 3 or 0.28% rows
 322 3 or 0.28% rows
 323 3 or 0.28% rows
 324 3 or 0.28% rows
Distribution Chart for 'ProductID', step is 19.96

LocationID, smallint [1;60]50251 or 23.47% rows
 6201 or 18.80% rows
 1167 or 15.62% rows
 7151 or 14.12% rows
 60141 or 13.18% rows
 5 51 or 4.77% rows
 10 46 or 4.30% rows
 20 20 or 1.87% rows
 2 12 or 1.12% rows
 40 9 or 0.84% rows
 30 7 or 0.65% rows
 3 5 or 0.46% rows
 4 5 or 0.46% rows
 45 3 or 0.28% rows
Distribution Chart for 'LocationID', step is 4.21429

ColumnValues, 20 of 21Count
Shelf, nvarchar(10)N/A290 or 27.12% rows
 G 96 or 8.98% rows
 E 85 or 7.95% rows
 A 81 or 7.57% rows
 R 61 or 5.70% rows
 F 59 or 5.51% rows
 C 55 or 5.14% rows
 D 50 or 4.67% rows
 U 38 or 3.55% rows
 H 37 or 3.46% rows
 B 36 or 3.36% rows
 L 33 or 3.08% rows
 K 29 or 2.71% rows
 T 28 or 2.61% rows
 J 27 or 2.52% rows
 S 17 or 1.59% rows
 M 14 or 1.30% rows
 W 14 or 1.30% rows
 N 10 or 0.93% rows
 V 7 or 0.65% rows
ColumnValues, 20 of 62Count
Bin, tinyint [0;61]0328 or 30.68% rows
 1 52 or 4.86% rows
 3 48 or 4.49% rows
 2 46 or 4.30% rows
 5 43 or 4.02% rows
 4 43 or 4.02% rows
 6 41 or 3.83% rows
 7 40 or 3.74% rows
 8 34 or 3.18% rows
 9 33 or 3.08% rows
 10 32 or 2.99% rows
 11 27 or 2.52% rows
 12 25 or 2.33% rows
 14 21 or 1.96% rows
 13 19 or 1.77% rows
 15 18 or 1.68% rows
 16 17 or 1.59% rows
 17 17 or 1.59% rows
 18 17 or 1.59% rows
 19 13 or 1.21% rows
Distribution Chart for 'Bin', step is 1.22

ColumnValues, 20 of 343Count
Quantity, smallint [0;924]99 13 or 1.21% rows
 324 11 or 1.02% rows
 81 11 or 1.02% rows
 321 10 or 0.93% rows
 288 10 or 0.93% rows
 388 9 or 0.84% rows
 252 9 or 0.84% rows
 121 9 or 0.84% rows
 73 9 or 0.84% rows
 60 9 or 0.84% rows
 108 9 or 0.84% rows
 67 9 or 0.84% rows
 123 9 or 0.84% rows
 427 8 or 0.74% rows
 585 8 or 0.74% rows
 144 8 or 0.74% rows
 49 8 or 0.74% rows
 30 8 or 0.74% rows
 216 8 or 0.74% rows
 78 8 or 0.74% rows
Distribution Chart for 'Quantity', step is 18.48

ColumnValues, 20 of 24Count
ModifiedDate, datetime2003-06-01 00:00:00.000157 or 14.68% rows
 2002-06-01 00:00:00.000145 or 13.56% rows
 2004-09-12 00:00:00.000 98 or 9.16% rows
 2001-06-01 00:00:00.000 82 or 7.67% rows
 2004-09-10 00:00:00.000 79 or 7.39% rows
 1998-05-02 00:00:00.000 76 or 7.10% rows
 2004-09-11 00:00:00.000 76 or 7.10% rows
 2004-09-09 00:00:00.000 66 or 6.17% rows
 2004-09-08 00:00:00.000 38 or 3.55% rows
 2004-09-07 00:00:00.000 30 or 2.80% rows
 2004-09-01 00:00:00.000 30 or 2.80% rows
 2004-09-05 00:00:00.000 27 or 2.52% rows
 2004-08-31 00:00:00.000 21 or 1.96% rows
 2004-09-04 00:00:00.000 21 or 1.96% rows
 2004-08-28 00:00:00.000 18 or 1.68% rows
 2004-09-03 00:00:00.000 18 or 1.68% rows
 2004-08-30 00:00:00.000 18 or 1.68% rows
 2004-09-06 00:00:00.000 18 or 1.68% rows
 2004-08-25 00:00:00.000 15 or 1.40% rows
 2004-09-02 00:00:00.000 15 or 1.40% rows

Table: Production.ProductListPriceHistory, 395 data rows

ColumnValues, 20 of 293Count
ProductID, int [707;999]707 3 or 0.75% rows
 708 3 or 0.75% rows
 711 3 or 0.75% rows
 712 3 or 0.75% rows
 713 3 or 0.75% rows
 714 3 or 0.75% rows
 715 3 or 0.75% rows
 716 3 or 0.75% rows
 717 3 or 0.75% rows
 718 3 or 0.75% rows
 719 3 or 0.75% rows
 720 3 or 0.75% rows
 721 3 or 0.75% rows
 722 3 or 0.75% rows
 723 3 or 0.75% rows
 724 3 or 0.75% rows
 736 3 or 0.75% rows
 737 3 or 0.75% rows
 738 3 or 0.75% rows
 739 3 or 0.75% rows
Distribution Chart for 'ProductID', step is 5.84

StartDate, datetime2003-07-01 00:00:00.000195 or 49.36% rows
 2002-07-01 00:00:00.000128 or 32.40% rows
 2001-07-01 00:00:00.000 72 or 18.22% rows
EndDate, datetimeNULL195 or 49.36% rows
 2003-06-30 00:00:00.000128 or 32.40% rows
 2002-06-30 00:00:00.000 72 or 18.22% rows
ColumnValues, 20 of 120Count
ListPrice, money [2.29;3578.27]306.5636 12 or 3.03% rows
 337.2200 12 or 3.03% rows
 699.0982 12 or 3.03% rows
 782.9900 12 or 3.03% rows
 594.8300 10 or 2.53% rows
 333.4200 10 or 2.53% rows
 742.3500 10 or 2.53% rows
 1301.3636 9 or 2.27% rows
 1431.5000 9 or 2.27% rows
 539.9900 9 or 2.27% rows
 48.0673 8 or 2.02% rows
 2443.3500 8 or 2.02% rows
 1003.9100 8 or 2.02% rows
 2384.0700 8 or 2.02% rows
 33.6442 6 or 1.51% rows
 297.6346 6 or 1.51% rows
 1263.4598 5 or 1.26% rows
 1364.5000 5 or 1.26% rows
 1349.6000 5 or 1.26% rows
 3578.2700 5 or 1.26% rows
Distribution Chart for 'ListPrice', step is 71.5196

ModifiedDate, datetime2003-06-10 00:00:00.000195 or 49.36% rows
 2003-06-30 00:00:00.000128 or 32.40% rows
 2002-06-30 00:00:00.000 72 or 18.22% rows

Table: Production.ProductModel, 128 data rows

CatalogDescription, xmlNULL122 or 95.31% rows
 Our top-of-the-line competition mountain bike. Performance-enhancing options include the innovative HL Frame, super-smooth front suspension, and traction for all terrain. AdventureWorks2002HTTP://www.Adventure-works.comThese are the product highlights. 3 yearsparts and labor10 yearsmaintenance contract available through your dealer or any AdventureWorks retail store.High performance wheels.Anatomic design and made from durable leather for a full-day of riding in comfort.Top-of-the-line clipless pedals with adjustable tension.Each frame is hand-crafted in our Bothell facility to the optimum diameter and wall-thickness required of a premium mountain frame. The heat-treated welded aluminum frame has a larger diameter tube that absorbs the bumps. Triple crankset; alumunim crank arm; flawless shifting. frontsmall118 These are the product specifications. Almuminum AlloyAvailable in most colorsMountain bikeAdvanced to Professional riders 1 or 0.78% rows
 Suitable for any type of riding, on or off-road. Fits any budget. Smooth-shifting with a comfortable ride. AdventureWorks2002HTTP://www.Adventure-works.comProduct highlights include: 1 yearparts and labor3 yearsmaintenance contact available through dealerStable, durable wheels suitable for novice riders.Made from synthetic leather and features gel padding for increased comfort.Expanded platform so you can ride in any shoes; great for all-around riding. Super rigid spindle. Our best value frame utilizing the same, ground-breaking technology as the ML aluminum frame.frontsmall1 These are the product specifications. Varies Centimeters. Aluminum AlloyAvailable in all colors.Mountain bikeNovice to Intermediate riders 1 or 0.78% rows
 This bike is ridden by race winners. Developed with the Adventure Works Cycles professional race team, it has a extremely light heat-treated aluminum frame, and steering that allows precision control. AdventureWorks2002HTTP://www.Adventure-works.comThese are the product highlights. 4 yearsparts and labor7 yearsmaintenance contact available through dealer or any Adventure Works Cycles retail store.Designed for racers; high-end anatomically shaped bar from aluminum alloy.Strong wheels with double-walled rims.Lightweight kevlar racing saddle.Top-of-the-line clipless pedals with adjustable tension.Our lightest and best quality aluminum frame made from the newest alloy; it is welded and heat-treated for strength. Our innovative design results in maximum comfort and performance.frontsmall126 These are the product specifications. AluminumAvailable in all colors.Road bikeIntermediate to Professional riders 1 or 0.78% rows
 A true multi-sport bike that offers streamlined riding and a revolutionary design. Aerodynamic design lets you ride with the pros, and the gearing will conquer hilly roads. AdventureWorks2002HTTP://www.Adventure-works.comThese are the product highlights. 1 yearparts and labor5 yearsmaintenance contact available through dealerIncredibly strong professional grade handlebar.Aluminum alloy rim with stainless steel spokes; built for speed on our high quality rubber tires.Comfortable saddle with bump absorping rubber bumpers.Top-of-the-line clipless pedals with adjustable tension.aluminum alloy frame and features a lightweight down-tube milled to the perfect diameter for optimal strength.frontsmall111 These are the product specifications. Varies Centimeters. Aluminum AlloyVaries with size Available in all colors.Road bikeNovice to Advanced riders 1 or 0.78% rows
 Travel in style and comfort. Designed for maximum comfort and safety. Wide gear range takes on all hills. High-tech aluminum alloy construction provides durability without added weight. AdventureWorks2002HTTP://www.Adventure-works.comThese are the product highlights. 1 yearparts and labor5 yearsmaintenance contact available through dealerA light yet stiff aluminum bar for long distance riding.Excellent aerodynamic rims guarantee a smooth ride.Cut-out shell for a more comfortable ride.A stable pedal for all-day riding.aluminum alloy frame and features a lightweight down-tube milled to the perfect diameter for optimal strength.frontsmall87 These are the product specifications. Aluminum alloy Available in most colors.Touring bikeNovice to Advanced riders 1 or 0.78% rows
 The plush custom saddle keeps you riding all day, and there's plenty of space to add panniers and bike bags to the newly-redesigned carrier. This bike has great stability when fully-loaded. AdventureWorks2002HTTP://www.Adventure-works.comThese are the product highlights. 1 yearparts and labor5 yearsmaintenance contact available through dealerA light yet stiff aluminum bar for long distance riding.New design relieves pressure for long rides.Top-of-the-line clipless pedals with adjustable tension. High-strength crank arm. The aluminum frame is custom-shaped for both good looks and strength; it will withstand the most rigorous challenges of daily riding.frontsmall87 These are the product specifications. AluminumAvailable in all colors except metallic.Touring bikeAluminium alloyIntermediate to Advanced riders 1 or 0.78% rows
Instructions, xmlNULL119 or 92.96% rows
  Adventure Works CyclesFR-210B Instructions for Manufacturing HL Touring Frame. Summary: This document contains manufacturing instructions for manufacturing the HL Touring Frame, Product Model 7. Instructions are work center specific and are identified by Work Center ID. These instructions must be followed in the order presented. Deviation from the instructions is not permitted unless an authorized Change Order detailing the deviation is provided by the Engineering Manager. Work Center 10 - Frame Forming. The following instructions pertain to Work Center 10. (Setup hours = .5, Labor Hours = 2.5, Machine Hours = 3, Lot Sizing = 100) Insert aluminum sheet MS-2341 into the T-85A framing tool. Attach Trim Jig TJ-26 to the upper and lower right corners of the aluminum sheet. Using a router with a carbide tip 15, route the aluminum sheet following the jig carefully. Insert the frame into Forming Tool FT-15 and press Start. When finished, inspect the forms for defects per Inspection Specification INFS-111. Remove the frames from the tool and place them in the Completed or Rejected bin as appropriate. Work Center 20 - Frame Welding. The following instructions pertain to Work Center 20. (Setup hours = .15, Labor Hours = 1.75, Machine Hours = 2, Lot Sizing = 1) Assemble all frame components following blueprint 1299. Weld all frame components together as shown in illustration 3 Inspect all weld joints per Adventure Works Cycles Inspection Specification INFS-208. Work Center 30 - Debur and Polish. The following instructions pertain to Work Center 30. (Setup hours = 0, Labor Hours = 1, Machine Hours = 0, Lot Sizing = 1) Using the standard debur tool, remove all excess material from weld areas. Using Acme Polish Cream, polish all weld areas. Work Center 45 - Specialized Paint. The following instructions pertain to Work Center 45. (Setup hours = 0, Labor Hours = .5, Machine Hours = .65, Lot Sizing = 20) Attach a maximum of 20 frames to paint harness ensuring frames are not touching. Mix primer PA-529S. Test spray pattern on sample area and correct flow and pattern as required per engineering spec AWC-501. Apply thin coat of primer to all surfaces. After 30 minutes, touch test for dryness. If dry to touch, lightly sand all surfaces. Remove all surface debris with compressed air. Mix paint per manufacturer instructions. Test spray pattern on sample area and correct flow and pattern as required per engineering spec AWC-509. Apply thin coat of paint to all surfaces. After 60 minutes, touch test for dryness. If dry to touch, reapply second coat. Allow paint to cure for 24 hours and inspect per AWC-5015. Work Center 50 - SubAssembly. The following instructions pertain to Work Center 50. (Setup hours = .25, Labor Hours = 3, Machine Hours = 0, Lot Sizing = 1)Add Seat Assembly. Add Brake assembly. Add Wheel Assembly. Inspect Front Derailleur. Inspect Rear Derailleur. Work Center 60 - Final Assembly. The following instructions pertain to Work Center 60. (Setup hours = 0, Labor Hours = 4, Machine Hours = 0, Lot Sizing = 1) Perform final inspection per engineering specification AWC-915. Complete all required certification forms.Move to shipping. 1 or 0.78% rows
  Adventure Works CyclesFR-200A Instructions for Manufacturing LL Touring Frame Summary: This document contains manufacturing instructions for manufacturing the LL Touring Frame, Product Model 10. Instructions are work center specific and are identified by work center ID. These instructions must be followed in the order presented. Deviation from the instructions is not permitted unless an authorized Change Order detailing the deviation is provided by the Engineering Manager. Work Center 10 - Frame Forming. The following instructions pertain to Work Center 10. (Setup hours = .10, Labor Hours = 2, Machine Hours = 2, Lot Sizing = 100) Insert aluminum sheet MS-6061 into tool T-99 framing tool. Attach Trim Jig TJ-25 to the upper and lower right corners of the aluminum sheet. Using a router with a carbide tip 26, route the aluminum sheet following the jig carefully. Insert the frame into Forming Tool FT-25 and press Start. When finished, inspect the form for defects per Inspection Specification INFS-110. Remove the frame from the tool and place it in the Completed or Rejected bin as appropriate. Work Center 20 - Frame Welding. The following instructions pertain to Work Center 20. (Setup hours = .25, Labor Hours = 1.5, Machine Hours = 1.75, Lot Sizing = 1) Assemble all frame components following blueprint 12345. Weld all frame components together as shown in illustration 3 Inspect all weld joints per Adventure Works Cycles Inspection Specification INFS-206. Work Center 30 - Debur and Polish. The following instructions pertain to Work Center 30. (Setup hours = 0, Labor Hours = 1, Machine Hours = 0, Lot Sizing = 1) Using the standard debur tool, remove all excess material from weld areas. Using Acme Polish Cream, polish all weld areas. Work Center 40 - Paint. The following instructions pertain to Work Center 40. (Setup hours = 0, Labor Hours = 1.5, Machine Hours = 0, Lot Sizing = 20) Attach a maximum of 20 frames to paint harness ensuring frames are not touching. Mix primer PA-345. Test spray pattern on sample area and correct flow and pattern as required per engineering spec AWC-502. Apply thin coat of primer to all surfaces. After 30 minutes, touch test for dryness. If dry to touch, lightly sand all surfaces. Remove all surface debris with compressed air. Mix paint per manufacturer instructions. Test spray pattern on sample area and correct flow and pattern as required per engineering specificationAWC-503. Apply thin coat of paint to all surfaces. After 60 minutes, touch test for dryness. If dry to touch, reapply second coat. Allow paint to cure for 24 hours and inspect per AWC-5010. Work Center 50 - SubAssembly. The following instructions pertain to Work Center 50. (Setup hours = .25, Labor Hours = 3, Machine Hours = 0, Lot Sizing = 1) Add Seat Assembly. Add Brake assembly. Add Wheel Assembly. Inspect Front Derailleur. Inspect Rear Derailleur. Work Center 60 - Final Assembly. The following instructions pertain to Work Center 60. (Setup hours = 0, Labor Hours = 4, Machine Hours = 0, Lot Sizing = 1) Perform final inspection per engineering specification AWC-910. Complete all required certification forms.Move to shipping. 1 or 0.78% rows
  Adventure Works CyclesWA-150C Instructions for Assembling Touring Front Wheel Summary: This document contains manufacturing instructions for assembling the Touring Front Wheel, Product Model 43. Instructions are work center specific and are identified by work center ID. These instructions must be followed in the order presented. Deviation from the instructions is not permitted unless an authorized Change Order detailing the deviation is provided by the Engineering Manager. Work Center - 50 Frame Forming. The following instructions pertain to Work Center 10. (Setup hours = .0, Labor Hours = 3, Machine Hours = 0, Lot Sizing = 1) Inspect the rim for dents, cracks or other damage. Slide each spoke through the hub flange working in a clockwise direction. For each spoke, screw on the spoke nipple (NI-9522). Do not over tighten. Place the wheel in the truing stand. Pluck each spoke. The sound from each spoke should be consistent. Adjust as needed. Inflate the tire tubeto one-quarter pressure. Insert the valve stem through Rim RM-M823. Tuck the tube into the tire ensuring there are no wrinkles or kinks.Inflate the tube to half pressure. Spin the wheel and ensure the bead line is just above the rim. Inflate the tube to 35 PSI. Attach reflector as shown in illustration 7 1 or 0.78% rows
  Adventure Works CyclesWA-151C Instructions for Assembling Touring Rear Wheel Summary: This document contains manufacturing instructions for assembling the Touring Rear Wheel, Product Model 44. Instructions are work center specific and are identified by work center ID. These instructions must be followed in the order presented. Deviation from the instructions is not permitted unless an authorized Change Order detailing the deviation is provided by the Engineering Manager. Work Center - 50 Frame Forming. The following instructions pertain to Work Center 10. (Setup hours = .0, Labor Hours = 3, Machine Hours = 0, Lot Sizing = 1) Inspect the rim for dents, cracks or other damage. Slide each spoke through the hub flange working in a clockwise direction. For each spoke, screw on the spoke nipple (NI-9525). Do not over tighten. Place the wheel in the truing stand. Pluck each spoke. The sound from each spoke should be consistent. Adjust as needed.Inflate the tire tube to one-quarter pressure. Insert the valve stem through Rim RM-M825. Tuck the tube into the tire ensuring there are no wrinkles or kinks.Inflate the tube to half pressure. Spin the wheel and ensure the bead line is just above the rim.Inflate the tube to 35 PSI. 1 or 0.78% rows
  Adventure Works CyclesWA-190A Instructions for Manufacturing and Assembling the LL Touring Handlebars Summary: This document contains manufacturing instructions for manufacturing and assembling the LL Touring Handlebars, Product Model 47. Instructions are work center specific and are identified by work center ID. These instructions must be followed in the order presented. Deviation from the instructions is not permitted unless an authorized Change Order detailing the deviation is provided by the Engineering Manager. Work Center 10 - Frame Forming. The following instructions pertain to Work Center 10. (Setup hours = .10, Labor Hours = 1, Machine Hours = 2, Lot Sizing = 100) Insert aluminum sheet MS-2259 into tool T-50 Tube Forming tool. Attach Trim Jig TJ-8 to the upper and lower right corners of the aluminum sheet. Route the aluminum sheet following the jig carefully. Insert the cut pieces into Tube Forming Tool FT-90 and press Start. When finished, inspect the form for defects per Inspection Specification INFS-90. Remove the lengths of tube from the tool and place it in the Completed or Rejected bin as appropriate. Work Center 20 - Frame Welding. The following instructions pertain to Work Center 20. (Setup hours = .25, Labor Hours = 1.0, Machine Hours = 1.75, Lot Sizing = 1) Assemble all handlebar components following blueprint 1111. Weld all components together as shown in illustration 5 Inspect all weld joints per Adventure Works Cycles Inspection Specification INFS-222. Work Center - 50 Frame Forming. The following instructions pertain to Work Center 10. (Setup hours = .0, Labor Hours = 3.5, Machine Hours = 0, Lot Sizing = 1) Slide the stem onto the handlebar centering it over the knurled section. Take care not to scratch the handlebar.The ends of the handlebar should turn toward the rear. Attach the Pinch Bolt (Product Number PB-6109), Lock Washer 10 (Product Number LW-1210), and Lock Nut 7 (Product Number LN-1224) onto the stem. Tighten the nut just enough to keep the handlebar from rotating in the stem. Do not over tighten. Put a Flat Washer 1 (Product Number FW-1000) onto the stem bolt, and then insert the bolt down into the stem. Thread the plug nut onto the stem bolt aligning it with the stem body as shown in illustration 4. Insert the stem down into the lock nut until the minimum insertion line marked on the stem is hidden inside the nut. Attach the grips. Inspect per specification FI-225. 1 or 0.78% rows
  Adventure Works CyclesWA-190A Instructions for Manufacturing and Assembling the HL Touring Handlebars Summary: This document contains manufacturing instructions for manufacturing and assembling the HL Touring Handlebars, Product Model 48. Instructions are work center specific and are identified by work center ID. These instructions must be followed in the order presented. Deviation from the instructions is not permitted unless an authorized Change Order detailing the deviation is provided by the Engineering Manager. Work Center 10 - Frame Forming. The following instructions pertain to Work Center 10. (Setup hours = .10, Labor Hours = 1, Machine Hours = 2.5, Lot Sizing = 100) Insert aluminum sheet MS-2259 into tool T-51 Tube Forming tool. Attach Trim Jig TJ-9 to the upper and lower right corners of the aluminum sheet. Route the aluminum sheet following the jig carefully. Insert the cut pieces into Tube Forming Tool FT-91 and press Start. When finished, inspect the form for defects per Inspection Specification INFS-90. Remove the lengths of tube from the tool and place it in the Completed or Rejected bin as appropriate. Work Center 20 - Frame Welding. The following instructions pertain to Work Center 20. (Setup hours = .25, Labor Hours = 1.0, Machine Hours = 2, Lot Sizing = 1) Assemble all handlebar components following blueprint 1112. Using weld torch, weld all components together as shown in illustration 5 Inspect all weld joints per Adventure Works Cycles Inspection Specification INFS-222. Work Center 50 - SubAssembly. The following instructions pertain to Work Center 50. (Setup hours = .0, Labor Hours = 3.5, Machine Hours = 0, Lot Sizing = 1) Slide the stem onto the handlebar centering it over the knurled section. Take care not to scratch the handlebar.The ends of the handlebar should turn toward the rear. Attach the Pinch Bolt (Product Number PB-6109), Lock Washer 7 (Product Number LI-3800), and Lock Nut 16 (Product Number LN-1213) onto the stem. Tighten the nut just enough to keep the handlebar from rotating in the stem. Do not over tighten. Put a Flat Washer 9 (Product Number FW-3400) onto the stem bolt, and then insert the bolt down into the stem. Thread the plug nut onto the stem bolt aligning it with the stem body as shown in illustration 4. Insert the stem down into the lock nut until the minimum insertion line marked on the stem is hidden inside the nut. Attach the grips. Inspect per specification FI-225. 1 or 0.78% rows
  Adventure Works CyclesWA-500 Instructions Assembling the Touring Pedal Summary: This document contains manufacturing instructions for assembling the Touring Pedal, Product Model 53. Instructions are work center specific and are identified by work center ID. These instructions must be followed in the order presented. Deviation from the instructions is not permitted unless an authorized Change Order detailing the deviation is provided by the Engineering Manager. Work Center 50 - SubAssembly. The following instructions pertain to Work Center 50. (Setup hours = .0, Labor Hours = .5, Machine Hours = 0, Lot Sizing = 1) Visually examine the pedal spindles to determine left and right pedals. The left and right pedals have different threading directions. It is important you identify them correctly. Apply a small amount of grease to the left pedal and thread the pedal onto the left crank arm by hand. If the threads do not turn easily, back the spindle out and re-start. Securely tighten the spindle against the crank arm using a small wrench. Apply a small amount of grease to the right pedal and thread the pedal onto the right crank arm by hand.If the threads do not turn easily, back the spindle out and re-start.Securely tighten the spindle against the crank arm using a small wrench. Inspect per specification FI-520. 1 or 0.78% rows
  Adventure Works CyclesWA-620 Instructions Assembling the LL Touring Seat Summary: This document contains manufacturing instructions for assembling the LL Touring Seat, Product Model 63. Instructions are work center specific and are identified by work center ID. These instructions must be followed in the order presented. Deviation from the instructions is not permitted unless an authorized Change Order detailing the deviation is provided by the Engineering Manager. Work Center 50 - SubAssembly. The following instructions pertain to Work Center 50. (Setup hours = .0, Labor Hours = 1.5, Machine Hours = 0, Lot Sizing = 1) Put the Seat post Lug (Product Number SL-0931) on the Seat Post (Product Number SP-2981). Insert the Pinch Bolt (Product Number PB-6109) and tighten until it is secure but still able to slide up or down the post as shown in illustration 6. Attach the LL Seat (Product Number SE-T312) to the top of the Seat Post and tighten securely. Inspect per specification FI-620. 1 or 0.78% rows
  Adventure Works CyclesWA-620 Instructions Assembling the HL Touring Seat Summary: This document contains manufacturing instructions for assembling the HL Touring Seat, Product Model 67. Instructions are work center specific and are identified by work center ID. These instructions must be followed in the order presented. Deviation from the instructions is not permitted unless an authorized Change Order detailing the deviation is provided by the Engineering Manager. Work Center 50 - SubAssembly. The following instructions pertain to Work Center 50. (Setup hours = .25, Labor Hours = 1, Machine Hours = 0, Lot Sizing = 1) Put the Seatpost Lug (Product Number SL-0932) on the Seat Post (Product Number SP-3981). Insert the Pinch Bolt (Product Number PB-6109) and tighten until it is secure but still able to slide up or down the post. See illustration 6. Attach the HL Seat (Product Number SE-T315) to the top of the Seat Post and tighten securely. Inspect per specification FI-625. 1 or 0.78% rows
ModifiedDate, datetime2003-06-01 00:00:00.000 55 or 42.96% rows
 2002-06-01 00:00:00.000 43 or 33.59% rows
 2001-06-01 00:00:00.000 12 or 9.37% rows
 2002-11-20 09:56:38.273 8 or 6.25% rows
 2005-05-16 16:34:28.980 2 or 1.56% rows
 2005-05-16 16:34:28.997 2 or 1.56% rows
 2005-05-16 16:34:29.027 2 or 1.56% rows
 2005-05-16 16:34:29.043 2 or 1.56% rows
 1998-05-02 00:00:00.000 1 or 0.78% rows
 2005-05-16 16:34:29.010 1 or 0.78% rows

Table: Production.ProductModelIllustration, 7 data rows

ProductModelID, int [7;67]47 2 or 28.57% rows
 48 2 or 28.57% rows
 7 1 or 14.28% rows
 10 1 or 14.28% rows
 67 1 or 14.28% rows
Distribution Chart for 'ProductModelID', step is 12

IllustrationID, int [3;6]3 2 or 28.57% rows
 4 2 or 28.57% rows
 5 2 or 28.57% rows
 6 1 or 14.28% rows
Distribution Chart for 'IllustrationID', step is 0.75

ModifiedDate, datetime2004-02-10 14:41:02.183 4 or 57.14% rows
 2004-02-10 14:41:02.167 2 or 28.57% rows
 2004-02-10 14:41:02.200 1 or 14.28% rows

Table: Production.ProductModelProductDescriptionCulture, 762 data rows

ColumnValues, 20 of 127Count
ProductModelID, int [1;127]1 6 or 0.78% rows
 2 6 or 0.78% rows
 3 6 or 0.78% rows
 4 6 or 0.78% rows
 5 6 or 0.78% rows
 6 6 or 0.78% rows
 7 6 or 0.78% rows
 8 6 or 0.78% rows
 9 6 or 0.78% rows
 10 6 or 0.78% rows
 11 6 or 0.78% rows
 12 6 or 0.78% rows
 13 6 or 0.78% rows
 14 6 or 0.78% rows
 15 6 or 0.78% rows
 16 6 or 0.78% rows
 17 6 or 0.78% rows
 18 6 or 0.78% rows
 19 6 or 0.78% rows
 20 6 or 0.78% rows
Distribution Chart for 'ProductModelID', step is 2.52

CultureID, nchar(6)en 127 or 16.66% rows
 ar 127 or 16.66% rows
 fr 127 or 16.66% rows
 th 127 or 16.66% rows
 he 127 or 16.66% rows
 zh-cht127 or 16.66% rows
ModifiedDate, datetime2003-06-01 00:00:00.000762 or 100.00% rows

Table: Production.ProductPhoto, 101 data rows

ModifiedDate, datetime2002-11-20 09:56:38.273 45 or 44.55% rows
 2003-06-01 00:00:00.000 21 or 20.79% rows
 2002-06-01 00:00:00.000 19 or 18.81% rows
 2001-06-01 00:00:00.000 12 or 11.88% rows
 1998-06-01 00:00:00.000 2 or 1.98% rows
 1998-05-02 00:00:00.000 2 or 1.98% rows

Table: Production.ProductProductPhoto, 504 data rows

ColumnValues, 20 of 42Count
ProductPhotoID, int [1;179]1346 or 68.65% rows
 160 15 or 2.97% rows
 87 13 or 2.57% rows
 126 11 or 2.18% rows
 118 10 or 1.98% rows
 99 9 or 1.78% rows
 78 7 or 1.38% rows
 143 5 or 0.99% rows
 139 5 or 0.99% rows
 111 5 or 0.99% rows
 131 5 or 0.99% rows
 141 5 or 0.99% rows
 162 4 or 0.79% rows
 128 4 or 0.79% rows
 179 4 or 0.79% rows
 177 4 or 0.79% rows
 176 4 or 0.79% rows
 165 4 or 0.79% rows
 135 4 or 0.79% rows
 113 4 or 0.79% rows
Distribution Chart for 'ProductPhotoID', step is 4.2381

Primary, Flag1504 or 100.00% rows
ModifiedDate, datetime1998-05-02 00:00:00.000211 or 41.86% rows
 2003-06-01 00:00:00.000136 or 26.98% rows
 2002-06-01 00:00:00.000 85 or 16.86% rows
 2001-06-01 00:00:00.000 72 or 14.28% rows

Table: Production.ProductReview, 4 data rows

ProductID, int [709;937]937 2 or 50.00% rows
 709 1 or 25.00% rows
 798 1 or 25.00% rows
Distribution Chart for 'ProductID', step is 76

ReviewDate, datetime2003-12-17 00:00:00.000 2 or 50.00% rows
 2003-10-20 00:00:00.000 1 or 25.00% rows
 2003-12-15 00:00:00.000 1 or 25.00% rows
Rating, int [2;5]5 2 or 50.00% rows
 4 1 or 25.00% rows
 2 1 or 25.00% rows
Distribution Chart for 'Rating', step is 1

ModifiedDate, datetime2003-12-17 00:00:00.000 2 or 50.00% rows
 2003-10-20 00:00:00.000 1 or 25.00% rows
 2003-12-15 00:00:00.000 1 or 25.00% rows

Table: Production.ProductSubcategory, 37 data rows

ProductCategoryID, int [1;4]2 14 or 37.83% rows
 4 12 or 32.43% rows
 3 8 or 21.62% rows
 1 3 or 8.10% rows
Distribution Chart for 'ProductCategoryID', step is 0.75

ModifiedDate, datetime1998-06-01 00:00:00.000 37 or 100.00% rows

Table: Production.ScrapReason, 16 data rows

ModifiedDate, datetime1998-06-01 00:00:00.000 16 or 100.00% rows

Table: Production.TransactionHistory, 113443 data rows

ColumnValues, 20 of 441Count
ProductID, int [1;999]870 4 187 or 3.69% rows
 873 3 003 or 2.64% rows
 921 2 859 or 2.52% rows
 712 2 348 or 2.06% rows
 707 2 278 or 2.00% rows
 711 2 220 or 1.95% rows
 708 2 192 or 1.93% rows
 922 2 182 or 1.92% rows
 878 1 918 or 1.69% rows
 871 1 832 or 1.61% rows
 872 1 533 or 1.35% rows
 923 1 416 or 1.24% rows
 930 1 342 or 1.18% rows
 877 1 157 or 1.01% rows
 929 1 148 or 1.01% rows
 931 1 023 or 0.90% rows
 934925 or 0.81% rows
 880920 or 0.81% rows
 932916 or 0.80% rows
 928865 or 0.76% rows
Distribution Chart for 'ProductID', step is 19.96

ColumnValues, 20 of 37118Count
ReferenceOrderID, int [417;75123]53465 72 or 0.06% rows
 57046 68 or 0.05% rows
 55297 67 or 0.05% rows
 57061 66 or 0.05% rows
 58918 66 or 0.05% rows
 53560 63 or 0.05% rows
 53518 62 or 0.05% rows
 53536 62 or 0.05% rows
 55249 62 or 0.05% rows
 69422 62 or 0.05% rows
 71794 62 or 0.05% rows
 69437 61 or 0.05% rows
 53485 60 or 0.05% rows
 53527 60 or 0.05% rows
 55268 60 or 0.05% rows
 57186 60 or 0.05% rows
 67316 60 or 0.05% rows
 53514 59 or 0.05% rows
 57067 59 or 0.05% rows
 57086 59 or 0.05% rows
Distribution Chart for 'ReferenceOrderID', step is 1494.12

ColumnValues, 20 of 72Count
ReferenceOrderLineID, int [0;71]0 31 002 or 27.32% rows
 1 25 258 or 22.26% rows
 2 19 693 or 17.35% rows
 3 11 058 or 9.74% rows
 4 5 061 or 4.46% rows
 5 1 938 or 1.70% rows
 6 1 118 or 0.98% rows
 7910 or 0.80% rows
 8852 or 0.75% rows
 9813 or 0.71% rows
 10770 or 0.67% rows
 11735 or 0.64% rows
 12717 or 0.63% rows
 13706 or 0.62% rows
 14681 or 0.60% rows
 15661 or 0.58% rows
 16645 or 0.56% rows
 17629 or 0.55% rows
 18611 or 0.53% rows
 19598 or 0.52% rows
Distribution Chart for 'ReferenceOrderLineID', step is 1.42

ColumnValues, 20 of 365Count
TransactionDate, datetime2003-09-01 00:00:00.000 3 944 or 3.47% rows
 2003-12-01 00:00:00.000 3 319 or 2.92% rows
 2004-06-01 00:00:00.000 3 271 or 2.88% rows
 2004-05-01 00:00:00.000 3 213 or 2.83% rows
 2003-11-01 00:00:00.000 3 121 or 2.75% rows
 2004-03-01 00:00:00.000 2 489 or 2.19% rows
 2004-02-01 00:00:00.000 2 383 or 2.10% rows
 2004-04-01 00:00:00.000 2 078 or 1.83% rows
 2003-10-01 00:00:00.000 2 029 or 1.78% rows
 2004-01-01 00:00:00.000 1 586 or 1.39% rows
 2004-05-04 00:00:00.000470 or 0.41% rows
 2004-06-14 00:00:00.000410 or 0.36% rows
 2004-04-04 00:00:00.000408 or 0.35% rows
 2003-12-04 00:00:00.000395 or 0.34% rows
 2004-04-03 00:00:00.000395 or 0.34% rows
 2003-10-04 00:00:00.000385 or 0.33% rows
 2004-02-04 00:00:00.000378 or 0.33% rows
 2003-09-04 00:00:00.000374 or 0.32% rows
 2004-06-04 00:00:00.000367 or 0.32% rows
 2003-11-04 00:00:00.000365 or 0.32% rows
TransactionType, nchar(1)S 74 575 or 65.73% rows
 W 31 002 or 27.32% rows
 P 7 866 or 6.93% rows
ColumnValues, 20 of 455Count
Quantity, int [1;39270]1 65 305 or 57.56% rows
 3 9 726 or 8.57% rows
 2 9 617 or 8.47% rows
 4 4 472 or 3.94% rows
 550 3 383 or 2.98% rows
 5 2 844 or 2.50% rows
 6 2 296 or 2.02% rows
 7 1 523 or 1.34% rows
 8 1 320 or 1.16% rows
 10883 or 0.77% rows
 9883 or 0.77% rows
 60749 or 0.66% rows
 12660 or 0.58% rows
 11506 or 0.44% rows
 14426 or 0.37% rows
 18356 or 0.31% rows
 20355 or 0.31% rows
 13343 or 0.30% rows
 16337 or 0.29% rows
 24313 or 0.27% rows
Distribution Chart for 'Quantity', step is 785.38

ColumnValues, 20 of 252Count
ActualCost, money [0;2443.35].0000 31 002 or 27.32% rows
 4.9900 8 024 or 7.07% rows
 34.9900 5 844 or 5.15% rows
 8.9900 4 022 or 3.54% rows
 2.2900 2 883 or 2.54% rows
 3.9900 2 149 or 1.89% rows
 21.9800 1 918 or 1.69% rows
 9.9900 1 832 or 1.61% rows
 534.4920 1 647 or 1.45% rows
 24.9900 1 623 or 1.43% rows
 49.9900 1 592 or 1.40% rows
 539.9900 1 514 or 1.33% rows
 1716.5304 1 478 or 1.30% rows
 53.9900 1 441 or 1.27% rows
 388.7928 1 317 or 1.16% rows
 24.4900 1 308 or 1.15% rows
 35.0000 1 262 or 1.11% rows
 2384.0700 1 174 or 1.03% rows
 2294.9900 1 117 or 0.98% rows
 2319.9900 1 089 or 0.95% rows
Distribution Chart for 'ActualCost', step is 48.867

ColumnValues, 20 of 365Count
ModifiedDate, datetime2003-09-01 00:00:00.000 3 944 or 3.47% rows
 2003-12-01 00:00:00.000 3 319 or 2.92% rows
 2004-06-01 00:00:00.000 3 271 or 2.88% rows
 2004-05-01 00:00:00.000 3 213 or 2.83% rows
 2003-11-01 00:00:00.000 3 121 or 2.75% rows
 2004-03-01 00:00:00.000 2 489 or 2.19% rows
 2004-02-01 00:00:00.000 2 383 or 2.10% rows
 2004-04-01 00:00:00.000 2 078 or 1.83% rows
 2003-10-01 00:00:00.000 2 029 or 1.78% rows
 2004-01-01 00:00:00.000 1 586 or 1.39% rows
 2004-05-04 00:00:00.000470 or 0.41% rows
 2004-06-14 00:00:00.000410 or 0.36% rows
 2004-04-04 00:00:00.000408 or 0.35% rows
 2003-12-04 00:00:00.000395 or 0.34% rows
 2004-04-03 00:00:00.000395 or 0.34% rows
 2003-10-04 00:00:00.000385 or 0.33% rows
 2004-02-04 00:00:00.000378 or 0.33% rows
 2003-09-04 00:00:00.000374 or 0.32% rows
 2004-06-04 00:00:00.000367 or 0.32% rows
 2003-11-04 00:00:00.000365 or 0.32% rows

Table: Production.TransactionHistoryArchive, 89253 data rows

ColumnValues, 20 of 497Count
ProductID, int [1;999]712 1 034 or 1.15% rows
 820974 or 1.09% rows
 813937 or 1.04% rows
 804914 or 1.02% rows
 711870 or 0.97% rows
 715851 or 0.95% rows
 826831 or 0.93% rows
 945824 or 0.92% rows
 708815 or 0.91% rows
 894813 or 0.91% rows
 770807 or 0.90% rows
 828806 or 0.90% rows
 707805 or 0.90% rows
 996803 or 0.89% rows
 3786 or 0.88% rows
 324786 or 0.88% rows
 327786 or 0.88% rows
 398786 or 0.88% rows
 399786 or 0.88% rows
 529786 or 0.88% rows
Distribution Chart for 'ProductID', step is 19.96

ColumnValues, 20 of 51380Count
ReferenceOrderID, int [1;53449]51721 72 or 0.08% rows
 51739 72 or 0.08% rows
 51160 71 or 0.07% rows
 47355 68 or 0.07% rows
 51120 67 or 0.07% rows
 47395 66 or 0.07% rows
 51090 66 or 0.07% rows
 46616 65 or 0.07% rows
 46981 65 or 0.07% rows
 47369 65 or 0.07% rows
 51751 65 or 0.07% rows
 51748 64 or 0.07% rows
 51774 62 or 0.06% rows
 51822 62 or 0.06% rows
 46614 60 or 0.06% rows
 47366 60 or 0.06% rows
 51131 60 or 0.06% rows
 46666 59 or 0.06% rows
 46959 59 or 0.06% rows
 46988 59 or 0.06% rows
Distribution Chart for 'ReferenceOrderID', step is 1068.96

ColumnValues, 20 of 73Count
ReferenceOrderLineID, int [0;72]0 41 589 or 46.59% rows
 1 10 207 or 11.43% rows
 2 3 867 or 4.33% rows
 3 2 826 or 3.16% rows
 4 2 078 or 2.32% rows
 5 1 632 or 1.82% rows
 6 1 455 or 1.63% rows
 7 1 359 or 1.52% rows
 8 1 286 or 1.44% rows
 9 1 218 or 1.36% rows
 10 1 149 or 1.28% rows
 11 1 101 or 1.23% rows
 12 1 049 or 1.17% rows
 13 1 014 or 1.13% rows
 14978 or 1.09% rows
 15942 or 1.05% rows
 16903 or 1.01% rows
 17867 or 0.97% rows
 18833 or 0.93% rows
 19801 or 0.89% rows
Distribution Chart for 'ReferenceOrderLineID', step is 1.44

ColumnValues, 20 of 794Count
TransactionDate, datetime2003-08-01 00:00:00.000 3 973 or 4.45% rows
 2002-08-01 00:00:00.000 3 014 or 3.37% rows
 2002-11-01 00:00:00.000 2 399 or 2.68% rows
 2003-05-01 00:00:00.000 2 368 or 2.65% rows
 2003-07-01 00:00:00.000 2 287 or 2.56% rows
 2002-09-01 00:00:00.000 2 234 or 2.50% rows
 2002-07-01 00:00:00.000 1 817 or 2.03% rows
 2002-12-01 00:00:00.000 1 791 or 2.00% rows
 2003-06-01 00:00:00.000 1 767 or 1.97% rows
 2003-02-01 00:00:00.000 1 723 or 1.93% rows
 2003-04-01 00:00:00.000 1 512 or 1.69% rows
 2002-10-01 00:00:00.000 1 451 or 1.62% rows
 2003-03-01 00:00:00.000 1 276 or 1.42% rows
 2002-05-01 00:00:00.000 1 172 or 1.31% rows
 2001-11-01 00:00:00.000 1 169 or 1.30% rows
 2003-01-01 00:00:00.000 1 054 or 1.18% rows
 2002-02-01 00:00:00.000917 or 1.02% rows
 2001-12-01 00:00:00.000859 or 0.96% rows
 2002-06-01 00:00:00.000850 or 0.95% rows
 2001-08-01 00:00:00.000826 or 0.92% rows
TransactionType, nchar(1)S 46 742 or 52.37% rows
 W 41 589 or 46.59% rows
 P922 or 1.03% rows
ColumnValues, 20 of 640Count
Quantity, int [1;39570]1 30 479 or 34.14% rows
 2 13 584 or 15.21% rows
 3 9 515 or 10.66% rows
 4 7 356 or 8.24% rows
 5 4 756 or 5.32% rows
 6 4 200 or 4.70% rows
 7 2 473 or 2.77% rows
 8 2 454 or 2.74% rows
 10 1 727 or 1.93% rows
 9 1 445 or 1.61% rows
 12 1 220 or 1.36% rows
 14831 or 0.93% rows
 11789 or 0.88% rows
 16629 or 0.70% rows
 18485 or 0.54% rows
 20419 or 0.46% rows
 13410 or 0.45% rows
 550378 or 0.42% rows
 15314 or 0.35% rows
 24293 or 0.32% rows
Distribution Chart for 'Quantity', step is 791.38

ColumnValues, 20 of 293Count
ActualCost, money [0;3578.27].0000 41 589 or 46.59% rows
 563.7528 3 135 or 3.51% rows
 503.3507 2 204 or 2.46% rows
 31.2437 1 660 or 1.85% rows
 20.1865 1 647 or 1.84% rows
 3578.2700 1 551 or 1.73% rows
 226.8571 1 016 or 1.13% rows
 48.7435971 or 1.08% rows
 249.5428963 or 1.07% rows
 24.6935952 or 1.06% rows
 720.3150940 or 1.05% rows
 1049.7528905 or 1.01% rows
 777.5928894 or 1.00% rows
 1475.3507887 or 0.99% rows
 1491.4221828 or 0.92% rows
 1570.7250826 or 0.92% rows
 4.9900803 or 0.89% rows
 1759.2120765 or 0.85% rows
 58.4935758 or 0.84% rows
 2181.5625758 or 0.84% rows
Distribution Chart for 'ActualCost', step is 71.5654

ColumnValues, 20 of 794Count
ModifiedDate, datetime2003-08-01 00:00:00.000 3 973 or 4.45% rows
 2002-08-01 00:00:00.000 3 014 or 3.37% rows
 2002-11-01 00:00:00.000 2 399 or 2.68% rows
 2003-05-01 00:00:00.000 2 368 or 2.65% rows
 2003-07-01 00:00:00.000 2 287 or 2.56% rows
 2002-09-01 00:00:00.000 2 234 or 2.50% rows
 2002-07-01 00:00:00.000 1 817 or 2.03% rows
 2002-12-01 00:00:00.000 1 791 or 2.00% rows
 2003-06-01 00:00:00.000 1 767 or 1.97% rows
 2003-02-01 00:00:00.000 1 723 or 1.93% rows
 2003-04-01 00:00:00.000 1 512 or 1.69% rows
 2002-10-01 00:00:00.000 1 451 or 1.62% rows
 2003-03-01 00:00:00.000 1 276 or 1.42% rows
 2002-05-01 00:00:00.000 1 172 or 1.31% rows
 2001-11-01 00:00:00.000 1 169 or 1.30% rows
 2003-01-01 00:00:00.000 1 054 or 1.18% rows
 2002-02-01 00:00:00.000917 or 1.02% rows
 2001-12-01 00:00:00.000859 or 0.96% rows
 2002-06-01 00:00:00.000850 or 0.95% rows
 2001-08-01 00:00:00.000826 or 0.92% rows

Table: Production.UnitMeasure, 38 data rows

ModifiedDate, datetime1998-06-01 00:00:00.000 38 or 100.00% rows

Table: Production.WorkOrder, 72591 data rows

ColumnValues, 20 of 238Count
ProductID, int [3;999]945 1 105 or 1.52% rows
 804 1 104 or 1.52% rows
 894 1 102 or 1.51% rows
 3 1 093 or 1.50% rows
 324 1 093 or 1.50% rows
 327 1 093 or 1.50% rows
 398 1 093 or 1.50% rows
 399 1 093 or 1.50% rows
 529 1 093 or 1.50% rows
 532 1 093 or 1.50% rows
 533 1 093 or 1.50% rows
 534 1 093 or 1.50% rows
 316 1 093 or 1.50% rows
 331 1 093 or 1.50% rows
 350 1 093 or 1.50% rows
 531 1 093 or 1.50% rows
 401 1 092 or 1.50% rows
 329 1 088 or 1.49% rows
 996 1 084 or 1.49% rows
 813 1 031 or 1.42% rows
Distribution Chart for 'ProductID', step is 19.92

ColumnValues, 20 of 903Count
OrderQty, int [1;39570]1 20 830 or 28.69% rows
 2 9 001 or 12.39% rows
 3 5 047 or 6.95% rows
 4 4 333 or 5.96% rows
 5 3 214 or 4.42% rows
 6 3 198 or 4.40% rows
 7 2 261 or 3.11% rows
 8 2 253 or 3.10% rows
 10 1 842 or 2.53% rows
 9 1 491 or 2.05% rows
 12 1 414 or 1.94% rows
 14992 or 1.36% rows
 11903 or 1.24% rows
 16833 or 1.14% rows
 18740 or 1.01% rows
 20728 or 1.00% rows
 24587 or 0.80% rows
 13523 or 0.72% rows
 22514 or 0.70% rows
 15476 or 0.65% rows
Distribution Chart for 'OrderQty', step is 791.38

ColumnValues, 20 of 1013Count
StockedQty, int [1;39570]1 20 830 or 28.69% rows
 2 9 001 or 12.39% rows
 3 5 047 or 6.95% rows
 4 4 333 or 5.96% rows
 5 3 214 or 4.42% rows
 6 3 198 or 4.40% rows
 7 2 261 or 3.11% rows
 8 2 253 or 3.10% rows
 10 1 842 or 2.53% rows
 9 1 491 or 2.05% rows
 12 1 414 or 1.94% rows
 14992 or 1.36% rows
 11903 or 1.24% rows
 16833 or 1.14% rows
 18740 or 1.01% rows
 20728 or 1.00% rows
 24587 or 0.80% rows
 13523 or 0.72% rows
 22514 or 0.70% rows
 15476 or 0.65% rows
Distribution Chart for 'StockedQty', step is 791.38

ColumnValues, 20 of 87Count
ScrappedQty, smallint [0;673]0 71 862 or 98.99% rows
 1352 or 0.48% rows
 2114 or 0.15% rows
 3 47 or 0.06% rows
 4 23 or 0.03% rows
 7 16 or 0.02% rows
 6 15 or 0.02% rows
 5 13 or 0.01% rows
 11 8 or 0.01% rows
 14 7 or 0.00% rows
 12 7 or 0.00% rows
 8 7 or 0.00% rows
 42 6 or 0.00% rows
 10 6 or 0.00% rows
 9 5 or 0.00% rows
 17 4 or 0.00% rows
 20 4 or 0.00% rows
 21 4 or 0.00% rows
 34 4 or 0.00% rows
 25 3 or 0.00% rows
Distribution Chart for 'ScrappedQty', step is 13.46

ColumnValues, 20 of 1093Count
StartDate, datetime2003-08-04 00:00:00.000246 or 0.33% rows
 2003-07-04 00:00:00.000236 or 0.32% rows
 2003-09-04 00:00:00.000232 or 0.31% rows
 2003-11-04 00:00:00.000225 or 0.30% rows
 2003-10-04 00:00:00.000222 or 0.30% rows
 2003-12-04 00:00:00.000220 or 0.30% rows
 2004-06-04 00:00:00.000219 or 0.30% rows
 2004-04-04 00:00:00.000218 or 0.30% rows
 2004-05-04 00:00:00.000218 or 0.30% rows
 2004-02-04 00:00:00.000212 or 0.29% rows
 2004-01-04 00:00:00.000206 or 0.28% rows
 2004-03-04 00:00:00.000202 or 0.27% rows
 2002-07-04 00:00:00.000163 or 0.22% rows
 2002-08-04 00:00:00.000163 or 0.22% rows
 2002-09-04 00:00:00.000163 or 0.22% rows
 2002-10-04 00:00:00.000156 or 0.21% rows
 2002-11-04 00:00:00.000156 or 0.21% rows
 2002-12-04 00:00:00.000156 or 0.21% rows
 2003-04-04 00:00:00.000155 or 0.21% rows
 2003-05-04 00:00:00.000155 or 0.21% rows
ColumnValues, 20 of 1098Count
EndDate, datetime2004-05-14 00:00:00.000288 or 0.39% rows
 2003-12-14 00:00:00.000276 or 0.38% rows
 2003-10-14 00:00:00.000258 or 0.35% rows
 2004-07-02 00:00:00.000255 or 0.35% rows
 2004-07-10 00:00:00.000253 or 0.34% rows
 2004-05-10 00:00:00.000240 or 0.33% rows
 2003-12-20 00:00:00.000237 or 0.32% rows
 2004-05-06 00:00:00.000237 or 0.32% rows
 2004-06-14 00:00:00.000237 or 0.32% rows
 2004-06-20 00:00:00.000235 or 0.32% rows
 2003-08-14 00:00:00.000234 or 0.32% rows
 2004-05-20 00:00:00.000234 or 0.32% rows
 2004-07-06 00:00:00.000234 or 0.32% rows
 2004-05-18 00:00:00.000233 or 0.32% rows
 2004-05-02 00:00:00.000232 or 0.31% rows
 2003-12-18 00:00:00.000228 or 0.31% rows
 2004-02-20 00:00:00.000224 or 0.30% rows
 2004-04-14 00:00:00.000224 or 0.30% rows
 2003-09-14 00:00:00.000223 or 0.30% rows
 2004-04-20 00:00:00.000222 or 0.30% rows
ColumnValues, 20 of 1093Count
DueDate, datetime2003-08-15 00:00:00.000246 or 0.33% rows
 2003-07-15 00:00:00.000236 or 0.32% rows
 2003-09-15 00:00:00.000232 or 0.31% rows
 2003-11-15 00:00:00.000225 or 0.30% rows
 2003-10-15 00:00:00.000222 or 0.30% rows
 2003-12-15 00:00:00.000220 or 0.30% rows
 2004-06-15 00:00:00.000219 or 0.30% rows
 2004-04-15 00:00:00.000218 or 0.30% rows
 2004-05-15 00:00:00.000218 or 0.30% rows
 2004-02-15 00:00:00.000212 or 0.29% rows
 2004-01-15 00:00:00.000206 or 0.28% rows
 2004-03-15 00:00:00.000202 or 0.27% rows
 2002-07-15 00:00:00.000163 or 0.22% rows
 2002-08-15 00:00:00.000163 or 0.22% rows
 2002-09-15 00:00:00.000163 or 0.22% rows
 2002-10-15 00:00:00.000156 or 0.21% rows
 2002-11-15 00:00:00.000156 or 0.21% rows
 2002-12-15 00:00:00.000156 or 0.21% rows
 2003-04-15 00:00:00.000155 or 0.21% rows
 2003-05-15 00:00:00.000155 or 0.21% rows
ScrapReasonID, smallint [1;16]NULL 71 862 or 98.99% rows
 13 63 or 0.08% rows
 3 54 or 0.07% rows
 11 52 or 0.07% rows
 14 52 or 0.07% rows
 16 51 or 0.07% rows
 15 48 or 0.06% rows
 9 47 or 0.06% rows
 4 45 or 0.06% rows
 1 44 or 0.06% rows
 6 44 or 0.06% rows
 2 44 or 0.06% rows
 5 42 or 0.05% rows
 8 37 or 0.05% rows
 12 37 or 0.05% rows
 10 37 or 0.05% rows
 7 32 or 0.04% rows
Distribution Chart for 'ScrapReasonID', step is 0.882353

ColumnValues, 20 of 1098Count
ModifiedDate, datetime2004-05-14 00:00:00.000288 or 0.39% rows
 2003-12-14 00:00:00.000276 or 0.38% rows
 2003-10-14 00:00:00.000258 or 0.35% rows
 2004-07-02 00:00:00.000255 or 0.35% rows
 2004-07-10 00:00:00.000253 or 0.34% rows
 2004-05-10 00:00:00.000240 or 0.33% rows
 2003-12-20 00:00:00.000237 or 0.32% rows
 2004-05-06 00:00:00.000237 or 0.32% rows
 2004-06-14 00:00:00.000237 or 0.32% rows
 2004-06-20 00:00:00.000235 or 0.32% rows
 2003-08-14 00:00:00.000234 or 0.32% rows
 2004-05-20 00:00:00.000234 or 0.32% rows
 2004-07-06 00:00:00.000234 or 0.32% rows
 2004-05-18 00:00:00.000233 or 0.32% rows
 2004-05-02 00:00:00.000232 or 0.31% rows
 2003-12-18 00:00:00.000228 or 0.31% rows
 2004-02-20 00:00:00.000224 or 0.30% rows
 2004-04-14 00:00:00.000224 or 0.30% rows
 2003-09-14 00:00:00.000223 or 0.30% rows
 2004-04-20 00:00:00.000222 or 0.30% rows

Table: Production.WorkOrderRouting, 67131 data rows

ColumnValues, 20 of 42625Count
WorkOrderID, int [13;72587]13 6 or 0.00% rows
 14 6 or 0.00% rows
 65 6 or 0.00% rows
 66 6 or 0.00% rows
 117 6 or 0.00% rows
 863 6 or 0.00% rows
 1099 6 or 0.00% rows
 1182 6 or 0.00% rows
 1275 6 or 0.00% rows
 1276 6 or 0.00% rows
 1327 6 or 0.00% rows
 1328 6 or 0.00% rows
 1546 6 or 0.00% rows
 1624 6 or 0.00% rows
 1670 6 or 0.00% rows
 1894 6 or 0.00% rows
 1961 6 or 0.00% rows
 2087 6 or 0.00% rows
 2206 6 or 0.00% rows
 2297 6 or 0.00% rows
Distribution Chart for 'WorkOrderID', step is 1451.48

ColumnValues, 20 of 149Count
ProductID, int [514;999]813 3 093 or 4.60% rows
 748 2 874 or 4.28% rows
 810 2 832 or 4.21% rows
 747 2 802 or 4.17% rows
 811 2 463 or 3.66% rows
 945 2 210 or 3.29% rows
 804 2 208 or 3.28% rows
 519 2 026 or 3.01% rows
 516 1 852 or 2.75% rows
 812 1 806 or 2.69% rows
 802 1 664 or 2.47% rows
 517 1 630 or 2.42% rows
 822 1 590 or 2.36% rows
 803 1 206 or 1.79% rows
 518 1 204 or 1.79% rows
 894 1 102 or 1.64% rows
 947 1 098 or 1.63% rows
 996 1 084 or 1.61% rows
 808 1 050 or 1.56% rows
 820 1 025 or 1.52% rows
Distribution Chart for 'ProductID', step is 9.7

OperationSequence, smallint [1;7]6 30 107 or 44.84% rows
 7 18 554 or 27.63% rows
 1 9 567 or 14.25% rows
 2 5 923 or 8.82% rows
 3 1 490 or 2.21% rows
 4816 or 1.21% rows
 5674 or 1.00% rows
Distribution Chart for 'OperationSequence', step is 0.857143

LocationID, smallint [10;60]50 30 107 or 44.84% rows
 60 18 554 or 27.63% rows
 10 9 567 or 14.25% rows
 20 5 923 or 8.82% rows
 30 1 490 or 2.21% rows
 40816 or 1.21% rows
 45674 or 1.00% rows
Distribution Chart for 'LocationID', step is 7.14286

ColumnValues, 20 of 1093Count
ScheduledStartDate, datetime2003-08-04 00:00:00.000235 or 0.35% rows
 2003-07-04 00:00:00.000230 or 0.34% rows
 2003-09-04 00:00:00.000217 or 0.32% rows
 2003-11-04 00:00:00.000213 or 0.31% rows
 2003-10-04 00:00:00.000210 or 0.31% rows
 2003-12-04 00:00:00.000209 or 0.31% rows
 2004-04-04 00:00:00.000209 or 0.31% rows
 2004-05-04 00:00:00.000209 or 0.31% rows
 2004-06-04 00:00:00.000209 or 0.31% rows
 2004-02-04 00:00:00.000204 or 0.30% rows
 2004-01-04 00:00:00.000201 or 0.29% rows
 2004-03-04 00:00:00.000198 or 0.29% rows
 2002-07-04 00:00:00.000163 or 0.24% rows
 2002-08-04 00:00:00.000163 or 0.24% rows
 2002-09-04 00:00:00.000163 or 0.24% rows
 2002-10-04 00:00:00.000158 or 0.23% rows
 2002-11-04 00:00:00.000158 or 0.23% rows
 2002-12-04 00:00:00.000158 or 0.23% rows
 2003-04-04 00:00:00.000157 or 0.23% rows
 2003-05-04 00:00:00.000157 or 0.23% rows
ColumnValues, 20 of 1093Count
ScheduledEndDate, datetime2003-08-15 00:00:00.000235 or 0.35% rows
 2003-07-15 00:00:00.000230 or 0.34% rows
 2003-09-15 00:00:00.000217 or 0.32% rows
 2003-11-15 00:00:00.000213 or 0.31% rows
 2003-10-15 00:00:00.000210 or 0.31% rows
 2003-12-15 00:00:00.000209 or 0.31% rows
 2004-04-15 00:00:00.000209 or 0.31% rows
 2004-05-15 00:00:00.000209 or 0.31% rows
 2004-06-15 00:00:00.000209 or 0.31% rows
 2004-02-15 00:00:00.000204 or 0.30% rows
 2004-01-15 00:00:00.000201 or 0.29% rows
 2004-03-15 00:00:00.000198 or 0.29% rows
 2002-07-15 00:00:00.000163 or 0.24% rows
 2002-08-15 00:00:00.000163 or 0.24% rows
 2002-09-15 00:00:00.000163 or 0.24% rows
 2002-10-15 00:00:00.000158 or 0.23% rows
 2002-11-15 00:00:00.000158 or 0.23% rows
 2002-12-15 00:00:00.000158 or 0.23% rows
 2003-04-15 00:00:00.000157 or 0.23% rows
 2003-05-15 00:00:00.000157 or 0.23% rows
ColumnValues, 20 of 671Count
ActualStartDate, datetime2004-05-18 00:00:00.000342 or 0.50% rows
 2004-07-02 00:00:00.000337 or 0.50% rows
 2003-12-06 00:00:00.000333 or 0.49% rows
 2004-05-06 00:00:00.000326 or 0.48% rows
 2003-12-10 00:00:00.000322 or 0.47% rows
 2004-05-14 00:00:00.000315 or 0.46% rows
 2004-05-02 00:00:00.000309 or 0.46% rows
 2004-05-10 00:00:00.000303 or 0.45% rows
 2003-12-14 00:00:00.000301 or 0.44% rows
 2003-12-18 00:00:00.000293 or 0.43% rows
 2003-10-18 00:00:00.000281 or 0.41% rows
 2003-12-02 00:00:00.000280 or 0.41% rows
 2003-10-14 00:00:00.000276 or 0.41% rows
 2003-10-10 00:00:00.000268 or 0.39% rows
 2003-10-02 00:00:00.000265 or 0.39% rows
 2003-10-06 00:00:00.000262 or 0.39% rows
 2003-08-04 00:00:00.000235 or 0.35% rows
 2003-07-14 00:00:00.000234 or 0.34% rows
 2003-07-04 00:00:00.000230 or 0.34% rows
 2004-05-24 00:00:00.000227 or 0.33% rows
ColumnValues, 20 of 714Count
ActualEndDate, datetime2004-07-02 00:00:00.000343 or 0.51% rows
 2004-05-20 00:00:00.000335 or 0.49% rows
 2003-12-20 00:00:00.000325 or 0.48% rows
 2004-06-20 00:00:00.000323 or 0.48% rows
 2003-08-20 00:00:00.000317 or 0.47% rows
 2003-10-20 00:00:00.000316 or 0.47% rows
 2004-05-18 00:00:00.000313 or 0.46% rows
 2004-05-14 00:00:00.000306 or 0.45% rows
 2004-04-20 00:00:00.000304 or 0.45% rows
 2004-02-20 00:00:00.000302 or 0.44% rows
 2003-09-20 00:00:00.000301 or 0.44% rows
 2003-11-20 00:00:00.000298 or 0.44% rows
 2004-02-02 00:00:00.000295 or 0.43% rows
 2004-05-02 00:00:00.000294 or 0.43% rows
 2003-12-14 00:00:00.000292 or 0.43% rows
 2004-07-14 00:00:00.000288 or 0.42% rows
 2003-10-18 00:00:00.000287 or 0.42% rows
 2003-12-18 00:00:00.000286 or 0.42% rows
 2003-12-02 00:00:00.000285 or 0.42% rows
 2004-01-20 00:00:00.000280 or 0.41% rows
ActualResourceHrs, decimal [1;4.1]3.0000 30 107 or 44.84% rows
 4.0000 18 554 or 27.63% rows
 4.1000 9 567 or 14.25% rows
 3.5000 5 923 or 8.82% rows
 1.0000 1 490 or 2.21% rows
 2.0000 1 490 or 2.21% rows
Distribution Chart for 'ActualResourceHrs', step is 0.516667

PlannedCost, money [14.5;92.25]36.7500 30 107 or 44.84% rows
 49.0000 18 554 or 27.63% rows
 92.2500 9 567 or 14.25% rows
 87.5000 5 923 or 8.82% rows
 14.5000 1 490 or 2.21% rows
 31.5000816 or 1.21% rows
 36.0000674 or 1.00% rows
Distribution Chart for 'PlannedCost', step is 11.1071

ActualCost, money [14.5;92.25]36.7500 30 107 or 44.84% rows
 49.0000 18 554 or 27.63% rows
 92.2500 9 567 or 14.25% rows
 87.5000 5 923 or 8.82% rows
 14.5000 1 490 or 2.21% rows
 31.5000816 or 1.21% rows
 36.0000674 or 1.00% rows
Distribution Chart for 'ActualCost', step is 11.1071

ColumnValues, 20 of 714Count
ModifiedDate, datetime2004-07-02 00:00:00.000343 or 0.51% rows
 2004-05-20 00:00:00.000335 or 0.49% rows
 2003-12-20 00:00:00.000325 or 0.48% rows
 2004-06-20 00:00:00.000323 or 0.48% rows
 2003-08-20 00:00:00.000317 or 0.47% rows
 2003-10-20 00:00:00.000316 or 0.47% rows
 2004-05-18 00:00:00.000313 or 0.46% rows
 2004-05-14 00:00:00.000306 or 0.45% rows
 2004-04-20 00:00:00.000304 or 0.45% rows
 2004-02-20 00:00:00.000302 or 0.44% rows
 2003-09-20 00:00:00.000301 or 0.44% rows
 2003-11-20 00:00:00.000298 or 0.44% rows
 2004-02-02 00:00:00.000295 or 0.43% rows
 2004-05-02 00:00:00.000294 or 0.43% rows
 2003-12-14 00:00:00.000292 or 0.43% rows
 2004-07-14 00:00:00.000288 or 0.42% rows
 2003-10-18 00:00:00.000287 or 0.42% rows
 2003-12-18 00:00:00.000286 or 0.42% rows
 2003-12-02 00:00:00.000285 or 0.42% rows
 2004-01-20 00:00:00.000280 or 0.41% rows

Table: Purchasing.ProductVendor, 460 data rows

ColumnValues, 20 of 265Count
ProductID, int [1;952]319 3 or 0.65% rows
 320 3 or 0.65% rows
 321 3 or 0.65% rows
 322 3 or 0.65% rows
 341 3 or 0.65% rows
 342 3 or 0.65% rows
 343 3 or 0.65% rows
 344 3 or 0.65% rows
 345 3 or 0.65% rows
 346 3 or 0.65% rows
 347 3 or 0.65% rows
 348 3 or 0.65% rows
 349 3 or 0.65% rows
 375 3 or 0.65% rows
 376 3 or 0.65% rows
 377 3 or 0.65% rows
 378 3 or 0.65% rows
 379 3 or 0.65% rows
 380 3 or 0.65% rows
 381 3 or 0.65% rows
Distribution Chart for 'ProductID', step is 19.02

ColumnValues, 20 of 86Count
VendorID, int [1;104]7 30 or 6.52% rows
 51 24 or 5.21% rows
 23 23 or 5.00% rows
 76 23 or 5.00% rows
 54 19 or 4.13% rows
 78 19 or 4.13% rows
 32 16 or 3.47% rows
 91 16 or 3.47% rows
 25 16 or 3.47% rows
 68 16 or 3.47% rows
 74 16 or 3.47% rows
 77 14 or 3.04% rows
 37 13 or 2.82% rows
 95 12 or 2.60% rows
 87 10 or 2.17% rows
 29 10 or 2.17% rows
 8 9 or 1.95% rows
 41 9 or 1.95% rows
 90 9 or 1.95% rows
 102 9 or 1.95% rows
Distribution Chart for 'VendorID', step is 2.06

AverageLeadTime, int [10;120]17109 or 23.69% rows
 19101 or 21.95% rows
 16 88 or 19.13% rows
 15 85 or 18.47% rows
 18 26 or 5.65% rows
 45 19 or 4.13% rows
 25 10 or 2.17% rows
 30 8 or 1.73% rows
 60 7 or 1.52% rows
 35 3 or 0.65% rows
 12 2 or 0.43% rows
 120 1 or 0.21% rows
 10 1 or 0.21% rows
Distribution Chart for 'AverageLeadTime', step is 8.46154

ColumnValues, 20 of 175Count
StandardPrice, money [0.2;78.89]39.2100 14 or 3.04% rows
 37.2100 14 or 3.04% rows
 41.2100 14 or 3.04% rows
 35.2100 13 or 2.82% rows
 43.4100 10 or 2.17% rows
 41.4100 10 or 2.17% rows
 39.4100 10 or 2.17% rows
 37.4100 10 or 2.17% rows
 35.4100 9 or 1.95% rows
 43.2600 8 or 1.73% rows
 41.2600 8 or 1.73% rows
 39.2600 8 or 1.73% rows
 37.2600 8 or 1.73% rows
 43.2100 7 or 1.52% rows
 41.2800 7 or 1.52% rows
 39.2800 7 or 1.52% rows
 45.2800 7 or 1.52% rows
 43.2800 7 or 1.52% rows
 45.4100 6 or 1.30% rows
 35.2600 6 or 1.30% rows
Distribution Chart for 'StandardPrice', step is 1.5738

ColumnValues, 20 of 175Count
LastReceiptCost, money [0.21;82.8345]41.1705 14 or 3.04% rows
 39.0705 14 or 3.04% rows
 43.2705 14 or 3.04% rows
 36.9705 13 or 2.82% rows
 45.5805 10 or 2.17% rows
 43.4805 10 or 2.17% rows
 41.3805 10 or 2.17% rows
 39.2805 10 or 2.17% rows
 37.1805 9 or 1.95% rows
 45.4230 8 or 1.73% rows
 43.3230 8 or 1.73% rows
 41.2230 8 or 1.73% rows
 39.1230 8 or 1.73% rows
 45.3705 7 or 1.52% rows
 43.3440 7 or 1.52% rows
 41.2440 7 or 1.52% rows
 47.5440 7 or 1.52% rows
 45.4440 7 or 1.52% rows
 47.6805 6 or 1.30% rows
 37.0230 6 or 1.30% rows
Distribution Chart for 'LastReceiptCost', step is 1.65249

ColumnValues, 20 of 43Count
LastReceiptDate, datetime2001-09-28 00:00:00.000 44 or 9.56% rows
 2001-09-26 00:00:00.000 34 or 7.39% rows
 2001-09-27 00:00:00.000 32 or 6.95% rows
 2001-09-29 00:00:00.000 30 or 6.52% rows
 2001-09-25 00:00:00.000 28 or 6.08% rows
 2001-09-19 00:00:00.000 23 or 5.00% rows
 2001-09-22 00:00:00.000 19 or 4.13% rows
 2001-09-17 00:00:00.000 19 or 4.13% rows
 2001-09-04 00:00:00.000 18 or 3.91% rows
 2001-09-20 00:00:00.000 17 or 3.69% rows
 2001-09-07 00:00:00.000 15 or 3.26% rows
 2001-09-13 00:00:00.000 15 or 3.26% rows
 2001-09-12 00:00:00.000 15 or 3.26% rows
 2001-09-10 00:00:00.000 15 or 3.26% rows
 2004-06-22 00:00:00.000 12 or 2.60% rows
 2001-08-22 00:00:00.000 11 or 2.39% rows
 2001-09-06 00:00:00.000 9 or 1.95% rows
 2004-08-24 00:00:00.000 9 or 1.95% rows
 2001-09-18 00:00:00.000 8 or 1.73% rows
 2001-08-24 00:00:00.000 8 or 1.73% rows
MinOrderQty, int [1;5000]1285 or 61.95% rows
 100111 or 24.13% rows
 20 20 or 4.34% rows
 500 18 or 3.91% rows
 5000 7 or 1.52% rows
 1000 6 or 1.30% rows
 150 4 or 0.86% rows
 50 3 or 0.65% rows
 1500 3 or 0.65% rows
 4 2 or 0.43% rows
 75 1 or 0.21% rows
Distribution Chart for 'MinOrderQty', step is 454.455

MaxOrderQty, int [5;15000]5285 or 61.95% rows
 1000104 or 22.60% rows
 100 20 or 4.34% rows
 500 11 or 2.39% rows
 5000 9 or 1.95% rows
 10000 7 or 1.52% rows
 7500 6 or 1.30% rows
 200 3 or 0.65% rows
 8000 3 or 0.65% rows
 2500 3 or 0.65% rows
 15000 3 or 0.65% rows
 2000 2 or 0.43% rows
 750 1 or 0.21% rows
 600 1 or 0.21% rows
 300 1 or 0.21% rows
 1500 1 or 0.21% rows
Distribution Chart for 'MaxOrderQty', step is 937.188

ColumnValues, 20 of 27Count
OnOrderQty, int [3;8000]NULL305 or 66.30% rows
 3 63 or 13.69% rows
 300 34 or 7.39% rows
 60 7 or 1.52% rows
 150 6 or 1.30% rows
 750 4 or 0.86% rows
 1000 4 or 0.86% rows
 6000 4 or 0.86% rows
 5000 3 or 0.65% rows
 700 3 or 0.65% rows
 900 3 or 0.65% rows
 1250 3 or 0.65% rows
 2000 3 or 0.65% rows
 8000 3 or 0.65% rows
 25 2 or 0.43% rows
 250 2 or 0.43% rows
 630 1 or 0.21% rows
 600 1 or 0.21% rows
 350 1 or 0.21% rows
 100 1 or 0.21% rows
Distribution Chart for 'OnOrderQty', step is 296.185

UnitMeasureCode, nchar(3)CTN178 or 38.69% rows
 EA 154 or 33.47% rows
 CAN 68 or 14.78% rows
 CS 38 or 8.26% rows
 GAL 10 or 2.17% rows
 DZ 7 or 1.52% rows
 PAK 5 or 1.08% rows
ColumnValues, 20 of 31Count
ModifiedDate, datetime2001-09-28 00:00:00.000 44 or 9.56% rows
 2001-09-26 00:00:00.000 34 or 7.39% rows
 2001-09-27 00:00:00.000 32 or 6.95% rows
 2001-09-29 00:00:00.000 30 or 6.52% rows
 2005-09-12 12:20:28.343 29 or 6.30% rows
 2001-09-25 00:00:00.000 28 or 6.08% rows
 2005-09-12 12:20:28.330 25 or 5.43% rows
 2001-09-19 00:00:00.000 23 or 5.00% rows
 2001-09-22 00:00:00.000 19 or 4.13% rows
 2001-09-17 00:00:00.000 19 or 4.13% rows
 2001-09-04 00:00:00.000 18 or 3.91% rows
 2001-09-20 00:00:00.000 17 or 3.69% rows
 2001-09-07 00:00:00.000 15 or 3.26% rows
 2001-09-13 00:00:00.000 15 or 3.26% rows
 2001-09-12 00:00:00.000 15 or 3.26% rows
 2001-09-10 00:00:00.000 15 or 3.26% rows
 2001-08-22 00:00:00.000 11 or 2.39% rows
 2001-09-06 00:00:00.000 9 or 1.95% rows
 2001-09-18 00:00:00.000 8 or 1.73% rows
 2001-08-24 00:00:00.000 8 or 1.73% rows

Table: Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail, 8845 data rows

ColumnValues, 20 of 4012Count
PurchaseOrderID, int [1;4012]1015 30 or 0.33% rows
 135 26 or 0.29% rows
 2485 26 or 0.29% rows
 3275 26 or 0.29% rows
 1255 24 or 0.27% rows
 515 20 or 0.22% rows
 685 19 or 0.21% rows
 1115 19 or 0.21% rows
 1855 19 or 0.21% rows
 765 17 or 0.19% rows
 835 16 or 0.18% rows
 925 16 or 0.18% rows
 1325 16 or 0.18% rows
 1305 15 or 0.16% rows
 1805 15 or 0.16% rows
 4008 15 or 0.16% rows
 2045 14 or 0.15% rows
 2835 14 or 0.15% rows
 3625 14 or 0.15% rows
 1905 13 or 0.14% rows
Distribution Chart for 'PurchaseOrderID', step is 80.22

ColumnValues, 20 of 299Count
DueDate, datetime2004-05-18 00:00:00.000 58 or 0.65% rows
 2004-07-26 00:00:00.000 58 or 0.65% rows
 2003-11-25 00:00:00.000 57 or 0.64% rows
 2004-06-06 00:00:00.000 56 or 0.63% rows
 2004-01-10 00:00:00.000 54 or 0.61% rows
 2003-12-23 00:00:00.000 52 or 0.58% rows
 2003-10-06 00:00:00.000 51 or 0.57% rows
 2004-01-14 00:00:00.000 50 or 0.56% rows
 2004-05-23 00:00:00.000 50 or 0.56% rows
 2002-08-07 00:00:00.000 49 or 0.55% rows
 2004-03-23 00:00:00.000 49 or 0.55% rows
 2004-08-11 00:00:00.000 49 or 0.55% rows
 2003-10-21 00:00:00.000 48 or 0.54% rows
 2004-06-22 00:00:00.000 48 or 0.54% rows
 2004-07-31 00:00:00.000 48 or 0.54% rows
 2003-06-10 00:00:00.000 47 or 0.53% rows
 2004-08-24 00:00:00.000 47 or 0.53% rows
 2004-09-12 00:00:00.000 47 or 0.53% rows
 2003-09-26 00:00:00.000 46 or 0.52% rows
 2004-03-15 00:00:00.000 46 or 0.52% rows
ColumnValues, 20 of 28Count
OrderQty, smallint [3;8000]3 4 136 or 46.76% rows
 550 3 759 or 42.49% rows
 60792 or 8.95% rows
 1250106 or 1.19% rows
 150 6 or 0.06% rows
 750 4 or 0.04% rows
 1000 4 or 0.04% rows
 6000 4 or 0.04% rows
 300 3 or 0.03% rows
 5000 3 or 0.03% rows
 700 3 or 0.03% rows
 900 3 or 0.03% rows
 2000 3 or 0.03% rows
 8000 3 or 0.03% rows
 25 2 or 0.02% rows
 250 2 or 0.02% rows
 4 1 or 0.01% rows
 630 1 or 0.01% rows
 600 1 or 0.01% rows
 350 1 or 0.01% rows
Distribution Chart for 'OrderQty', step is 285.607

ColumnValues, 20 of 265Count
ProductID, int [1;952]319130 or 1.46% rows
 320125 or 1.41% rows
 321125 or 1.41% rows
 322124 or 1.40% rows
 523102 or 1.15% rows
 524102 or 1.15% rows
 507102 or 1.15% rows
 508102 or 1.15% rows
 935102 or 1.15% rows
 936102 or 1.15% rows
 513101 or 1.14% rows
 491101 or 1.14% rows
 356101 or 1.14% rows
 357101 or 1.14% rows
 490100 or 1.13% rows
 510 92 or 1.04% rows
 511 92 or 1.04% rows
 512 91 or 1.02% rows
 938 90 or 1.01% rows
 939 90 or 1.01% rows
Distribution Chart for 'ProductID', step is 19.02

ColumnValues, 20 of 177Count
UnitPrice, money [0.21;82.8345]31.4895192 or 2.17% rows
 48.2895192 or 2.17% rows
 43.2705181 or 2.04% rows
 21.0945172 or 1.94% rows
 30.4395172 or 1.94% rows
 40.9395171 or 1.93% rows
 41.1705171 or 1.93% rows
 39.0705163 or 1.84% rows
 36.9705153 or 1.72% rows
 45.3705147 or 1.66% rows
 62.9895144 or 1.62% rows
 50.2635132 or 1.49% rows
 47.4705122 or 1.37% rows
 45.5805113 or 1.27% rows
 43.4805111 or 1.25% rows
 41.3805108 or 1.22% rows
 39.2805108 or 1.22% rows
 47.6805107 or 1.20% rows
 82.8345100 or 1.13% rows
 .2100100 or 1.13% rows
Distribution Chart for 'UnitPrice', step is 1.65249

ColumnValues, 20 of 183Count
LineTotal, money [37.0755;249420]17319.2250192 or 2.17% rows
 26559.2250192 or 2.17% rows
 129.8115181 or 2.04% rows
 11601.9750172 or 1.94% rows
 16741.7250172 or 1.94% rows
 22516.7250171 or 1.93% rows
 123.5115171 or 1.93% rows
 117.2115163 or 1.84% rows
 110.9115153 or 1.72% rows
 136.1115147 or 1.66% rows
 34644.2250144 or 1.62% rows
 142.4115122 or 1.37% rows
 136.7415113 or 1.27% rows
 130.4415111 or 1.25% rows
 124.1415108 or 1.22% rows
 117.8415108 or 1.22% rows
 143.0415107 or 1.20% rows
 150.7905101 or 1.14% rows
 45558.9750100 or 1.13% rows
 262.5000100 or 1.13% rows
Distribution Chart for 'LineTotal', step is 4987.66

ColumnValues, 20 of 34Count
ReceivedQty, decimal [2;8000]3.00 4 136 or 46.76% rows
 550.00 3 442 or 38.91% rows
 60.00745 or 8.42% rows
 468.00197 or 2.22% rows
 523.00120 or 1.35% rows
 1250.00 95 or 1.07% rows
 51.00 34 or 0.38% rows
 57.00 13 or 0.14% rows
 1188.00 6 or 0.06% rows
 150.00 6 or 0.06% rows
 1063.00 5 or 0.05% rows
 750.00 4 or 0.04% rows
 1000.00 4 or 0.04% rows
 6000.00 4 or 0.04% rows
 20.00 3 or 0.03% rows
 5000.00 3 or 0.03% rows
 700.00 3 or 0.03% rows
 900.00 3 or 0.03% rows
 2000.00 3 or 0.03% rows
 8000.00 3 or 0.03% rows
Distribution Chart for 'ReceivedQty', step is 235.235

RejectedQty, decimal [0;1250].00 8 282 or 93.63% rows
 82.00203 or 2.29% rows
 55.00127 or 1.43% rows
 550.00 74 or 0.83% rows
 3.00 58 or 0.65% rows
 9.00 37 or 0.41% rows
 27.00 18 or 0.20% rows
 6.00 17 or 0.19% rows
 60.00 15 or 0.16% rows
 125.00 5 or 0.05% rows
 1250.00 4 or 0.04% rows
 187.00 4 or 0.04% rows
 1.00 1 or 0.01% rows
Distribution Chart for 'RejectedQty', step is 96.1538

ColumnValues, 20 of 38Count
StockedQty, decimal [0;8000]3.00 4 088 or 46.21% rows
 550.00 3 020 or 34.14% rows
 60.00666 or 7.52% rows
 468.00400 or 4.52% rows
 .00141 or 1.59% rows
 523.00138 or 1.56% rows
 495.00127 or 1.43% rows
 1250.00 82 or 0.92% rows
 51.00 71 or 0.80% rows
 57.00 23 or 0.26% rows
 54.00 17 or 0.19% rows
 1063.00 9 or 0.10% rows
 1188.00 6 or 0.06% rows
 150.00 6 or 0.06% rows
 1125.00 5 or 0.05% rows
 750.00 4 or 0.04% rows
 1000.00 4 or 0.04% rows
 6000.00 4 or 0.04% rows
 20.00 3 or 0.03% rows
 5000.00 3 or 0.03% rows
Distribution Chart for 'StockedQty', step is 210.526

ColumnValues, 20 of 308Count
ModifiedDate, datetime2004-05-11 00:00:00.000 58 or 0.65% rows
 2004-07-19 00:00:00.000 58 or 0.65% rows
 2003-11-18 00:00:00.000 57 or 0.64% rows
 2004-05-30 00:00:00.000 56 or 0.63% rows
 2003-12-16 00:00:00.000 52 or 0.58% rows
 2003-09-29 00:00:00.000 51 or 0.57% rows
 2004-01-07 00:00:00.000 50 or 0.56% rows
 2004-05-16 00:00:00.000 50 or 0.56% rows
 2002-07-31 00:00:00.000 49 or 0.55% rows
 2004-03-16 00:00:00.000 49 or 0.55% rows
 2004-08-04 00:00:00.000 49 or 0.55% rows
 2003-10-14 00:00:00.000 48 or 0.54% rows
 2004-01-03 00:00:00.000 48 or 0.54% rows
 2004-07-24 00:00:00.000 48 or 0.54% rows
 2003-06-03 00:00:00.000 47 or 0.53% rows
 2004-09-05 00:00:00.000 47 or 0.53% rows
 2003-09-19 00:00:00.000 46 or 0.52% rows
 2004-03-08 00:00:00.000 46 or 0.52% rows
 2004-04-10 00:00:00.000 46 or 0.52% rows
 2004-05-25 00:00:00.000 46 or 0.52% rows

Table: Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader, 4012 data rows

RevisionNumber, tinyint [0;16]0 3 813 or 95.03% rows
 1130 or 3.24% rows
 2 43 or 1.07% rows
 3 15 or 0.37% rows
 5 4 or 0.09% rows
 4 3 or 0.07% rows
 8 1 or 0.02% rows
 10 1 or 0.02% rows
 16 1 or 0.02% rows
 6 1 or 0.02% rows
Distribution Chart for 'RevisionNumber', step is 1.6

Status, tinyint [1;4]4 3 689 or 91.94% rows
 1225 or 5.60% rows
 3 86 or 2.14% rows
 2 12 or 0.29% rows
Distribution Chart for 'Status', step is 0.75

EmployeeID, int [164;274]266401 or 9.99% rows
 223400 or 9.97% rows
 231362 or 9.02% rows
 264362 or 9.02% rows
 244361 or 8.99% rows
 164361 or 8.99% rows
 238361 or 8.99% rows
 241360 or 8.97% rows
 233360 or 8.97% rows
 261360 or 8.97% rows
 198164 or 4.08% rows
 274160 or 3.98% rows
Distribution Chart for 'EmployeeID', step is 9.16667

ColumnValues, 20 of 86Count
VendorID, int [1;104]83 51 or 1.27% rows
 32 51 or 1.27% rows
 38 51 or 1.27% rows
 85 51 or 1.27% rows
 92 51 or 1.27% rows
 11 51 or 1.27% rows
 84 51 or 1.27% rows
 78 51 or 1.27% rows
 74 51 or 1.27% rows
 13 51 or 1.27% rows
 51 51 or 1.27% rows
 80 51 or 1.27% rows
 47 51 or 1.27% rows
 81 51 or 1.27% rows
 46 51 or 1.27% rows
 21 51 or 1.27% rows
 27 51 or 1.27% rows
 86 51 or 1.27% rows
 45 51 or 1.27% rows
 93 51 or 1.27% rows
Distribution Chart for 'VendorID', step is 2.06

ShipMethodID, int [1;5]5 1 523 or 37.96% rows
 4 1 085 or 27.04% rows
 2655 or 16.32% rows
 1589 or 14.68% rows
 3160 or 3.98% rows
Distribution Chart for 'ShipMethodID', step is 0.8

ColumnValues, 20 of 300Count
OrderDate, datetime2003-09-14 00:00:00.000 20 or 0.49% rows
 2003-09-20 00:00:00.000 20 or 0.49% rows
 2003-09-22 00:00:00.000 20 or 0.49% rows
 2004-07-25 00:00:00.000 18 or 0.44% rows
 2004-02-28 00:00:00.000 17 or 0.42% rows
 2004-03-14 00:00:00.000 17 or 0.42% rows
 2004-04-01 00:00:00.000 17 or 0.42% rows
 2004-05-23 00:00:00.000 17 or 0.42% rows
 2004-06-14 00:00:00.000 17 or 0.42% rows
 2002-02-16 00:00:00.000 16 or 0.39% rows
 2002-02-24 00:00:00.000 16 or 0.39% rows
 2002-03-12 00:00:00.000 16 or 0.39% rows
 2002-04-09 00:00:00.000 16 or 0.39% rows
 2002-04-10 00:00:00.000 16 or 0.39% rows
 2002-05-13 00:00:00.000 16 or 0.39% rows
 2002-07-01 00:00:00.000 16 or 0.39% rows
 2002-07-24 00:00:00.000 16 or 0.39% rows
 2002-10-23 00:00:00.000 16 or 0.39% rows
 2002-11-18 00:00:00.000 16 or 0.39% rows
 2003-05-26 00:00:00.000 16 or 0.39% rows
ColumnValues, 20 of 297Count
ShipDate, datetime2003-09-23 00:00:00.000 20 or 0.49% rows
 2003-09-29 00:00:00.000 20 or 0.49% rows
 2003-10-01 00:00:00.000 20 or 0.49% rows
 2004-01-05 00:00:00.000 18 or 0.44% rows
 2004-08-19 00:00:00.000 18 or 0.44% rows
 2004-03-15 00:00:00.000 17 or 0.42% rows
 2004-03-24 00:00:00.000 17 or 0.42% rows
 2004-04-08 00:00:00.000 17 or 0.42% rows
 2004-04-26 00:00:00.000 17 or 0.42% rows
 2004-06-17 00:00:00.000 17 or 0.42% rows
 2004-07-09 00:00:00.000 17 or 0.42% rows
 2002-02-25 00:00:00.000 16 or 0.39% rows
 2002-03-05 00:00:00.000 16 or 0.39% rows
 2002-03-21 00:00:00.000 16 or 0.39% rows
 2002-04-18 00:00:00.000 16 or 0.39% rows
 2002-04-19 00:00:00.000 16 or 0.39% rows
 2002-05-22 00:00:00.000 16 or 0.39% rows
 2002-07-10 00:00:00.000 16 or 0.39% rows
 2002-08-02 00:00:00.000 16 or 0.39% rows
 2002-11-01 00:00:00.000 16 or 0.39% rows
ColumnValues, 20 of 351Count
SubTotal, money [37.0755;997680]43878.4500163 or 4.06% rows
 34644.2250102 or 2.54% rows
 150.7905101 or 2.51% rows
 28343.7000 67 or 1.66% rows
 22516.7250 66 or 1.64% rows
 8847.3000 51 or 1.27% rows
 171.0765 51 or 1.27% rows
 20397.3000 51 or 1.27% rows
 14628.0750 51 or 1.27% rows
 146.2860 51 or 1.27% rows
 102.5640 51 or 1.27% rows
 13669.4250 51 or 1.27% rows
 551.8800 51 or 1.27% rows
 28072.2750 51 or 1.27% rows
 28297.5000 51 or 1.27% rows
 59.9445 51 or 1.27% rows
 142.4115 51 or 1.27% rows
 1276.2750 51 or 1.27% rows
 2003.9250 51 or 1.27% rows
 454.8600 51 or 1.27% rows
Distribution Chart for 'SubTotal', step is 19952.9

ColumnValues, 20 of 351Count
TaxAmt, money [2.966;79814.4]3510.2760163 or 4.06% rows
 2771.5380102 or 2.54% rows
 12.0632101 or 2.51% rows
 2267.4960 67 or 1.66% rows
 1801.3380 66 or 1.64% rows
 707.7840 51 or 1.27% rows
 13.6861 51 or 1.27% rows
 1631.7840 51 or 1.27% rows
 1170.2460 51 or 1.27% rows
 11.7029 51 or 1.27% rows
 8.2051 51 or 1.27% rows
 1093.5540 51 or 1.27% rows
 44.1504 51 or 1.27% rows
 2245.7820 51 or 1.27% rows
 2263.8000 51 or 1.27% rows
 4.7956 51 or 1.27% rows
 11.3929 51 or 1.27% rows
 102.1020 51 or 1.27% rows
 160.3140 51 or 1.27% rows
 36.3888 51 or 1.27% rows
Distribution Chart for 'TaxAmt', step is 1596.23

ColumnValues, 20 of 351Count
Freight, money [0.9269;19953.6]1096.9613163 or 4.06% rows
 866.1056102 or 2.54% rows
 3.7698101 or 2.51% rows
 708.5925 67 or 1.66% rows
 562.9181 66 or 1.64% rows
 221.1825 51 or 1.27% rows
 4.2769 51 or 1.27% rows
 509.9325 51 or 1.27% rows
 365.7019 51 or 1.27% rows
 3.6572 51 or 1.27% rows
 2.5641 51 or 1.27% rows
 341.7356 51 or 1.27% rows
 13.7970 51 or 1.27% rows
 701.8069 51 or 1.27% rows
 707.4375 51 or 1.27% rows
 1.4986 51 or 1.27% rows
 3.5603 51 or 1.27% rows
 31.9069 51 or 1.27% rows
 50.0981 51 or 1.27% rows
 11.3715 51 or 1.27% rows
Distribution Chart for 'Freight', step is 399.053

ColumnValues, 20 of 351Count
TotalDue, money [40.9684;1.09745e+006]48485.6873163 or 4.06% rows
 38281.8686102 or 2.54% rows
 166.6235101 or 2.51% rows
 31319.7885 67 or 1.66% rows
 24880.9811 66 or 1.64% rows
 9776.2665 51 or 1.27% rows
 189.0395 51 or 1.27% rows
 22539.0165 51 or 1.27% rows
 16164.0229 51 or 1.27% rows
 161.6461 51 or 1.27% rows
 113.3332 51 or 1.27% rows
 15104.7146 51 or 1.27% rows
 609.8274 51 or 1.27% rows
 31019.8639 51 or 1.27% rows
 31268.7375 51 or 1.27% rows
 66.2387 51 or 1.27% rows
 157.3647 51 or 1.27% rows
 1410.2839 51 or 1.27% rows
 2214.3371 51 or 1.27% rows
 502.6203 51 or 1.27% rows
Distribution Chart for 'TotalDue', step is 21948.1

ColumnValues, 20 of 306Count
ModifiedDate, datetime2003-09-23 00:00:00.000 20 or 0.49% rows
 2003-09-29 00:00:00.000 20 or 0.49% rows
 2003-10-01 00:00:00.000 20 or 0.49% rows
 2002-02-25 00:00:00.000 16 or 0.39% rows
 2002-03-05 00:00:00.000 16 or 0.39% rows
 2002-03-21 00:00:00.000 16 or 0.39% rows
 2002-04-18 00:00:00.000 16 or 0.39% rows
 2002-04-19 00:00:00.000 16 or 0.39% rows
 2002-05-22 00:00:00.000 16 or 0.39% rows
 2002-07-10 00:00:00.000 16 or 0.39% rows
 2002-08-02 00:00:00.000 16 or 0.39% rows
 2002-11-01 00:00:00.000 16 or 0.39% rows
 2002-11-27 00:00:00.000 16 or 0.39% rows
 2003-06-04 00:00:00.000 16 or 0.39% rows
 2003-06-05 00:00:00.000 16 or 0.39% rows
 2003-07-02 00:00:00.000 16 or 0.39% rows
 2003-07-03 00:00:00.000 16 or 0.39% rows
 2003-09-14 00:00:00.000 16 or 0.39% rows
 2003-09-15 00:00:00.000 16 or 0.39% rows
 2003-09-16 00:00:00.000 16 or 0.39% rows

Table: Purchasing.ShipMethod, 5 data rows

ModifiedDate, datetime1998-06-01 00:00:00.000 5 or 100.00% rows

Table: Purchasing.Vendor, 104 data rows

CreditRating, tinyint [1;5]1 84 or 80.76% rows
 2 9 or 8.65% rows
 3 7 or 6.73% rows
 5 2 or 1.92% rows
 4 2 or 1.92% rows
Distribution Chart for 'CreditRating', step is 0.8

PreferredVendorStatus, Flag1 93 or 89.42% rows
 0 11 or 10.57% rows
ActiveFlag, Flag1100 or 96.15% rows
 0 4 or 3.84% rows
PurchasingWebServiceURL, nvarchar(1024)NULL 98 or 94.23% rows 1 or 0.96% rows 1 or 0.96% rows 1 or 0.96% rows 1 or 0.96% rows 1 or 0.96% rows 1 or 0.96% rows
ModifiedDate, datetime2002-03-05 00:00:00.000 20 or 19.23% rows
 2002-02-25 00:00:00.000 19 or 18.26% rows
 2002-01-24 00:00:00.000 17 or 16.34% rows
 2002-03-06 00:00:00.000 11 or 10.57% rows
 2002-01-23 00:00:00.000 10 or 9.61% rows
 2002-03-21 00:00:00.000 7 or 6.73% rows
 2002-03-01 00:00:00.000 6 or 5.76% rows
 2002-02-17 00:00:00.000 5 or 4.80% rows
 2001-06-09 00:00:00.000 5 or 4.80% rows
 2001-05-26 00:00:00.000 4 or 3.84% rows

Table: Purchasing.VendorAddress, 104 data rows

AddressTypeID, int [3;3]3104 or 100.00% rows
ModifiedDate, datetime2002-03-05 00:00:00.000 20 or 19.23% rows
 2002-02-25 00:00:00.000 19 or 18.26% rows
 2002-01-24 00:00:00.000 17 or 16.34% rows
 2002-03-06 00:00:00.000 11 or 10.57% rows
 2002-01-23 00:00:00.000 10 or 9.61% rows
 2002-03-21 00:00:00.000 7 or 6.73% rows
 2002-03-01 00:00:00.000 6 or 5.76% rows
 2002-02-17 00:00:00.000 5 or 4.80% rows
 2001-06-09 00:00:00.000 5 or 4.80% rows
 2001-05-26 00:00:00.000 4 or 3.84% rows

Table: Purchasing.VendorContact, 156 data rows

ColumnValues, 20 of 104Count
VendorID, int [1;104]2 3 or 1.92% rows
 9 3 or 1.92% rows
 16 3 or 1.92% rows
 17 3 or 1.92% rows
 21 3 or 1.92% rows
 26 3 or 1.92% rows
 28 3 or 1.92% rows
 31 3 or 1.92% rows
 32 3 or 1.92% rows
 39 3 or 1.92% rows
 46 3 or 1.92% rows
 47 3 or 1.92% rows
 51 3 or 1.92% rows
 59 3 or 1.92% rows
 74 3 or 1.92% rows
 76 3 or 1.92% rows
 77 3 or 1.92% rows
 78 3 or 1.92% rows
 85 3 or 1.92% rows
 86 3 or 1.92% rows
Distribution Chart for 'VendorID', step is 2.06

ContactTypeID, int [2;19]17 54 or 34.61% rows
 18 44 or 28.20% rows
 19 40 or 25.64% rows
 2 18 or 11.53% rows
Distribution Chart for 'ContactTypeID', step is 4.25

ModifiedDate, datetime2002-02-25 00:00:00.000 27 or 17.30% rows
 2002-01-24 00:00:00.000 24 or 15.38% rows
 2002-03-05 00:00:00.000 23 or 14.74% rows
 2002-01-23 00:00:00.000 21 or 13.46% rows
 2002-03-06 00:00:00.000 17 or 10.89% rows
 2002-02-17 00:00:00.000 13 or 8.33% rows
 2001-06-09 00:00:00.000 9 or 5.76% rows
 2001-05-26 00:00:00.000 9 or 5.76% rows
 2002-03-21 00:00:00.000 7 or 4.48% rows
 2002-03-01 00:00:00.000 6 or 3.84% rows

Table: Sales.ContactCreditCard, 19118 data rows

ColumnValues, 20 of 1124Count
ModifiedDate, datetime2003-09-01 00:00:00.000115 or 0.60% rows
 2003-08-01 00:00:00.000113 or 0.59% rows
 2002-08-01 00:00:00.000 88 or 0.46% rows
 2001-08-01 00:00:00.000 80 or 0.41% rows
 2002-09-01 00:00:00.000 73 or 0.38% rows
 2001-09-01 00:00:00.000 63 or 0.32% rows
 2004-06-14 00:00:00.000 56 or 0.29% rows
 2003-08-08 00:00:00.000 56 or 0.29% rows
 2003-08-19 00:00:00.000 54 or 0.28% rows
 2003-12-15 00:00:00.000 54 or 0.28% rows
 2004-06-28 00:00:00.000 53 or 0.27% rows
 2002-07-01 00:00:00.000 52 or 0.27% rows
 2004-01-08 00:00:00.000 51 or 0.26% rows
 2003-12-26 00:00:00.000 51 or 0.26% rows
 2003-10-08 00:00:00.000 50 or 0.26% rows
 2003-10-06 00:00:00.000 50 or 0.26% rows
 2003-12-07 00:00:00.000 50 or 0.26% rows
 2004-06-05 00:00:00.000 49 or 0.25% rows
 2003-12-29 00:00:00.000 49 or 0.25% rows
 2004-06-22 00:00:00.000 49 or 0.25% rows

Table: Sales.CountryRegionCurrency, 109 data rows

ColumnValues, 20 of 96Count
CountryRegionCode, nvarchar(3)AT 2 or 1.83% rows
 BE 2 or 1.83% rows
 DE 2 or 1.83% rows
 ES 2 or 1.83% rows
 FI 2 or 1.83% rows
 FR 2 or 1.83% rows
 GR 2 or 1.83% rows
 IE 2 or 1.83% rows
 IT 2 or 1.83% rows
 NL 2 or 1.83% rows
 PL 2 or 1.83% rows
 PT 2 or 1.83% rows
 RU 2 or 1.83% rows
 AE 1 or 0.91% rows
 AR 1 or 0.91% rows
 AU 1 or 0.91% rows
 BB 1 or 0.91% rows
 BD 1 or 0.91% rows
 BG 1 or 0.91% rows
 BH 1 or 0.91% rows
ColumnValues, 20 of 97Count
CurrencyCode, nchar(3)EUR 12 or 11.00% rows
 USD 2 or 1.83% rows
 AED 1 or 0.91% rows
 ARS 1 or 0.91% rows
 ATS 1 or 0.91% rows
 AUD 1 or 0.91% rows
 BBD 1 or 0.91% rows
 BDT 1 or 0.91% rows
 BEF 1 or 0.91% rows
 BGN 1 or 0.91% rows
 BHD 1 or 0.91% rows
 BND 1 or 0.91% rows
 BOB 1 or 0.91% rows
 BRL 1 or 0.91% rows
 BSD 1 or 0.91% rows
 BTN 1 or 0.91% rows
 CAD 1 or 0.91% rows
 CHF 1 or 0.91% rows
 CLP 1 or 0.91% rows
 CNY 1 or 0.91% rows
ModifiedDate, datetime2004-03-11 10:17:21.510 99 or 90.82% rows
 1998-06-01 00:00:00.000 10 or 9.17% rows

Table: Sales.CreditCard, 19118 data rows

CardType, nvarchar(50)SuperiorCard 4 839 or 25.31% rows
 Distinguish 4 832 or 25.27% rows
 ColonialVoice 4 782 or 25.01% rows
 Vista 4 665 or 24.40% rows
ExpMonth, tinyint [1;12]11 1 623 or 8.48% rows
 8 1 619 or 8.46% rows
 9 1 615 or 8.44% rows
 1 1 613 or 8.43% rows
 7 1 611 or 8.42% rows
 12 1 607 or 8.40% rows
 3 1 585 or 8.29% rows
 10 1 584 or 8.28% rows
 5 1 584 or 8.28% rows
 6 1 579 or 8.25% rows
 2 1 553 or 8.12% rows
 4 1 545 or 8.08% rows
Distribution Chart for 'ExpMonth', step is 0.916667

ExpYear, smallint [2005;2008]2007 4 832 or 25.27% rows
 2006 4 807 or 25.14% rows
 2005 4 743 or 24.80% rows
 2008 4 736 or 24.77% rows
Distribution Chart for 'ExpYear', step is 0.75

ColumnValues, 20 of 1284Count
ModifiedDate, datetime2003-09-01 00:00:00.000134 or 0.70% rows
 2003-08-01 00:00:00.000124 or 0.64% rows
 2002-08-01 00:00:00.000 99 or 0.51% rows
 2001-08-01 00:00:00.000 92 or 0.48% rows
 2002-09-01 00:00:00.000 81 or 0.42% rows
 2001-09-01 00:00:00.000 74 or 0.38% rows
 2002-07-01 00:00:00.000 59 or 0.30% rows
 2003-08-08 00:00:00.000 56 or 0.29% rows
 2003-08-19 00:00:00.000 54 or 0.28% rows
 2004-06-14 00:00:00.000 53 or 0.27% rows
 2003-12-15 00:00:00.000 53 or 0.27% rows
 2001-07-01 00:00:00.000 52 or 0.27% rows
 2004-06-28 00:00:00.000 50 or 0.26% rows
 2003-10-08 00:00:00.000 50 or 0.26% rows
 2003-12-26 00:00:00.000 50 or 0.26% rows
 2003-10-06 00:00:00.000 49 or 0.25% rows
 2004-06-05 00:00:00.000 49 or 0.25% rows
 2003-12-07 00:00:00.000 49 or 0.25% rows
 2003-12-29 00:00:00.000 48 or 0.25% rows
 2004-04-03 00:00:00.000 48 or 0.25% rows

Table: Sales.Currency, 105 data rows

ModifiedDate, datetime1998-06-01 00:00:00.000105 or 100.00% rows

Table: Sales.CurrencyRate, 13532 data rows

ColumnValues, 20 of 1097Count
CurrencyRateDate, datetime2001-07-01 00:00:00.000 14 or 0.10% rows
 2001-07-02 00:00:00.000 14 or 0.10% rows
 2001-07-03 00:00:00.000 14 or 0.10% rows
 2001-07-04 00:00:00.000 14 or 0.10% rows
 2001-07-05 00:00:00.000 14 or 0.10% rows
 2001-07-06 00:00:00.000 14 or 0.10% rows
 2001-07-07 00:00:00.000 14 or 0.10% rows
 2001-07-08 00:00:00.000 14 or 0.10% rows
 2001-07-09 00:00:00.000 14 or 0.10% rows
 2001-07-10 00:00:00.000 14 or 0.10% rows
 2001-07-11 00:00:00.000 14 or 0.10% rows
 2001-07-12 00:00:00.000 14 or 0.10% rows
 2001-07-13 00:00:00.000 14 or 0.10% rows
 2001-07-14 00:00:00.000 14 or 0.10% rows
 2001-07-15 00:00:00.000 14 or 0.10% rows
 2001-07-16 00:00:00.000 14 or 0.10% rows
 2001-07-17 00:00:00.000 14 or 0.10% rows
 2001-07-18 00:00:00.000 14 or 0.10% rows
 2001-07-19 00:00:00.000 14 or 0.10% rows
 2001-07-20 00:00:00.000 14 or 0.10% rows
FromCurrencyCode, nchar(3)USD 13 532 or 100.00% rows
ToCurrencyCode, nchar(3)ARS 1 097 or 8.10% rows
 AUD 1 097 or 8.10% rows
 BRL 1 097 or 8.10% rows
 CAD 1 097 or 8.10% rows
 CNY 1 097 or 8.10% rows
 EUR 1 097 or 8.10% rows
 GBP 1 097 or 8.10% rows
 JPY 1 097 or 8.10% rows
 MXN 1 097 or 8.10% rows
 SAR 1 097 or 8.10% rows
 VEB 1 097 or 8.10% rows
 USD 1 097 or 8.10% rows
 DEM184 or 1.35% rows
 FRF184 or 1.35% rows
ColumnValues, 20 of 6127Count
AverageRate, money [0.6046;1500]1.0000 1 131 or 8.35% rows
 3.7505353 or 2.60% rows
 3.7507242 or 1.78% rows
 .9998200 or 1.47% rows
 3.7509169 or 1.24% rows
 3.7503129 or 0.95% rows
 3.7504127 or 0.93% rows
 .9996120 or 0.88% rows
 8.2866106 or 0.78% rows
 .9995 89 or 0.65% rows
 .9999 83 or 0.61% rows
 8.2867 70 or 0.51% rows
 .9991 63 or 0.46% rows
 8.2775 60 or 0.44% rows
 8.2870 50 or 0.36% rows
 8.2871 46 or 0.33% rows
 .9997 45 or 0.33% rows
 8.2873 45 or 0.33% rows
 8.2782 44 or 0.32% rows
 .9993 44 or 0.32% rows
Distribution Chart for 'AverageRate', step is 29.9879

ColumnValues, 20 of 7232Count
EndOfDayRate, money [0.6041;1499.95]1.0000 1 129 or 8.34% rows
 1.0004 72 or 0.53% rows
 .9990 66 or 0.48% rows
 .9998 53 or 0.39% rows
 8.2873 51 or 0.37% rows
 .9991 45 or 0.33% rows
 .9993 43 or 0.31% rows
 1.0001 42 or 0.31% rows
 8.2782 41 or 0.30% rows
 .9992 40 or 0.29% rows
 .9995 36 or 0.26% rows
 .9997 35 or 0.25% rows
 1.0002 34 or 0.25% rows
 8.2866 34 or 0.25% rows
 8.2784 32 or 0.23% rows
 8.2789 32 or 0.23% rows
 .9999 32 or 0.23% rows
 8.2774 31 or 0.22% rows
 .9988 31 or 0.22% rows
 .9996 30 or 0.22% rows
Distribution Chart for 'EndOfDayRate', step is 29.9869

ColumnValues, 20 of 1098Count
ModifiedDate, datetime2004-02-03 17:39:45.260 1 097 or 8.10% rows
 2001-07-01 00:00:00.000 13 or 0.09% rows
 2001-07-02 00:00:00.000 13 or 0.09% rows
 2001-07-03 00:00:00.000 13 or 0.09% rows
 2001-07-04 00:00:00.000 13 or 0.09% rows
 2001-07-05 00:00:00.000 13 or 0.09% rows
 2001-07-06 00:00:00.000 13 or 0.09% rows
 2001-07-07 00:00:00.000 13 or 0.09% rows
 2001-07-08 00:00:00.000 13 or 0.09% rows
 2001-07-09 00:00:00.000 13 or 0.09% rows
 2001-07-10 00:00:00.000 13 or 0.09% rows
 2001-07-11 00:00:00.000 13 or 0.09% rows
 2001-07-12 00:00:00.000 13 or 0.09% rows
 2001-07-13 00:00:00.000 13 or 0.09% rows
 2001-07-14 00:00:00.000 13 or 0.09% rows
 2001-07-15 00:00:00.000 13 or 0.09% rows
 2001-07-16 00:00:00.000 13 or 0.09% rows
 2001-07-17 00:00:00.000 13 or 0.09% rows
 2001-07-18 00:00:00.000 13 or 0.09% rows
 2001-07-19 00:00:00.000 13 or 0.09% rows

Table: Sales.Customer, 19185 data rows

TerritoryID, int [1;10]4 4 581 or 23.87% rows
 9 3 631 or 18.92% rows
 1 3 433 or 17.89% rows
 10 1 953 or 10.17% rows
 7 1 850 or 9.64% rows
 8 1 820 or 9.48% rows
 6 1 685 or 8.78% rows
 5 97 or 0.50% rows
 3 71 or 0.37% rows
 2 64 or 0.33% rows
Distribution Chart for 'TerritoryID', step is 0.9

CustomerType, nchar(1)I 18 484 or 96.34% rows
 S701 or 3.65% rows
ModifiedDate, datetime2004-10-13 11:15:07.263 19 185 or 100.00% rows

Table: Sales.CustomerAddress, 19220 data rows

ColumnValues, 20 of 19185Count
CustomerID, int [1;29483]2 2 or 0.01% rows
 4 2 or 0.01% rows
 19 2 or 0.01% rows
 130 2 or 0.01% rows
 222 2 or 0.01% rows
 254 2 or 0.01% rows
 278 2 or 0.01% rows
 325 2 or 0.01% rows
 473 2 or 0.01% rows
 570 2 or 0.01% rows
 623 2 or 0.01% rows
 11279 2 or 0.01% rows
 11532 2 or 0.01% rows
 13145 2 or 0.01% rows
 13311 2 or 0.01% rows
 14255 2 or 0.01% rows
 15009 2 or 0.01% rows
 15407 2 or 0.01% rows
 15512 2 or 0.01% rows
 15531 2 or 0.01% rows
Distribution Chart for 'CustomerID', step is 589.64

AddressTypeID, int [2;5]2 18 484 or 96.17% rows
 3701 or 3.64% rows
 5 35 or 0.18% rows
Distribution Chart for 'AddressTypeID', step is 1

ColumnValues, 20 of 1124Count
ModifiedDate, datetime2003-09-01 00:00:00.000126 or 0.65% rows
 2003-08-01 00:00:00.000123 or 0.63% rows
 2002-08-01 00:00:00.000 96 or 0.49% rows
 2001-08-01 00:00:00.000 88 or 0.45% rows
 2002-09-01 00:00:00.000 77 or 0.40% rows
 2001-09-01 00:00:00.000 74 or 0.38% rows
 2002-07-01 00:00:00.000 61 or 0.31% rows
 2003-08-08 00:00:00.000 56 or 0.29% rows
 2004-06-14 00:00:00.000 56 or 0.29% rows
 2003-12-15 00:00:00.000 55 or 0.28% rows
 2003-08-19 00:00:00.000 54 or 0.28% rows
 2004-06-28 00:00:00.000 53 or 0.27% rows
 2003-12-26 00:00:00.000 51 or 0.26% rows
 2004-01-08 00:00:00.000 51 or 0.26% rows
 2001-07-01 00:00:00.000 50 or 0.26% rows
 2003-10-06 00:00:00.000 50 or 0.26% rows
 2003-10-08 00:00:00.000 50 or 0.26% rows
 2003-12-07 00:00:00.000 50 or 0.26% rows
 2003-12-29 00:00:00.000 49 or 0.25% rows
 2004-06-05 00:00:00.000 49 or 0.25% rows

Table: Sales.Individual, 18484 data rows

ColumnValues, 20 of 18483Count
Demographics, xml4733.752001-10-30Z1976-03-03ZS0-25000F11High SchoolManual001-2 Miles 2 or 0.01% rows
 184.482003-10-02Z1977-06-06ZS25001-50000M00Partial High SchoolClerical020-1 Miles 1 or 0.00% rows
 88.972004-05-21Z1977-03-18ZS25001-50000M00High SchoolSkilled Manual125-10 Miles 1 or 0.00% rows
 44.222004-01-15Z1979-11-26ZM25001-50000F00High SchoolSkilled Manual125-10 Miles 1 or 0.00% rows
 1992.462003-04-29Z1940-07-13ZM25001-50000M20Bachelors Management125-10 Miles 1 or 0.00% rows
 1957.472003-04-11Z1941-03-22ZS25001-50000M20Bachelors Management125-10 Miles 1 or 0.00% rows
 1957.472003-04-17Z1943-04-22ZS25001-50000M20Bachelors Management020-1 Miles 1 or 0.00% rows
 28.992004-02-06Z1976-01-11ZM25001-50000M00High SchoolSkilled Manual125-10 Miles 1 or 0.00% rows
 28.992004-05-17Z1976-09-19ZM25001-50000M00Partial CollegeSkilled Manual115-10 Miles 1 or 0.00% rows
 68.972004-01-26Z1976-10-07ZS25001-50000F00Partial CollegeSkilled Manual011-2 Miles 1 or 0.00% rows
 2049.12003-01-11Z1976-07-19ZM50001-75000M00Partial CollegeSkilled Manual115-10 Miles 1 or 0.00% rows
 4.992004-01-02Z1975-11-13ZS25001-50000M00High SchoolSkilled Manual125-10 Miles 1 or 0.00% rows
 88.972004-01-28Z1974-02-07ZM25001-50000M00Partial CollegeSkilled Manual115-10 Miles 1 or 0.00% rows
 44.222003-12-26Z1974-11-12ZS25001-50000F00Partial CollegeSkilled Manual115-10 Miles 1 or 0.00% rows
 2071.422003-01-09Z1973-10-09ZS50001-75000F00Partial CollegeSkilled Manual011-2 Miles 1 or 0.00% rows
 4.992004-02-16Z1965-09-20ZM25001-50000M33Bachelors Skilled Manual112-5 Miles 1 or 0.00% rows
 68.972003-08-09Z1965-09-12ZS25001-50000M33Bachelors Skilled Manual112-5 Miles 1 or 0.00% rows
 33.982004-06-06Z1965-01-26ZS25001-50000F33Bachelors Skilled Manual112-5 Miles 1 or 0.00% rows
 118.962003-11-10Z1965-11-04ZS25001-50000F33Bachelors Skilled Manual020-1 Miles 1 or 0.00% rows
 67.932004-07-18Z1965-05-13ZS25001-50000F33Bachelors Skilled Manual020-1 Miles 1 or 0.00% rows
ModifiedDate, datetime2004-10-19 09:11:32.403 18 484 or 100.00% rows

Table: Sales.SalesOrderDetail, 121317 data rows

ColumnValues, 20 of 31465Count
SalesOrderID, int [43659;75123]51721 72 or 0.05% rows
 51739 72 or 0.05% rows
 51160 71 or 0.05% rows
 53465 71 or 0.05% rows
 47355 68 or 0.05% rows
 51120 67 or 0.05% rows
 57046 67 or 0.05% rows
 47395 66 or 0.05% rows
 51090 66 or 0.05% rows
 55297 66 or 0.05% rows
 46616 65 or 0.05% rows
 46981 65 or 0.05% rows
 47369 65 or 0.05% rows
 51751 65 or 0.05% rows
 57061 65 or 0.05% rows
 58918 65 or 0.05% rows
 51748 64 or 0.05% rows
 51774 62 or 0.05% rows
 51822 62 or 0.05% rows
 53560 62 or 0.05% rows
Distribution Chart for 'SalesOrderID', step is 629.28

ColumnValues, 20 of 3807Count
CarrierTrackingNumber, nvarchar(25)NULL 60 398 or 49.78% rows
 9429-430D-89 72 or 0.05% rows
 AF60-4F2F-9B 72 or 0.05% rows
 3F3F-4135-B0 71 or 0.05% rows
 D859-4DF3-84 71 or 0.05% rows
 6B7D-4E47-B5 68 or 0.05% rows
 6C2D-4670-B0 67 or 0.05% rows
 52CC-460F-B3 67 or 0.05% rows
 98F1-44B4-97 66 or 0.05% rows
 EBDE-4A71-8E 66 or 0.05% rows
 2455-4B60-A5 66 or 0.05% rows
 1264-43E6-B7 65 or 0.05% rows
 22E4-4440-81 65 or 0.05% rows
 B6B6-442B-8B 65 or 0.05% rows
 257C-4EC8-98 65 or 0.05% rows
 C48C-4776-A7 65 or 0.05% rows
 C811-4D40-80 65 or 0.05% rows
 1D77-486A-86 64 or 0.05% rows
 30BA-400A-89 62 or 0.05% rows
 EEEE-45C1-87 62 or 0.05% rows
ColumnValues, 20 of 41Count
OrderQty, smallint [1;44]1 74 954 or 61.78% rows
 2 14 200 or 11.70% rows
 3 10 058 or 8.29% rows
 4 7 494 or 6.17% rows
 5 4 386 or 3.61% rows
 6 3 298 or 2.71% rows
 7 1 735 or 1.43% rows
 8 1 521 or 1.25% rows
 9837 or 0.68% rows
 10768 or 0.63% rows
 12466 or 0.38% rows
 11392 or 0.32% rows
 14265 or 0.21% rows
 13230 or 0.18% rows
 16133 or 0.10% rows
 15119 or 0.09% rows
 18101 or 0.08% rows
 17 94 or 0.07% rows
 19 53 or 0.04% rows
 20 46 or 0.03% rows
Distribution Chart for 'OrderQty', step is 1.04878

ColumnValues, 20 of 266Count
ProductID, int [707;999]870 4 688 or 3.86% rows
 712 3 382 or 2.78% rows
 873 3 354 or 2.76% rows
 921 3 095 or 2.55% rows
 711 3 090 or 2.54% rows
 707 3 083 or 2.54% rows
 708 3 007 or 2.47% rows
 922 2 376 or 1.95% rows
 878 2 121 or 1.74% rows
 871 2 025 or 1.66% rows
 872 1 712 or 1.41% rows
 715 1 635 or 1.34% rows
 923 1 488 or 1.22% rows
 930 1 396 or 1.15% rows
 877 1 327 or 1.09% rows
 782 1 252 or 1.03% rows
 714 1 218 or 1.00% rows
 783 1 177 or 0.97% rows
 929 1 161 or 0.95% rows
 779 1 094 or 0.90% rows
Distribution Chart for 'ProductID', step is 5.84

SpecialOfferID, int [1;16]1115 884 or 95.52% rows
 2 3 428 or 2.82% rows
 3606 or 0.49% rows
 13524 or 0.43% rows
 14244 or 0.20% rows
 16169 or 0.13% rows
 7137 or 0.11% rows
 8 98 or 0.08% rows
 11 84 or 0.06% rows
 4 80 or 0.06% rows
 9 61 or 0.05% rows
 5 2 or 0.00% rows
Distribution Chart for 'SpecialOfferID', step is 1.25

ColumnValues, 20 of 287Count
UnitPrice, money [1.3282;3578.27]4.9900 8 827 or 7.27% rows
 34.9900 6 440 or 5.30% rows
 8.9900 4 470 or 3.68% rows
 2.2900 3 191 or 2.63% rows
 469.7940 2 969 or 2.44% rows
 3.9900 2 376 or 1.95% rows
 419.4589 2 198 or 1.81% rows
 21.9800 2 121 or 1.74% rows
 9.9900 2 025 or 1.66% rows
 24.9900 1 788 or 1.47% rows
 49.9900 1 736 or 1.43% rows
 539.9900 1 695 or 1.39% rows
 53.9900 1 596 or 1.31% rows
 28.8404 1 593 or 1.31% rows
 323.9940 1 590 or 1.31% rows
 3578.2700 1 551 or 1.27% rows
 20.1865 1 493 or 1.23% rows
 1430.4420 1 461 or 1.20% rows
 24.4900 1 430 or 1.17% rows
 1466.0100 1 417 or 1.16% rows
Distribution Chart for 'UnitPrice', step is 71.5388

UnitPriceDiscount, money [0;0.4].0000118 035 or 97.29% rows
 .0200 1 310 or 1.07% rows
 .0500606 or 0.49% rows
 .1500590 or 0.48% rows
 .2000231 or 0.19% rows
 .1000178 or 0.14% rows
 .4000169 or 0.13% rows
 .3500137 or 0.11% rows
 .3000 61 or 0.05% rows
Distribution Chart for 'UnitPriceDiscount', step is 0.0444444

ColumnValues, 20 of 1488Count
LineTotal, numeric [1.374;27893.6]4.990000 8 827 or 7.27% rows
 34.990000 6 440 or 5.30% rows
 8.990000 4 470 or 3.68% rows
 2.290000 3 191 or 2.63% rows
 3.990000 2 376 or 1.95% rows
 21.980000 2 121 or 1.74% rows
 9.990000 2 025 or 1.66% rows
 24.990000 1 788 or 1.47% rows
 49.990000 1 736 or 1.43% rows
 539.990000 1 695 or 1.39% rows
 53.990000 1 596 or 1.31% rows
 3578.270000 1 551 or 1.27% rows
 24.490000 1 430 or 1.17% rows
 35.000000 1 396 or 1.15% rows
 2294.990000 1 262 or 1.04% rows
 2384.070000 1 255 or 1.03% rows
 2319.990000 1 215 or 1.00% rows
 29.990000 1 161 or 0.95% rows
 2443.350000 1 145 or 0.94% rows
 21.490000 1 044 or 0.86% rows
Distribution Chart for 'LineTotal', step is 557.845

ColumnValues, 20 of 121316Count
rowguid, uniqueidentifierD884763F-F516-4E7A-930B-EE8DDA512440 2 or 0.00% rows
 B207C96D-D9E6-402B-8470-2CC176C42283 1 or 0.00% rows
 7ABB600D-1E77-41BE-9FE5-B9142CFC08FA 1 or 0.00% rows
 475CF8C6-49F6-486E-B0AD-AFC6A50CDD2F 1 or 0.00% rows
 04C4DE91-5815-45D6-8670-F462719FBCE3 1 or 0.00% rows
 5A74C7D2-E641-438E-A7AC-37BF23280301 1 or 0.00% rows
 CE472532-A4C0-45BA-816E-EEFD3FD848B3 1 or 0.00% rows
 80667840-F962-4EE3-96E0-AECA108E0D4F 1 or 0.00% rows
 E9D54907-E7B7-4969-80D9-76BA69F8A836 1 or 0.00% rows
 AA542630-BDCD-4CE5-89A0-C1BF82747725 1 or 0.00% rows
 AC769034-3C2F-495C-A5A7-3B71CDB25D4E 1 or 0.00% rows
 06A66921-6B9F-4199-A912-DDAFD383472B 1 or 0.00% rows
 0E371EE3-253E-4BB0-B813-83CF4224F972 1 or 0.00% rows
 419A1302-AC7A-4044-97B2-66D9D14CD02E 1 or 0.00% rows
 5D0B2B03-1D4C-4C34-9696-C14C58E7301C 1 or 0.00% rows
 EDE1759E-6733-4C7B-A43F-DC6F48002D8A 1 or 0.00% rows
 FE10BF09-D477-485B-9541-27AE8053A6D4 1 or 0.00% rows
 B136852E-24C9-4006-8048-B14AEFE6C337 1 or 0.00% rows
 F0F410B6-BC93-4D77-B70D-E4E2465D98EE 1 or 0.00% rows
 AE4CDA7D-9B6E-4ABB-A391-E9E9DDB10125 1 or 0.00% rows
ColumnValues, 20 of 1124Count
ModifiedDate, datetime2003-08-01 00:00:00.000 3 876 or 3.19% rows
 2003-09-01 00:00:00.000 3 852 or 3.17% rows
 2003-12-01 00:00:00.000 3 202 or 2.63% rows
 2004-06-01 00:00:00.000 3 126 or 2.57% rows
 2004-05-01 00:00:00.000 3 065 or 2.52% rows
 2003-11-01 00:00:00.000 3 030 or 2.49% rows
 2002-08-01 00:00:00.000 2 973 or 2.45% rows
 2002-11-01 00:00:00.000 2 351 or 1.93% rows
 2004-03-01 00:00:00.000 2 347 or 1.93% rows
 2003-05-01 00:00:00.000 2 319 or 1.91% rows
 2004-02-01 00:00:00.000 2 267 or 1.86% rows
 2003-07-01 00:00:00.000 2 224 or 1.83% rows
 2002-09-01 00:00:00.000 2 187 or 1.80% rows
 2004-04-01 00:00:00.000 1 963 or 1.61% rows
 2003-10-01 00:00:00.000 1 942 or 1.60% rows
 2002-12-01 00:00:00.000 1 743 or 1.43% rows
 2002-07-01 00:00:00.000 1 731 or 1.42% rows
 2003-06-01 00:00:00.000 1 713 or 1.41% rows
 2003-02-01 00:00:00.000 1 674 or 1.37% rows
 2004-01-01 00:00:00.000 1 484 or 1.22% rows

Table: Sales.SalesOrderHeader, 31465 data rows

RevisionNumber, tinyint [1;2]1 31 435 or 99.90% rows
 2 30 or 0.09% rows
Distribution Chart for 'RevisionNumber', step is 0.5

ColumnValues, 20 of 1124Count
OrderDate, datetime2004-05-01 00:00:00.000271 or 0.86% rows
 2004-03-01 00:00:00.000245 or 0.77% rows
 2004-02-01 00:00:00.000244 or 0.77% rows
 2003-12-01 00:00:00.000242 or 0.76% rows
 2003-08-01 00:00:00.000232 or 0.73% rows
 2003-11-01 00:00:00.000230 or 0.73% rows
 2004-06-01 00:00:00.000227 or 0.72% rows
 2003-09-01 00:00:00.000212 or 0.67% rows
 2004-04-01 00:00:00.000158 or 0.50% rows
 2003-10-01 00:00:00.000151 or 0.47% rows
 2002-08-01 00:00:00.000148 or 0.47% rows
 2003-05-01 00:00:00.000147 or 0.46% rows
 2003-02-01 00:00:00.000142 or 0.45% rows
 2004-01-01 00:00:00.000140 or 0.44% rows
 2002-11-01 00:00:00.000139 or 0.44% rows
 2002-12-01 00:00:00.000125 or 0.39% rows
 2003-06-01 00:00:00.000117 or 0.37% rows
 2003-03-01 00:00:00.000115 or 0.36% rows
 2002-09-01 00:00:00.000113 or 0.35% rows
 2003-07-01 00:00:00.000108 or 0.34% rows
ColumnValues, 20 of 1124Count
DueDate, datetime2004-05-13 00:00:00.000273 or 0.86% rows
 2004-03-13 00:00:00.000247 or 0.78% rows
 2004-02-13 00:00:00.000244 or 0.77% rows
 2003-12-13 00:00:00.000242 or 0.76% rows
 2003-08-13 00:00:00.000232 or 0.73% rows
 2003-11-13 00:00:00.000230 or 0.73% rows
 2004-06-13 00:00:00.000229 or 0.72% rows
 2003-09-13 00:00:00.000212 or 0.67% rows
 2004-04-13 00:00:00.000161 or 0.51% rows
 2003-10-13 00:00:00.000151 or 0.47% rows
 2002-08-13 00:00:00.000148 or 0.47% rows
 2003-05-13 00:00:00.000147 or 0.46% rows
 2003-02-13 00:00:00.000142 or 0.45% rows
 2004-01-13 00:00:00.000140 or 0.44% rows
 2002-11-13 00:00:00.000139 or 0.44% rows
 2002-12-13 00:00:00.000125 or 0.39% rows
 2003-06-13 00:00:00.000117 or 0.37% rows
 2003-03-13 00:00:00.000115 or 0.36% rows
 2002-09-13 00:00:00.000113 or 0.35% rows
 2003-07-13 00:00:00.000108 or 0.34% rows
ColumnValues, 20 of 1124Count
ShipDate, datetime2004-05-08 00:00:00.000273 or 0.86% rows
 2004-03-08 00:00:00.000247 or 0.78% rows
 2004-02-08 00:00:00.000244 or 0.77% rows
 2003-12-08 00:00:00.000242 or 0.76% rows
 2003-08-08 00:00:00.000232 or 0.73% rows
 2003-11-08 00:00:00.000230 or 0.73% rows
 2004-06-08 00:00:00.000229 or 0.72% rows
 2003-09-08 00:00:00.000212 or 0.67% rows
 2004-04-08 00:00:00.000161 or 0.51% rows
 2003-10-08 00:00:00.000151 or 0.47% rows
 2002-08-08 00:00:00.000148 or 0.47% rows
 2003-05-08 00:00:00.000147 or 0.46% rows
 2003-02-08 00:00:00.000142 or 0.45% rows
 2004-01-08 00:00:00.000140 or 0.44% rows
 2002-11-08 00:00:00.000139 or 0.44% rows
 2002-12-08 00:00:00.000125 or 0.39% rows
 2003-06-08 00:00:00.000117 or 0.37% rows
 2003-03-08 00:00:00.000115 or 0.36% rows
 2002-09-08 00:00:00.000113 or 0.35% rows
 2003-07-08 00:00:00.000108 or 0.34% rows
Status, tinyint [5;5]5 31 465 or 100.00% rows
OnlineOrderFlag, Flag1 27 659 or 87.90% rows
 0 3 806 or 12.09% rows
ColumnValues, 20 of 3807Count
PurchaseOrderNumber, OrderNumberNULL 27 659 or 87.90% rows
 PO522145787 1 or 0.00% rows
 PO18850127500 1 or 0.00% rows
 PO18473189620 1 or 0.00% rows
 PO18444174044 1 or 0.00% rows
 PO18009186470 1 or 0.00% rows
 PO16617121983 1 or 0.00% rows
 PO16588191572 1 or 0.00% rows
 PO16008173883 1 or 0.00% rows
 PO15428132599 1 or 0.00% rows
 PO14732180295 1 or 0.00% rows
 PO14123169936 1 or 0.00% rows
 PO14384116310 1 or 0.00% rows
 PO13978119376 1 or 0.00% rows
 PO13862153537 1 or 0.00% rows
 PO13775141242 1 or 0.00% rows
 PO12760141756 1 or 0.00% rows
 PO12412186464 1 or 0.00% rows
 PO11861165059 1 or 0.00% rows
 PO11049174786 1 or 0.00% rows
ColumnValues, 20 of 19119Count
AccountNumber, AccountNumber10-4030-011091 28 or 0.08% rows
 10-4030-011176 28 or 0.08% rows
 10-4030-011276 27 or 0.08% rows
 10-4030-011287 27 or 0.08% rows
 10-4030-011223 27 or 0.08% rows
 10-4030-011300 27 or 0.08% rows
 10-4030-011277 27 or 0.08% rows
 10-4030-011711 27 or 0.08% rows
 10-4030-011200 27 or 0.08% rows
 10-4030-011331 27 or 0.08% rows
 10-4030-011330 27 or 0.08% rows
 10-4030-011185 27 or 0.08% rows
 10-4030-011262 27 or 0.08% rows
 10-4030-011566 25 or 0.07% rows
 10-4030-011212 17 or 0.05% rows
 10-4030-011211 17 or 0.05% rows
 10-4030-011019 17 or 0.05% rows
 10-4030-011142 17 or 0.05% rows
 10-4030-011215 17 or 0.05% rows
 10-4030-011078 17 or 0.05% rows
ColumnValues, 20 of 19119Count
CustomerID, int [1;29483]11091 28 or 0.08% rows
 11176 28 or 0.08% rows
 11276 27 or 0.08% rows
 11287 27 or 0.08% rows
 11223 27 or 0.08% rows
 11300 27 or 0.08% rows
 11277 27 or 0.08% rows
 11711 27 or 0.08% rows
 11200 27 or 0.08% rows
 11331 27 or 0.08% rows
 11330 27 or 0.08% rows
 11185 27 or 0.08% rows
 11262 27 or 0.08% rows
 11566 25 or 0.07% rows
 11212 17 or 0.05% rows
 11211 17 or 0.05% rows
 11019 17 or 0.05% rows
 11142 17 or 0.05% rows
 11215 17 or 0.05% rows
 11078 17 or 0.05% rows
Distribution Chart for 'CustomerID', step is 589.64

ColumnValues, 20 of 19119Count
ContactID, int [1;19977]3715 28 or 0.08% rows
 15194 28 or 0.08% rows
 14649 27 or 0.08% rows
 15178 27 or 0.08% rows
 2397 27 or 0.08% rows
 12298 27 or 0.08% rows
 4055 27 or 0.08% rows
 17868 27 or 0.08% rows
 4609 27 or 0.08% rows
 11726 27 or 0.08% rows
 17161 27 or 0.08% rows
 11769 27 or 0.08% rows
 19732 27 or 0.08% rows
 19742 25 or 0.07% rows
 8900 17 or 0.05% rows
 11749 17 or 0.05% rows
 4332 17 or 0.05% rows
 12942 17 or 0.05% rows
 6640 17 or 0.05% rows
 14239 17 or 0.05% rows
Distribution Chart for 'ContactID', step is 399.52

SalesPersonID, int [268;290]NULL 27 659 or 87.90% rows
 277473 or 1.50% rows
 275450 or 1.43% rows
 279429 or 1.36% rows
 276418 or 1.32% rows
 285348 or 1.10% rows
 282271 or 0.86% rows
 281242 or 0.76% rows
 278234 or 0.74% rows
 283189 or 0.60% rows
 286175 or 0.55% rows
 287140 or 0.44% rows
 289130 or 0.41% rows
 290109 or 0.34% rows
 280 95 or 0.30% rows
 268 48 or 0.15% rows
 284 39 or 0.12% rows
 288 16 or 0.05% rows
Distribution Chart for 'SalesPersonID', step is 1.22222

TerritoryID, int [1;10]9 6 843 or 21.74% rows
 4 6 224 or 19.78% rows
 1 4 594 or 14.60% rows
 6 4 067 or 12.92% rows
 10 3 219 or 10.23% rows
 7 2 672 or 8.49% rows
 8 2 623 or 8.33% rows
 5486 or 1.54% rows
 3385 or 1.22% rows
 2352 or 1.11% rows
Distribution Chart for 'TerritoryID', step is 0.9

ColumnValues, 20 of 19119Count
BillToAddressID, int [405;29883]13550 28 or 0.08% rows
 25073 28 or 0.08% rows
 24521 27 or 0.08% rows
 25057 27 or 0.08% rows
 12222 27 or 0.08% rows
 22168 27 or 0.08% rows
 13890 27 or 0.08% rows
 27756 27 or 0.08% rows
 14444 27 or 0.08% rows
 21596 27 or 0.08% rows
 27048 27 or 0.08% rows
 21639 27 or 0.08% rows
 29638 27 or 0.08% rows
 29648 25 or 0.07% rows
 18754 17 or 0.05% rows
 21619 17 or 0.05% rows
 14167 17 or 0.05% rows
 22812 17 or 0.05% rows
 16480 17 or 0.05% rows
 24109 17 or 0.05% rows
Distribution Chart for 'BillToAddressID', step is 589.56

ColumnValues, 20 of 19119Count
ShipToAddressID, int [9;29883]13550 28 or 0.08% rows
 25073 28 or 0.08% rows
 24521 27 or 0.08% rows