
Table: 'Production.UnitMeasure'

3 fields. 122 bytes.

Unit of measure lookup table.

Field NameData TypeSizeOriginal TypeDefaultNullableDescriptionCheck
UnitMeasureCodenchar3  Not nullPrimary key. 
NameName nvarchar(50) Not nullUnit of measure description. 
ModifiedDatedatetime  getdate()Not nullDate and time the record was last updated. 

Extended Properties

The object has no extended properties.

Primary key for table 'Production.UnitMeasure'

Primary Key NameField Name
There are no Foreign Keys for this table.

Indexes for table 'Production.UnitMeasure', 2 items

Index NameDescriptionClusteredUniqueFields
PK_UnitMeasure_UnitMeasureCodeClustered index created by a primary key constraint.YesYesUnitMeasureCode
AK_UnitMeasure_NameUnique nonclustered index.NoYesName

Triggers for table 'Production.UnitMeasure', 1 item

uUnitMeasureAFTER UPDATE trigger setting the ModifiedDate column in the UnitMeasure table to the current date.after Update Yes

Dependencies for table 'Production.UnitMeasure', 1 item

Object NameTypeField Name