Command line options

DTM ODBC manager supports the following command line switches:

-is[<filename>] - import DSN definitions from the file as a system data sources

-iu[<filename>] - import DSN definitions from the file as a user data sources

-es[<filename>] - export all system DSNs definitions to the file

-eu[<filename>] - export all user DSNs definitions to the file

-eos<dsn> - export one system DSN definition to the file specified by -f parameter

-eou<dsn> - export one user DSN definition to the file specified by -f parameter

-rs<dsn> - remove one system DSN

-ru<dsn> - remove one user DSN

-f<filename> - specify the file name for export and import operations

-s<system> - remote system name

-esd:\dsndef_S2.dsn -sSERVER2
runs export system DSNs from SERVER2 to local file d:\dsndef_S2.dsn

-eu -f"d:\dsn definitions\user.dsn"
runs export local user DSNs to "d:\dsn definitions\user.dsn" file

'e' or 'i' specified parameter switches the program to console mode. The console mode is a mode when the program doesn't open any dialogs and doesn't need any interference from the user. This mode enables you to integrate the product with the Windows task scheduler as well as to execute packages prepared beforehand according to the schedule.