The program has test data generators menu. It contains a few most useful generators those can be selected by one click.

There are:
- "No value" makes empty value for node or attribute.
- "Constant" generates fixed value in any case.
- "Random String" create a random alphabetical string.
- "Random Integer Number".
- "Autoincremental Integer Value" creates a sequence of integer values with custom step (1 by default)
- "Random Float Number".
- "Random Date"
- "Random Time"
- "Full Name" generates first and last name string with space separator
- "First Name"
- "Last Name"
- "Phone (3+7)" generates phone number with area code.
- "E-mail"
- "Address" generates home and street address string.
- "Country"
- "State" retrieves random US State name from the predefined library.
- "City"
- "Street"
- "ZIP code"
- "Company" retrieves random company name from the predefined library.
- "Industry"
- "Web Site" generates string like ""
- "IP Address"
- Regular Expression
- Custom Generator
See also: generator options.