Output Options

The professional edition offers four output models:

  1. The software saves all generated files to user defined folder**.
  2. The tool writes generated file to standard output and can be used with redirection shell command '>' in console mode.
  3. It executes an external program for each generated file and passes it as command line parameter*
  4. The generator performs REST API call for defined host/port and path with PUT or POST method. It will send generated file with "application/text" content type.

The standard edition of DTM File Factory supports the first model only.

* - the user have to provide correct quoting if necessary, e.g.
"C:\Program Files\My software\executable" "$FILE$"

** - the following macros can be used as a part of the folder name: %APPDATA%, %DOCUMENTS%, %USERPROFILE%, %ALLUSERSPROFILE%

There are output options:

  • A number of files to be generated.
  • Output file encoding: UTF16, ANSI or UTF8.
  • 'Output folder' defines the folder where generated files will be stored. The Professional edition can split the file set to a few subfolders '1','2',...'N'. It is recommended for a number of files more than 10000 by file system performance limitation.
  • 'File pattern' defines the view of the file name. '*' sign will be replaced with a current number of the file starting 1. $DATE$ and $TIME$ macros can be used as a part of the template in the Professional edition of the software.
  • Command line for the third output model.
  • Server, port, path and call type for the fourth output model.

DTM File Factory: output options