This page helps you to select SQL files for scripts produced during clear, migration or import.
The program generates three optional scripts. There are: all statements, successfully executed statements and rejected statements. The user can switch each type on or off independently.
When "truncate file" option is switched off the program appends new statements to end of specified files.
"Don't execute" option instructs the migration kit to create SQL scripts only but do not actually execute them. Please note that "rejected" list is empty in this case: all statements will be marked as successfully executed.
Also, this page provides a way to specify SQL statement delimiter. The program will add it after each generated SQL statement. The user can select one of the predefined values like "go" or ";" or specify custom one.
The transaction size (200 statements by default) allows to tune program performance.
"0" value means automatic commit, i.e. each SQL statement is one transaction.