Built-in Data Generator

To make project rule more flexible the program contains simply data generator. It offers three predefined generators:

  1. Random integer. The user can specify value range.
  2. Random string. The user can specify length range and type of characters.
  3. Random date and/or time. The user can specify value format.

Moreover, the user can specify custom pattern for data generation. There are pattern items:

  • A - letter from 'A' to 'Z'.
  • a - letter from 'a' to 'z'.
  • N - digit from '0' to '9'.
  • X - hexadecimal digit from '0' to '9' and 'A' to 'F'.
  • {n} - repeater, value will be used from 1 to n times. n should be from 1 to 999.
  • {=n} - repeater, value will be used n times.
  • {n;m} - repeater, value will be used from n to m times. n should be less then m and both numbers from 1 to 999.
  • # - copy value of the last used block of elements signed by ( and ).
  • $<function>(<parameters>) - call built-in generator's function.
  • $$(<expression>) - calculate expression value.
Note: you can use '\' character for escape next mask sign. For example, \a will be used as a 'a' letter without any replacements.


DescriptionPatternSample results
IP address$Rint(0,255).$Rint(0,255).$Rint(0,255).$Rint(0,255)
From 3 to 5 days after today$$($Today(DD.MM.YYYY)+$RInt(3,5))14.12.2008
One year after some date$$($Date(12.10.2008,DD.MM.YYYY)+365)12.10.2009

Please contact our support staff if you have difficulties during complex patterns creation or built-in functions usage.