
There are three shortcuts groups: for primary connection, for secondary connection and common options.

Primary Connection Hot Keys

HotkeyFunction or Option
F2Show table content in the data grid
F3Open Unique key selection window
F4Run DTM Data Editor for the connection, if installed
F5Open SQL console for the connection

Secondary Connection Hot Keys

HotkeyFunction or Option
Ctrl+F2Show table content in the data grid
Ctrl+F3Open Unique key selection window
Ctrl+F4Run DTM Data Editor for the connection, if installed
Ctrl+F5Open SQL console for the connection

Common Hot Keys

HotkeyFunction or Option
Ctrl+LView log file
Ctrl+MOpen the mapping window
Ctrl+RRun compare process
Ctrl+YRun synchronization process
Ctrl+POpen Project properties
Ctrl+OLoad Project file from the disk
Ctrl+SSave Project file to the disk
F1Open help
F6Open face to face row viewer
F7Open settings window
F8Open report file created in the current product session